MMRIZE / MMM-TelegramBot

TelegramBot module for remote-controlling MagicMirror
MIT License
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telecast messages Emojis not displayed correctly #41

Closed Ragziesoft closed 4 years ago

Ragziesoft commented 4 years ago

The module is working perfectly in all aspects. However, when i send a /telecast message with Emojis from the bot the Emojis are displayed as simple outline images (Screenshot attached) . Also the profile picture of sender is not displayed on the screen instead the first letter of the name is displayed even though the sender has set a profile picture. Is there any configuration i have missed or need to do?


eouia commented 4 years ago

emoji is dependent on the system and emoji-font. For example, smile emoji on iPhone and Andriod are different.

For the picture.. hmmm.. not able to say anything without log. Check your cache folder.

Ragziesoft commented 4 years ago

Well I am sending telecast messages from an Android phone. OP6T with latest OS. Of course the Emojis display okay on the phone chat message. The Cache folder is empty no Log. 'Verbose' is set to 'true'.

eouia commented 4 years ago

emoji is just Unicode set not image itself and how it has to be displayed is dependent on the client. As you see above links, Each environment has different emoji icon for the same code. And for the Chromium of Raspbian, there is no color emoji font in the system by default. (as far as I know) You need to import MS's Segeo or Google's Noto to get full color emoji fonts.

Try this. (I didn't test so not guarantee)

cd ~
mkdir ~/tmp
cd tmp
mv zipdown-segoeuiemoji-132714.htm
mkdir /home/pi/.fonts &>/dev/null
mv seguiemj.ttf "/home/pi/.fonts/Segoe UI.ttf"
mv NotoColorEmoji.ttf "/home/pi/.fonts/Noto Color Emoji.ttf"
fc-cache -f -v &>/dev/null
rm -r ~/tmp
Ragziesoft commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the help. I did as suggested and got it working. The Emojis are being displayed now. emoji So one issue solved. Thanks. However, the sender profile picture is not displaying as can be seen from the attached screenshot. Any solution for this? Thanks for all your help.

eouia commented 4 years ago

Hmmm if your profile "HAVE" a profile picture, image should be displayed.

Test this;

But if not there... Hmmm. I don't know why at this moment.

idem2lyon commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have my Profile picture, no problem, but I can't see my emoji (I do the trick but still unicolor emoji) and my stickers sent. image

Other issue, if I send 2 or 3 pictures, position of my whole magicmirror change... image

Do you have the same?

bugsounet commented 4 years ago

I will try to add it in installer with special npm command ;)

bugsounet commented 4 years ago

coded with the latest version ;)

Ragziesoft commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update. It works