MM2-0 / Kvaesitso

A search-focused Android launcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Improved Tags Switching #827

Open derei opened 1 month ago

derei commented 1 month ago

Currently, there is the Favorites tag, and then all tags the user pins in Favorites. And user can switch between tags, but only one tag at a time can be active.

This, whilst works, it can be improved.

Why is this better?

In conclusion, eliminating Favorites tag as selectable and visible element, making "favorites" the fallback, and enabling selection toggle for tags, would make the experience smoother, more intuitive, flexible, and would require fewer actions to achieve certain outcomes.

exstntlmsnthrp commented 1 month ago

This, is actually a very respectable idea. I think implementing something similar to this may also resolve quite a number of other feature requests related to this topic. At least to me, this seems to be, probably, the best proposal yet.

MM2-0 commented 1 month ago

I have thought about this as well, I'm just not a huge fan of this empty space when you have no tags pinned:

Screenshot_20240517-212420_Kvaesitso Nightly 2

derei commented 1 month ago

@MM2-0 The toggle function on tags could be implemented regardless, as it would enhance the overall functionality and UX. As for the Favoritrs tag visibility, it could be implemented in settings as an option to turn it off for who doesn't want it.

As I prefer to use tags, that space won't ever be empty for me, but I do find the Favorites tag redundant.