Closed thibeaudemol closed 2 years ago
For the LED you can use the RGB led on the octa I think.
We have some battery packs here, which can be charged using the octa.
@michielaernouts has a buzzer module at home and will bring that.
For the electric lock, how will you supply the 6V? We are thinking a simple servo would also suffice as a proof of concept. We might even have some here.
-Light sensor -Gps module -Electric lock:
Red+white led
Battery holder + batteries
Battery charge module:
Speaker for alarm:!)+Miniature+Speakers-_-1218640&matchtype=&aud-813230962291:pla-319119479250&gclid=Cj0KCQiAys2MBhDOARIsAFf1D1fJkhTYI7d8mQ8rz47g-twxEyPLf1MLKdP25-1T7V-zwAR-LbB9E1UaAkS6EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds