Proposing to add a collection of functions which can ultimately convert the response body from the Github API endpoint that we're hitting to traverse the file structure of a public repo to a "tree printout" of that repo's directory structure.
"Tree Printout" Features
The resulting "tree printout" that these functions can help you generate has the following features:
Markdown relative links to each corresponding folder in the repo
📂 emojis in front of each directory name
is this really a feature lol
Features Not Implemented
No descriptions or comments about the inferred purpose of each directory
I imagine that we as a team can talk about which common directory "types" we'd like to support
This is also a "fringe" feature, and isn't super high-priority, so we can do it later
Closes #6
Proposing to add a collection of functions which can ultimately convert the response body from the Github API endpoint that we're hitting to traverse the file structure of a public repo to a "tree printout" of that repo's directory structure.
"Tree Printout" Features
The resulting "tree printout" that these functions can help you generate has the following features:
Features Not Implemented