MONOGRID / gainmap-js

A Javascript (TypeScript) Port of Adobe Gainmap Technology for storing HDR Images using an SDR Image + a gainmap
MIT License
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feat(core): enables user to specify the renderTarget (and toDataTexture) options #17

Closed daniele-pelagatti closed 7 months ago

daniele-pelagatti commented 7 months ago

related issue: #14

The library will no more generate mipmaps by default but will require to explicitly enable them, also, in general, the library will assume a more 'un-opinionated' stance regarding the output texture options.

BREAKING CHANGE: generateMipmaps is no longer true by default, both minFilter is no longer LinearMipMapLinearFilter by default but LinearFilter, wrapS and warpT are no longer RepeatWrapping by default but ClampToEdgeWrapping