MMMaellon / LightSync

Efficiently syncs objects with UdonSharp.
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LightSync breaks upon uploading or testing builds #1

Closed Hunterk1241 closed 3 months ago

Hunterk1241 commented 3 months ago

I used this alongside a few prefabs for my world and it causes errors of invalid objects. It is perfectly fine when unpacking the prefab with no issues. image I tried to set it up inside and outside of the prefab individually and neither worked properly. I hope that this does get resolved!

Hunterk1241 commented 3 months ago

It seems to have gotten worse where it seems that LightSync is completely impossible to make a test build with, even after unpacking prefabs. image image image image Looking at the code, it seems that this part is the issue image It seems that _allowedBones is conflicting with allowedBones.

Hunterk1241 commented 3 months ago

Seems that quoting that section I mentioned completely fixed the problem for now as it gets fixed. it does create quite a few errors in the editor but works in-game image

Update: To further fix it; I quoted out the #else section entirely and there is not a single error from testing and everything seems to work as intended. image I hope this was useful for a patch to my issue!

Hunterk1241 commented 3 months ago

It also seems that under LightSyncEnhancementWithData has something that does not exist on Android and causes errors, making Android compiling impossible. image Commenting it out fixed the issue with no errors and allowed me to upload my world to VRChat.

MMMaellon commented 3 months ago

Interesting that the compiler flags seem to be different on Android. I wonder why. Also I'm surprised this didn't break anything else because I use those kinds of if statements everywhere. one of the design philosophies of LightSync is to over-engineer the editor scripts so that only the minimum is happening at runtime. I'll see if I can keep that else section commented out.

MMMaellon commented 3 months ago

Fixed by It means we get more warnings in the console, but it's better than completely breaking