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Add NSSL 2/3-moment cloud microphysics #1113

Open MicroTed opened 1 year ago

MicroTed commented 1 year ago

Add NSSL 2/3-moment cloud microphysics

Adds option to use the NSSL 2-moment cloud microphysics scheme with 6 hydrometeor species (droplets, rain, cloud ice, snow, graupel, and hail). It includes the option for 3-moment rain/graupel/hail (adds reflectivity moment) and an option to turn off hail (for non-severe convection). Details on using the scheme are in docs/README.NSSLmp. Also adds a 3D reflectivity field for optional output (refl10cm). The parameterization code is (or will be) at parity with the current WRF PR for the 3-moment scheme (and eventual CCPP update).

Tested on daily 3-km regional CONUS forecasts (with v7.3), so similar performance is expected with v8.0

Outstanding issue: At least in the physics_mmm directory, the .mod files are not updated by recompiling newer .F files. They have to be deleted in order to be replaced. I don't know if this is general or a gfortran quirk.

MicroTed commented 1 year ago

Hi, @ldfowler58 would you have time to look at this at some point? Let me know if this is the approach you want for physics_mmm or if there is more to shift from the model code to the interface. The physics module is an updated version from CCPP, so it has all the extra comments for documentation. The interface 'run' subroutine is from CCPP (for SCM/FV3), but isn't actually used since MPAS can call the microphysics directly with the "_p" arrays. Thanks!

mgduda commented 1 year ago

I think it would be good to separate the changes for NetCDF compression from the changes to add the NSSL microphysics scheme, as these (if I understand correctly) are unrelated changes.

MicroTed commented 1 year ago

I agree that it would be cleaner to split it off the netcdf part, and it is only 2 files and I think no overlapping changes. It's a bare-bones implementation that assumes one would only choose the netcdf4 option because of compression being available. Otherwise the speed of pnetcdf for uncompressed writes really can't be beat.

MicroTed commented 1 year ago

I moved the netcdf changes to a separate branch: I could make a draft PR or just leave it on ice for now -- whatever you want to do given your priorities and limited time. Ideally I would add a netcdf version check and an extra flag for deflate level etc.

ldfowler58 commented 8 months ago

I started to look at the changes and add-ons made by Ted in order to include the NSSL cloud microphysics scheme. Here my first suggestions for the top files that I have been modified:

1) In ./src/coreatmosphere/Registry.xml, I suggest to keep the "mp" reference in front of the packages named nssl_hail_in, nssl_ccn_in, nssl3m_in, and nssl3m_hail_in. Users may appreciate that those packages point to cloud microphysics options. nssl3m_in can be changed to mp_nssl3m_in since you defined the NSSL 2-moment package as mp_nssl2m_in. Thanks.

2) In ./src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_packages.F, can you please keep everything "lower case" and remove extra blank spaces to ensure "continuity" in how the sourcecode has been originally written (if not much to ask). For instance, change " if(config_nssl_hail_on) then nssl_hail_in = .true. endif

3) In ./src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_control.F, change lines config_microp_scheme .eq. 'mp_thompson' .or. & config_microp_scheme .eq. 'mp_nssl2m' .or. & to config_microp_scheme .eq. 'mp_nssl2m' .or. & config_microp_scheme .eq. 'mp_thompson' .or. &

4) In ./src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_vars.F (lines 197-203), do you mind putting one variable per line as for lines 188-195 so that I can add the definition of the different variables later. Thanks.

5) In ./src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_manager.F, same comments as in 2) regarding lower case and space. Wouldn't it be simpler to use 75._RKIND instead of 1.25001*60._RKIND? Thanks.

Will look at the actual microphysics next. Thanks.

MicroTed commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the comments! My thinking for leaving off "mp_" from nssl3m_in and nssl_hailin etc. is that they are package options rather than full packages. They are not seen by the user, but rather activated by config options. So maybe it doesn't really matter? The package is still the mp_nssl2m_in, and the others are options (subpackages?) to turn variables on or off.

Perhaps I could just rename mp_nssl2m_in to just mp_nssl_in? Or something like that? I also have a version with an option to run single-moment, but I'm not sure that's needed for a release code.

I can change the other formatting things to match the rest of the code. (Although I'm firmly in the camp of having a space after 'if' :) considering there is an unbalanced space in front of 'then', haha.)

MicroTed commented 2 weeks ago

Updated (merged) to 8.2.1-hotfix. Also added function in init_atmosphere to generate LBCs for hydrometeor number concentrations when the LBC data only have mixing ratio. I still need to run some more tests and update the NSSL microphysics code. (Also some enhancements to the ideal initialization will be added.)

MicroTed commented 2 weeks ago

I ran into an odd compiler issue with nvfortran/pgf90 at -O3 with mpas_atmphys_interface.F: If a pointer assignment is inside an IF structure, it may not work correctly. For example, the optional hail variables here:

             IF ( config_nssl_hail_on ) THEN
              call mpas_pool_get_dimension(state,'index_qh'  ,index_qh  )
              call mpas_pool_get_dimension(state,'index_nh'  ,index_nh  )
              call mpas_pool_get_dimension(state,'index_volh' ,index_volh  )
               qh   => scalars(index_qh,:,:)
               nh   => scalars(index_nh,:,:)
               volh => scalars(index_volh,:,:)

At -O0 it works fine, but -O2 or 3, the pointer for qh seems to go randomly somewhere, maybe within the scalar structure or maybe not. I have only looked at the min/max values of qh. Obviously this is bad compiler behavior, but I found two work-arounds for it: 1) Remove the IF clause and just always assign qh etc. even if the index is -1, but still have an IF clause around accessing the array. I don't know if this will cause debug problems, however (e.g., bounds check, although the array isn't being accessed) 2) Just replace qh_p(i,k,j) = qh(k,i) with qh_p(i,k,j) = scalars(index_qh,k,i)

I currently have option 2 in the PR code, but can switch it to 1 or a better suggestion.

Also for this reason I have not yet included mp_nssl with the mass/number tendencies (e.g., rqcmpten). Those seem to be diagnostic only, but maybe there will be a need for those.

ldfowler58 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Ted: Thanks for pointing this out. I do not use nvfortran or pgf90 at all but it is definitely something that we should look into. Is it a "feature" that only occurs with the NSSL cloud microphysics or a "feature" that could also occur with, for instance, the Thompson cloud microphysics scheme? I'll investigate with a different cloud microphysics scheme separately. Laura

MicroTed commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, Laura, It seems to only be a compiler bug with the IF-ENDIF sections, not with the SELECT-CASE at all. So I think the mp-thompson sections are OK. I did test the regular mp_thompson and it ran fine. We have some AMD epyc computers locally, and the nvfortran/pgf runs pretty well for them. I haven't tried gfortran yet for comparison, but will try to do that.

That said, I don't yet fully understand the structure of the 'scalar' array and how it works to reference the first index. (Basically how it converts a s(numscalar)%vals2d(nlevs,ncells) kind of record into something that looks like a 3D array -- too fancy!)

weiwangncar commented 2 weeks ago

@MicroTed Apparently not updating .mod file is a gfortran feature as I just learnt. See