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Update LPI form #22

Open ElectricGr opened 1 year ago

ElectricGr commented 1 year ago

@ElectricGr this is the issue list for the LPI form from a while back. Please update protocol-related items as needed

ElectricGr commented 1 year ago

Comments on 2/17/2023 version of LPI form

HarpoMark commented 1 year ago
wright13 commented 1 year ago

Disregard the lookup lists in this form for now - they are placeholders and we'll update them once all the survey forms are otherwise complete.

Question about "Do not autofill overstory as 'not present'. If possible, add question that asks if overstory is present on transect. If answer is no, then overstory is autofilled with 'not present'. If answer is yes, then overstory field is blank." - what is the purpose of this? It seems like it just adds a needless extra click. This question is at the transect level, not for every point

wright13 commented 1 year ago
wright13 commented 1 year ago

@ElectricGr - send Sarah updated code lists

wright13 commented 1 year ago

This is mostly a note to self to remember where I left off today: Fixed issue with dead and live getting counted as duplicates. Working on setting it up to test for duplicates in manually entered species (species dropdown set to "other") as well. Running into a bug with this, need to test on device. Also need to test number pad on device. Need to figure out how to disable new repeat records if canopy set to "none present"

ElectricGr commented 1 year ago

Can you change the form so that Soil Surface and Disturbance are on separate lines. On a phone, the soil surface field is too narrow to visualize the value once it is selected.

wright13 commented 1 year ago

Yep I noticed that earlier today, should already be fixed

wright13 commented 1 year ago

@ElectricGr and @HarpoMark Excluding location info and lookup lists (to be added/updated later), I think I've addressed all the issues we found in the LPI form. One thing to test out: it no longer pre-sets the number of transect points. I changed this because I often found myself wanting to go back to the previous point immediately after creating a new one. The only way to do this is to delete the new (empty) point, or fill in the data for the new point so that required fields don't prevent you from navigating back to the previous point. With a pre-set number of transect points, you can't delete here we are. Let me know what you think - there are tradeoffs either way, and it's easy to change it back. It does check before survey submission that there are 50 transect points.

ElectricGr commented 1 year ago

Sarah, that seems fine.

ElectricGr commented 1 year ago


LPI updates

wright13 commented 1 year ago

@ElectricGr How do you want the plant lists in this form to be filtered? Currently filtering everything on park. Should overstory, canopy, or shrub height species be filtered by habit as well?

ElectricGr commented 1 year ago

Filter shrub height by lifeform, shrub and tree only. Do not filter overstory and canopy.

wright13 commented 1 year ago
ElectricGr commented 1 year ago

@HarpoMark @wright13

Can you add a Dead? Yes/No for when a plant base is recorded as a soil surface?