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Chore: migrate OSM parsing of opening-hours to external library #860

Open Sir-Photch opened 1 month ago

Sir-Photch commented 1 month ago

I have come accross some cases where our current parsing of the OSM opening_hours tag is not correct. While digging into the issue, I discovered that in the meantime of merging the OSM PR, some new libraries for just that have popped up. One of them is which is also used in

I suggest migrating to that library instead of re-inventing the wheel, since also, our implementation does not cover month- or season-specific opening hours. What do you think?

Also, would you prefer this change to be a seperate PR or can I just include it in #772?

MM2-0 commented 1 month ago

Feel free. Does that require any changes to the OpeningSchedule interface? Or is it just an implementation detail?

Also, would you prefer this change to be a seperate PR or can I just include it in

I'd prefer it in a separate PR, so that it doesn't block #772 from being merged.

Sir-Photch commented 1 month ago

Does that require any changes to the OpeningSchedule interface?

Probably not; Creating some OpeningSchedule instance from results returned by that library should still be possible. We can also just skip tracking any season- or month specifics since we only show weekly previews; That is, I'd create the OpeningSchedule instance based on the library result and the users LocalTime.