MLJejuCamp2017 / DRL_based_SelfDrivingCarControl

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DQN) based Self Driving Car Control with Vehicle Simulator
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Running Simulator #29

Closed RifkyYP closed 3 years ago

RifkyYP commented 3 years ago


do i need to install other dependencies, like unity3d, to run this simulator? because the simulator always got crash and not responding when the progress is still observing. And also do you have any idea to make the simulator running smoothly on my PC? btw I run this simulator with: CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 4600H @3.00 GHz GPU : NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 Memory : 8GB

Kyushik commented 3 years ago

Hello. Thanks for using my simulator! The screen of the simulator is updated every 100 step for speeding up the RL calculation. After the training is finished, please change the train_mode to False. Then the screen of the simulator is updated every step and runs smoothly.

RifkyYP commented 3 years ago

its' work. Thank you. Another question, does this program already supported for GPU computation or i need to set it by myself depend on my PC specification?

Kyushik commented 3 years ago

If you want to use GPU, you should install tensorflow-gpu. Then you can use GPU for running this program.