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重要翻译问题 #10

Open mzkysn0417 opened 2 months ago

mzkysn0417 commented 2 months ago


  1. I have certainly had more than my share of things to worry about. 意为“我(遇到的)担心的事比我应当担心的要多”,而非“我不会和他人分享所有我担心的事情”,翻译完全没理解这句话的含义
  2. People often disappoint me. 应为“人们经常令我失望”,而非“人们经常对我失望”,意思完全颠倒了
  3. When I am sad or blue, it is my work that suffers. “我的抑郁情绪主要来自于工作”错误,应为“当我抑郁(情绪低落)时,我的工作会受到(较为重大的直接)影响”


  1. I sometimes tease animals. “tease”不一定指代“怀有恶意地戏弄”,直接翻译成“有时我会戏弄小动物”就行了
  2. Sometimes without any reason or even when things are going wrong, I feel excitedly happy or "on top of the world". 应补充“没有任何原因”
  3. I am not usually self-conscious. “self-conscious”的意思并非“难为情”,这个词比较难翻译成中文,但“我通常不会感到不自在”比“我不容易感到难为情”似乎更贴切些
  4. No one cares much about what happens to you. 原翻译“我认为没有人关心我经历了什么”意思有一定偏差,应为“没有人关心你经历了什么”,这个问题应当是询问提问者对别人的态度
  5. Often, even though everything is going fine for me, I feel that I don't care about anything. 不应该是“我也不会感到愉快”,而是“我仍然觉得我什么也不在乎”
  6. One or more members of my family are very nervous. “我的一些家庭成员过于敏感”翻译成“我的一些家庭成员(经常)神经紧绷”或者“过于紧张”更好些
  7. When a man is with a woman he is usually thinking about things related to her sex. “想着与性相关的事情”错误,应为“想着与她的性征相关的事情”
  8. Dirt frightens or disgusts me. 不是“脏东西”而是“灰土”
  9. I have a daydream life about which I do not tell other people. 应补充“而我并不会跟别人提起”
  10. I sometimes seem to hear my thoughts being spoken out loud. 不是“被大声地说了出来”而是“被说出声”


mzkysn0417 commented 2 months ago

补充:262. In a group of people, I would not be embarrassed to be called upon to start a discussion or give an opinion about something I know well. 我不会在人群中因为被要求发表意见或开启话题而感到尴尬。”有必要补充,是“开启或发表对于我_了解的事物_的观点”

  1. There was never a time in my life when I liked to play with dolls. “dolls”不应该是“毛绒玩具或是抱枕”,就是纯粹的“娃娃”
MMPI-CHN commented 2 months ago



305 338 566 68 335 400 262 明显有错 已订正 226 莫名就是没有原因的意思 306 413 272 不确定 436 不确定 但是采用MMPI-1翻译:“一个男人和一个女人相处的时候,他通常想到的是关于她的性方面的事” 447 google和deepl都说是污垢的意思 448 这话不好翻,找了个润大哥问了下,应该是那么翻 551 同上
