MMF-FE / svgicon

SVG icon components and tool set
MIT License
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使用不方便 #145

Closed xmasuhai closed 3 years ago

xmasuhai commented 3 years ago

每次导入都需要写明具体的路径 import arrowData from 'svgfilepath/arrow.svg' ,不方便 封装一个属性名来直接提供给组件 像这样使用: <my-icon name="icon-down"/>,路径只需写例如 ./src/assets/icons ,而不是 ./src/assets/icons/icon-down.svg

Allenice commented 3 years ago

vue ? 你可以使用 transformAssetUrls, 目前除了使用 vite 没有支持, 其他都支持。推荐使用 vue-cli 插件

Allenice commented 3 years ago

xmasuhai commented 3 years ago


bill-lee-aics commented 3 years ago

Here is my Icon component with vite import.meta.globEager (or lazy import with import.meta.glob) (code is written with vue-jsx, vue-jss, and typescript)

import { VueSvgIcon } from '@yzfe/vue3-svgicon';
import { computed, defineComponent, Ref, toRefs } from 'vue';
import { useTheme } from 'vue-jss';

import { Theme } from '@/constants/theme';

// import all svg file under svg-icon
// NOTE: folder name must be svg-icon, and the files would pass to svgicon loader (defined in vite.config)
const modules = import.meta.globEager('./svg-icon/*.svg');

const Icon = defineComponent({
  name: 'Icon',
  props: { icon: String, color: { type: String, default: '#000' }, size: { type: Number, default: 24 } },
  setup(props) {
    // @ts-expect-error: vue-jss suck
    const theme: Ref<Theme> = useTheme<Theme>();
    const { icon, color, size } = toRefs(props);

    const iconData = computed(() => modules[`./svg-icon/${icon.value}.svg`]?.default);

    const processedColor = computed(() => theme.value.palette[color.value]?.main ?? color.value);

    return () => <VueSvgIcon data={iconData.value} width={size.value} color={processedColor.value} />;

export default Icon;

and the usage

<Icon icon="close" size={24} color="primary" />

<Icon icon="arrow-left" size={24} color="#f00" />