MORE-Platform / more-app-multiplatform

The mobile application for the MORE platform.
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Show T&S- and Privacy Policy-Information to the User #249

Open ja-fra opened 2 months ago

ja-fra commented 2 months ago


On startup, we want to have the possibility to show additional info-screens about "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" to the user. We distinguish between two levels of such info-screens: (a) General (generic) T&S for the MORE App as it comes from the App Stores, and (b) the T&S of the Institution running a study.

While for (a) the source of the T&S need to be defined during the release process, in (b) the source can be configured in the study manager.

The following chart shows a possible workflow for such additional screens (new screens highlighted):

title: MORE App Storybook (Launching the App)
flowchart TD
classDef default stroke-width:2px,fill:none,color:#6e8fac,stroke:#6e8fac
classDef endNode stroke-width:4px,color:#6e8fac,stroke:#6e8fac
classDef newNode fill:#ebcca2
linkStyle default stroke:#6e8fac,text:none

    Icon(Launch App):::endNode
    cTS{MORE T&S\n accepted?}
    cEnrolled{enrolled\nin study?}
        MORE T&S [a]
        **[Accept]** / **[Decline]**
        Study Enrollemnt
        Institutional T&S [b]
        **[Accept]** / **[Decline]**
        Study Consent
        **[Accept]** / **[Decline]**
        Study Dashboard
        **[Leave Study]**

    Icon --> cTS
    cTS -- Yes --> cEnrolled
    cTS -- No  --> sGeneralTS
    sGeneralTS -- Accept --> cEnrolled
    sGeneralTS -- Decline --> Exit
    cEnrolled -- Yes --> sStudyDashboard
    cEnrolled -- No --> sEnrollment
    sEnrollment -- Ok --> sInstitutionTS
    sInstitutionTS -- Accept --> sStudyConsent
    sInstitutionTS -- Decline --> Exit
    sStudyConsent -- Accept --> sStudyDashboard
    sStudyConsent -- Decline --> Exit


New Screens:

Additional Hints

Split from #246

alireza-dhp commented 1 month ago

Thanks @ja-fra for clarification.

Would it be possible to add a web hosting service using the Docker Compose configuration to host the static HTML files for "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" and specify URL(s) like to have access to the coresponding files, and then use this URL(s) in the mobile app as an embedded value?

alireza-dhp commented 1 month ago

The following content represents a draft version of Privacy policy and Terms and conditions at 3 levels of the app. The first part would be the gernaral level.