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Proposed implementation of new tendency diagnostics package and significant revisions to PV diagnostics package in MPAS-A #1201

Open theweathermanda opened 2 weeks ago

theweathermanda commented 2 weeks ago

This issue broadly outlines code changes and additions that accompany a new tendency diagnostics package and a significantly overhauled PV diagnostics package for MPAS-Atmosphere and a proposed plan to submit these changes for implementation into a working MPAS release via a series of pull requests and commits.

The new tendency diagnostics package was created by May Wong (@maywswong) and tracks model tendencies throughout the integration in order to evaluate budgets of variables such as potential temperature and momentum. The revised PV tendency diagnostics package is now largely dependent on the tendency diagnostics package for calculations of tendencies that are used in the PV tendency and budget calculations. Additionally, the revised PV package includes several new features, including accumulating the PV tendencies throughout the model integration and calculating the PV tendencies from individual processes in the Thompson microphysics scheme. The revised PV tendency package is described in more detailed here.

Collectively, both of these packages require a large number of new model variables and calculations. To address this, we have added several namelist config_* flags that are connected to variable packages to (1) make it easy for the user community to toggle on/off these diagnostic calculations at run-time and (2) reduce the memory and computational resources required to run the model when these packages are disabled: – config_tend: calculations and variables associated with tendency diagnostics package – config_pv_diag: calculation of ertel_pv and DT interpolation of model state variables – config_pv_tend: calculation of instantaneous and accumulated PV tendencies – config_pv_microphys: calculation of PV tendencies from individual microphysical processes – config_pv_scalar: transport of PV passive scalar variable – config_pv_isobaric: interpolation of PV diagnostic variables to isobaric levels

I’ve also added a similar capability for the revised isobaric diagnostics package (config_isobaric) that is included in PR #1184 and propose this approach moving forward for all MPAS-A diagnostics calculations.

Summary of proposed PRs and commits: