MLH-Fellowship / react-native-tutorial

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Document CLI and tutorial workflow #41

Open StuffByLiang opened 3 years ago

StuffByLiang commented 3 years ago


One of the main goals this fall was to build a scaffold/basic structure for a react native tutorial project, and to plan out how the end user would go from start to finish while navigating through each tutorial step.

Approach Summary

Our approach was to use git to manage the tutorial steps.

The user would clone the tutorial repository, which is the default react-native application shell and would immediately work on step one. Once finished, their code would be ran against a set of test suites created for that tutorial step, and upon passing, the set of tests for the next tutorial step would automatically be added to the project and the user would continue to work on the next task.

Implementation Details

When do we run the test suite against their code?

Command Line Interface Implementation

Libraries used