While working on the Trout Lake proof-of-concept (POC) model, rather large mass balance discrepancies were noted in the MT3D-USGS listing file. Originally, an issue was reported in the Trout_Lake repo. However, after rerunning the POC model with Vivek's f4c72e9 commit, percent discrepancies are now small.
A review of the maximum concentrations during each time step of the POC model shows no abhorrent concentrations, they are close to the same as before the commit, if a little smaller.
While working on the Trout Lake proof-of-concept (POC) model, rather large mass balance discrepancies were noted in the MT3D-USGS listing file. Originally, an issue was reported in the Trout_Lake repo. However, after rerunning the POC model with Vivek's f4c72e9 commit, percent discrepancies are now small.