This repository contains the code used to create large-scale 2D distributions of eDNA from three marine mammal species using a GAM approach. The associated manuscript is currently in preparation for publication.
Also note that Step2 creates an object md.taxa.long.formated.env083 but Step3 loads and uses md.taxa.long.formated.env083.uniq<-read.csv("./dataframes/md.taxa.long.formated.env083.uniq.csv"). Should these be the same? Where is the .uniq version created?
I think the indexing in lines 33:40 may be off by 1? I changed it to
Laob.unique_083_F <- Laob.unique_083_F_A %>% dplyr::select(c(40,25:27,41:57))
Meno.unique_083_F <- Meno.unique_083_F_A %>% dplyr::select(c(40,25:27,41:57))
Grgr.unique_083_F <- Grgr.unique_083_F_A %>% dplyr::select(c(40,25:27,41:57))
And the models ran.
Also note that Step2 creates an object md.taxa.long.formated.env083 but Step3 loads and uses md.taxa.long.formated.env083.uniq<-read.csv("./dataframes/md.taxa.long.formated.env083.uniq.csv"). Should these be the same? Where is the .uniq version created?