we have a big problem using mutation customerRecover; can someone help us, writing a practical example?
We tried several ways including this
const query = 'mutation customerRecover($email: String!) { customerRecover(email: $email) { customerUserErrors { code field message } } }'; const variables = { "email": 'test@test.com' } shopify .graphql(query, variables) ... ...
but there are always errors like "Field 'customerRecover' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'" or "Variable $email is declared by customerRecover but not used".
we have a big problem using mutation customerRecover; can someone help us, writing a practical example? We tried several ways including this
const query = 'mutation customerRecover($email: String!) { customerRecover(email: $email) { customerUserErrors { code field message } } }'; const variables = { "email": 'test@test.com' } shopify .graphql(query, variables) ... ...
but there are always errors like "Field 'customerRecover' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'" or "Variable $email is declared by customerRecover but not used".
Thanks a lot.