MM2-0 / Kvaesitso

A search-focused Android launcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Idea] Multiple Widget Sets for different situations #886

Open AllesMeins opened 1 week ago

AllesMeins commented 1 week ago

Don't want to call it a "request", because I'm not sure if this is already out of scope - but it would be amazing (and something that would fit very well for the minimalistic approach of this launcher).

General idea I noticed that I use different widgets at different times of the day. E.g. in the morning I want to know the weather and maybe some traffic information for my commute. During office hours I need more work-focused widgets and in the evening I might need my shopping list or a fitness widget for my training routine. Currently this would lead to a very long list of widgets to scroll through. So I was wondering: What if I could define "widget sets" together with some condition which set should be displayed. So I would create a "morning set" which is displayed from 6 to 10 and after that my "work set" is displayed.

How could this work?

I know this is nothing you hack together in an afternoon, but I think this could greatly improve Kvaestso - and it is something I haven't seen in any other launcher so far.

And come to think of it: If building such a condition-system is too much, an alternative might be to just have the different widget-sets and let tasker or a similar app handle the conditions and trigger the set-change.

MM2-0 commented 1 week ago

That's actually a pretty cool idea. I don't have the time to build this right now, but I will put it on my "maybe someday" list and I'll keep it in mind when I touch the widgets in the future.