MOB-2-9 / Petulia-T1

Apache License 2.0
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Organization List #22

Closed anikamorris closed 3 years ago

anikamorris commented 3 years ago

User Story

As a user I can view all the welfare organizations so that I learn more about them


There will be a horizontal list of all the organizations. Each time a new one is scrolled to, the location and name update. There will also be a button for seeing the organization's detail page and another for going to their website. The address, contact info, and social media links will be available in drop downs.


List resources needed to execute the task.

Additional context

Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 5 36 10 PM Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 5 36 22 PM

Story Points

How many points is this story worth 5