MLH-Fellowship / nodemaker

Desktop app and CLI utility for auto‑generating n8n nodes
MIT License
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Create Blog post and survey requesting feedback #18

Closed erin2722 closed 4 years ago

erin2722 commented 4 years ago
erin2722 commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am a part of a summer fellowship that is contributing to n8n. After creating a few regular nodes, we found the process to be repetitive and formulaic at times, and so we are creating a tool for the n8n community to generate the code for regular nodes. We are looking for community suggestions and feedback!

A rough draft of mockups is here. We would love feedback on the UI and the functionality that is outlined here in the README of this project.

Some of the main questions we are considering are: Would you use this as a CLI tool, a desktop app, or a web app?

erin2722 commented 4 years ago

@ivov @ianjennings I started writing a blog post for the n8n community asking questions about the nodemaker above ^^. What other questions do we have for the community about this, and what other additional information do you want to give them about out project?

ivov commented 4 years ago

Very quick thoughts:

I'll add more after lunch.

ivov commented 4 years ago
erin2722 commented 4 years ago

Request for feedback: Node Generator

Hello everyone,

I am a part of a summer fellowship that is contributing to n8n. After creating a few regular nodes, we decided to work on a tool to make it easier to make the nodes you need. We are looking for community suggestions and feedback!

Basically, our application is going to automate the creation of regular nodes (as they are generally just HTTP clients). Specifically, when you input the basics of your node (which resources, operations, and other input fields are needed), the nodemaker will return back the code for this node. This product will simplify node creation and helps PRs get merged faster because the nodemaker takes care of codebase conventions for you.

As long as the nodemaker directory is placed next to the n8n and n8n-docs folders, the nodemaker can generate and place the proper files to add in a new node to n8n.

These operations are currently supported:

Script Action
nodegen Generate *.node.ts, GenericFunctions.ts, *Description.ts (optional), and *.credentials.ts.
packgen Generate a package.json updated with node path and credential path insertions.
docsgen Generate a node functionality doc file and a node credential doc file in markdown.
icongen Generate five images as icon candidates.
resize Resize one of the generated icon candidates to a 60×60 px PNG file.
place Move files at /output to the n8n and n8n-docs repos.

A more detailed description of the nodemaker is here.

We would also love feedback on the UI mockups here.

Some of the main questions we are considering are: Would you use this as a CLI tool, a desktop app, or a web app?

Feel free to message me with any questions, comments, or concerns about this project.