MLWebTechnologies / PrayerCenter

Online Prayer component
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PrayerCenter 3.0.6 Request form from menu item give 404 page not found when submitted. #32

Open GODpleasers opened 4 years ago

GODpleasers commented 4 years ago

PrayerCenter 3.0.6 Request form from menu item give 404 page not found when submitted.

dalbring commented 4 years ago

I am having the same problem. I tried editing the PCCheckEmail funtion, like you said for someone else to do in a previous post from Oct 2018, where you said to swap out list( $username , $domaintld ) = preg_split( "/\@/" , $email ); with list( $username , $domaintld ) = explode( "/\@/" , $email ); although the code doesn't look identical to what you said in the post I mentioned. Any rate, it didn't work. I still get this: Not Found The requested URL /prayercenter/newreq was not found on this server.

GODpleasers commented 4 years ago

Hi for anyone having this problem we found the fix here is how to solve it...

go to /components/com_prayercenter/views/newreq/tmpl/default.php

(somewhere around line 129) find and replace $return = base64_encode($livesite.'prayer/newreq');

Replace that with... $return = base64_encode($livesite.'index.php?option=com_prayercenter&task=newreq&Itemid=637');