MPAS-Dev / MPAS-Analysis

Provides analysis for the MPAS components of E3SM
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Checklist for v1.0 release #347

Closed xylar closed 6 years ago

xylar commented 6 years ago

To do before the release:

milenaveneziani commented 6 years ago

@xylar: thanks for making this list. I am removing the open bullet 'cause I'd be already thrilled if we could complete the first 3 tasks by the release of v1..

Here is an idea about the observations folder: considering that the amount of processed data we will be releasing and the amount of data that users would have to process on their own for v1 is not that large, could we have the observations folder as part of the MPAS-Analysis structure for now? This would save work on figuring out how to get to the public server, and how to retrieve data from it if the data is not locally available.

xylar commented 6 years ago

@milenaveneziani, I'm not sure what you mean by "could we have the observations folder as part of the MPAS-Anlaysis structure for now". If you mean, could we add the observations to the code repo, I think the answer is definitely no. I think we are talking about many GB of data. That's far too large to go directly in the MPAS-Analysis repo. We generally hesitate to put files that are even a few tens of MB in the code repo because it makes the process of checking out, branching and updating the code quite a bit slower. Plus, GitHub simply doesn't allow large files. I definitely think we need a different repo.

milenaveneziani commented 6 years ago

ok, forget what I said above. I am going to use this issue to detail the tasks needed for the release.

milenaveneziani commented 6 years ago

@xylar: I have updated the to-do list above with more details about the observational data sets. I still left a couple of questions open, but mostly it should be OK. Let me know if you have comments or questions.

xylar commented 6 years ago

Okay, I don't plan on making any new pull requests until the v1.0 release. I will make a draft message for the release below.

xylar commented 6 years ago

Draft Release Message

The first official public release!

Major Enhancements

Minor Enhancements

Minor clean-up

Bug fixes

xylar commented 6 years ago
