The sh module is a subprocess replacement for Python. This might allow arbitrary command execution if user-controlled data is able to flow to some of this module's functions, so we should figure out how to model the functions in this library as RemoteCodeExecution sinks.
Submitting a PR
We use the following linters internally, so to save everyone's time, please make sure you run the following linters locally and fix errors related to the files you modified before submitting a PR:
black && usort format . && flake8
To install the linters, you can run the following command:
The sh module is a
replacement for Python. This might allow arbitrary command execution if user-controlled data is able to flow to some of this module's functions, so we should figure out how to model the functions in this library asRemoteCodeExecution
sinks.Submitting a PR
We use the following linters internally, so to save everyone's time, please make sure you run the following linters locally and fix errors related to the files you modified before submitting a PR:
To install the linters, you can run the following command: