MODFLOW-USGS / modflow6

USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
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different solver settings for steady-state and transient simulations? #1979

Open RyanConway91 opened 1 month ago

RyanConway91 commented 1 month ago

It would be great if a user could use a different solver settings for SS and transient kpers of a simulation. For example, I am calibrating a model which has an initial SS kper followed by transient kpers. I want give the simulation a lot of outer iterations for the initial SS and much less for the transient kpers (the transient kpers are prone to oscillation during calibration, and I want to stop the solve and move the next kper if this is happening rather than ride out 1000 iterations where all progress was made in the first 20).

An approach similar to the NO_PTC FIRST would also work well for this.

rhugman commented 1 month ago

A workaround is to apply such rules using the 'modflowapi'.