MMostavi / CNNCancerType

This is the repository for paper titled as "Convolutional neural network models for cancer type prediction based on gene expression".
11 stars 3 forks source link

Preprocessed data? #1

Closed rezacsedu closed 4 years ago

rezacsedu commented 4 years ago

@MMostavi, are the following files available for research purposes:

  1. TCGA_new_pre_second.pckl
  2. TCGA_new_pre_first.pckl
MMostavi commented 4 years ago

Hi Reza,

I added the link to the data files in the read me.

Good luck

rezacsedu commented 4 years ago

@MMostavi, thanks a million.

rezacsedu commented 4 years ago

@MMostavi, sorry again. The link you provided is asking for permission. Maybe you want to enable the public link sharing option?

MMostavi commented 4 years ago

I just edited the link. I apologize for the inconvenience