MONEI / MONEI-PrestaShop

MONEI PrestaShop Official Module
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Multibanco pending payments are marked as accepted in PrestaShop #17

Closed jimmyn closed 1 week ago

jimmyn commented 3 months ago

Payments with Multibanco are async, the user is shown the instructions to complete the payment in the ATM, but payment stays in PENDING_PROCESSING status.

When payment is completed, MONEI will send the notification to the callbackUrl with the payment status.

Make sure that the payment is marked as pending in PrestaShop until the payment status has changed to SUCCEEDED or FAILED

jimmyn commented 1 month ago

It appears that this issue remains unresolved.

We need to ensure that the order status is updated whenever we receive a successful callback. For Multibanco payments, the first callback will indicate a PENDING_PROCESSING status, while the SUCCEEDED status is only notified once the customer completes the payment.

presteamshop commented 1 month ago

It appears that this issue remains unresolved.

We need to ensure that the order status is updated whenever we receive a successful callback. For Multibanco payments, the first callback will indicate a PENDING_PROCESSING status, while the SUCCEEDED status is only notified once the customer completes the payment.


After several tests, I have not found any issues with the reported problem. The code works well, whether the order is created from the start before the redirection or only generated when the payment is successful.

We would need to check the probe/log within Monei for that specific transaction and know the response given by the store's server when the callback was made. This is the only way to determine if there was an error in communicating the successful payment.