MORE-Platform / more-app-multiplatform

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Mark message as read item on tapped notification item including time-passed/completed observation! #225

Open alireza-dhp opened 5 months ago

alireza-dhp commented 5 months ago

It is ideal to mark the notification message as read when a user taps on a notification including time-passed/completed observation. This functionality is available when user taps on a simple notification message!

andresgruber commented 4 months ago

Dear @alireza-dhp : Please clarify this issue:

There is a bug on iOS ? and/or on Android? (version ?) with not marking action notifications as unread by tapping on it (from the notification center of the mobile? from the notification page within the app?)

And the required behaviour is not entirely clear to me:

Is it: "Every tap on a notification message (irrespective whether its a simple notification or a action notification), from within the notification page of the app should mark the notification as read" ?

alireza-dhp commented 4 months ago

Dear @andresgruber,

The issue has been identified on iOS (version 3.0.8, redlink-staging branch) within the app's notification page. The intended behavior is that when a user taps (for the first time) on an action notification where the corresponding observation has already been completed or time has passed, the message status should change to "read" (disappearing the red bolt point is intended). Currently, on iOS, tapping these notifications navigates to the observation details (which is fine), but the message status remains unread (the red bolt point is displayed).

The current behavior is accurate for simple notifications and action notifications where the corresponding observation has not been finished or time has not elapsed.

I am currently unable to test this on Android as tapping on Action Notifications is not functional on that platform (refer to: However, it is crucial to ensure that the same functionality is implemented on Android once the issue is resolved for iOS.

Please let me know if you need further description.

alireza-dhp commented 4 months ago

Dear @andresgruber, We have this issue on Android as well. I tested it after version 3.0.10 was released.

alireza-dhp commented 3 months ago

Dear @janoliver20, @andresgruber

Thank you for addressing the issue.

Regarding PR #236, one recommendation is that when a participant taps on an action notification that has been passed but not completed, instead of indicating it with a green tick (which might imply the participant filled in the observation), it could be labeled as "read" only. (In this scenario, the intention is to remove the red bullet point.)