A unified WebTransport API that you can use for browser/native cross platform apps. Originally to power the networking layer of the games made with the bevy engine - but can be applied elsewhere too.
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xwt_web_sys fails to create datagram reader on Firefox #156

Open aecsocket opened 1 month ago

aecsocket commented 1 month ago

When creating an xwt_web_sys::Connection on Firefox, it fails with a TypeError: ReadableStream.getReader: Trying to read with incompatible controller, which likely comes from web_sys_stream_utils creating a BYOB stream reader for reading the datagram stream.

This is also thrown if a BYOB reader is requested and the stream controller is not a ReadableByteStreamController (the stream was not constructed as an underlying source with type="bytes").

MOZGIII commented 1 month ago

From the it looks like FF has support for BYOB streams... I wonder what's going on there, and if I need to change anything in the code.

What Firefox version fo you use? Can you create a simple pure-JS reproduction for this issue?

aecsocket commented 1 month ago

I'm using LibreWolf version 128.0 and have tracking protection/anti-fingerprinting disabled.

After some trial and error I managed to make a index.html which produces this error:


Screenshot from 2024-07-29 11-20-20

Whereas in Chromium it works fine


In testing, I think that Firefox support might just be hopeless at the moment. The browser crashed multiple times when trying to open a connection, the connection often stayed alive even after closing the browser tab, and I also couldn't connect a lot of the time due to "connection rejected" even though the certificate hash was 100% correct. I think that it might be too much effort to support it right now given how buggy it seems to be, at least from my experience.

MOZGIII commented 1 month ago

Thanks for researching this!

I agree with your summary, Firefox had issues in the past when it comes to WebTransport implementation, and they claimed they've resolved them but it seems the implementation is somehow still buggy. There is a chance, of course, the issue is with LibreWolf, but I doubt it.

We might want to summon some FF devs here (if they're willing) to get to the bottom of this. Not much I can do with this alone.

MOZGIII commented 1 month ago

I was able to reproduce it in tests with NO_HEADLESS=1 cargo test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown -p xwt-web-sys and manually navigating Firefox to the printed URL

MOZGIII commented 1 month ago

There is a relevant PR at wtransport btw: It might just be a server-side issue. I'll update xwt to the latest wtransport.

aecsocket commented 1 month ago

I wasn't aware that there was a wtransport issue for this, but I think that might be unrelated since it's server-side. Of course I could be wrong, this is web browsers we're talking about, so there may be some weird draft behaviour. Please do update xwt and I can test if this issue is reproducible on latest wtransport.

One possible solution would be to not use BYOB readers on Firefox, or not use BYOB readers at all. But from what I understand about BYOB, this will lead to reduced performance since we would have to copy bytes, so this probably isn't a good solution.

For now I don't have the capacity to debug weird Firefox issues, so I won't be supporting it and will just say to use Chromium instead. This looks like a Firefox issue anyway, and not directly xwt-related.

MOZGIII commented 1 month ago

What backend do you use? Just to gather more info

MOZGIII commented 1 month ago

I checked with - same crash at Firefox.

Firefox has BYOB marked as supported, but it clearly is not.

We'll leave this open for a while, until either FF fixes it or we close it as "not planned", or we deem this is worth implementing a workaround.

aecsocket commented 1 month ago

Can you elaborate on what you mean by backend? If you mean xwt, xwt_web_sys for the client and xwt_wtransport for the server, although I don't fully understand what you mean.

It looks like BYOB wasn't part of the spec originally, and this had to be resolved later: Maybe Firefox implemented datagram reading before this part of the spec was written, and now has to catch up to Chromium? Wouldn't be the first time that Chromium has pushed ahead with stuff out of the spec.

As a solution, how bad do you think it would be if xwt_web_sys used a regular stream reader instead of a BYOB one? I'm not sure what exactly the pros/cons to using BYOB is.