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[Feature] allow disabling fuzzy search \ changing how Usage ranking works #824

Open FarisZR opened 1 month ago

FarisZR commented 1 month ago

I think it would be useful if it was possible to disable fuzzy search, for the apps at least.

I face this often, I write elem for Element, but I get Telegram as the first result.

Maybe this is due to usage ranking? Perhaps it should be per search query, Like Telegram is always opened with search queries starting with tele, however Element is frequently opened with queries starting with elem, even though Telegram is used more, Element shows up as the first result for elem.

derei commented 1 month ago

@FarisZR Why don't you pin to favorites the apps you use the most? Secondly, you could use tags to group apps that you want to appear together in Favorites, if you don't want those apps pinned. A tag can be associated with only one app, if you want to isolate it from others, or to more apps if you want them all to be quickly accessible. And as one app can have multiple tags, you can combine groups.

For example, I have several apps that require Shizuku, but the apps are for various purposes/categories. However, with a clever tags arrangement (Shizuku app has associated the relevant tag from all those apps), whenever I choose one such category, Shizuku is there too, handy to quickly turn on.

But I'm digressing now. The point is there is no need to change the search method. There are already options in place to adapt things to your needs. And lastly, if you type "elem", and you are getting two results: element; telegram; I'm pretty sure is not difficult to simply tap on the one you want, is it?

FarisZR commented 1 month ago

I'm just used to clicking enter and it opening the right app, which it does 90% of the time 😅