MOIMOB / drinkable

Drinkable is an app which help you find cocktails that you could make today with ingredients from home
MIT License
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Inclusion of all IBA Cocktails #277

Open anton-gustafsson opened 1 year ago

anton-gustafsson commented 1 year ago

Drinkable should include all cocktails listed in the International Bartenders Association (IBA). The IBA sets industry standards for cocktail recipes.

anton-gustafsson commented 1 year ago

On this page

Run this script to get all the names let nodeList = document.getElementsByClassName("et_pb_salvattore_content")[0].querySelectorAll('h3 > a'); let names = [...nodeList].map(x => x.text); console.log(names);

hadesxp commented 3 months ago

And another person who likes to have some more cocktails added, as mentioned here from IBA and here from another DB:

I would like to see: Corn 'n Oil, but there are many recipies out there, same ingedrients mostly, but the amounts differ.

And then there is this book on my shelf named "The Savoy cocktail book" which I would like to add/merge/translate/convert units - how can we participate?

anton-gustafsson commented 3 months ago

Yes! I could write a guide on how to contribute with new recipes, will add to

Neriderc commented 1 month ago

Guide to contributing recipes would be good!

There are a bunch of recipes that need adjustments (especially where they expect ingredients not covered in the ingredients list!). Having a guide for contributing recipes would be helpful for this.

anton-gustafsson commented 1 month ago

@Neriderc I have updated the readme with guides to add new ingredient and cocktails. Would be great if anyone tried it out and provided feedback if I need to be more in depth 🚀

Neriderc commented 1 month ago

@anton-gustafsson I think there's enough information there for me. Probably anyone that's going to do a pull request will find that you've provided enough info.

Maybe one suggestion is a brief overview of the structure. To add a cocktail, the ingredients are added in one file, the amounts are added in another, the display name of the cocktail is in a different file, and the instructions are in yet another. Maybe a short intro at the start of the Contributing section to explain this would help?

anton-gustafsson commented 1 month ago

@Neriderc Thank you! I agree