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Out-of-bounds error when running with only Kessler and Kain-Fritsch schemes #1498

Open mgduda opened 6 years ago

mgduda commented 6 years ago

When running MPAS-Atmosphere in debug mode with only the Kessler and Kain-Fritsch schemes, i.e., with the following &physics namelist

    config_sst_update = false
    config_sstdiurn_update = false
    config_deepsoiltemp_update = false
    config_radtlw_interval = '00:30:00'
    config_radtsw_interval = '00:30:00'
    config_bucket_update = 'none'
    config_physics_suite = 'none'
    config_convection_scheme = 'cu_kain_fritsch'
    config_microp_scheme = 'mp_kessler'

an out-of-bounds memory error occurs in the phsyics_get_tend_work routine:

 Begin timestep 2010-10-23_00:00:00
 --- time to update background surface albedo, greeness fraction.
 --- time to run the convection scheme L_CONV    = T
 --- time to apply limit to accumulated rainc and rainnc L_ACRAIN   = F
 --- time to calculate additional physics_diagnostics               = F
  split dynamics-transport integration            3
At line 381 of file mpas_atmphys_todynamics.F
Fortran runtime error: Index '-1' of dimension 1 of array 'tend_scalars' below lower bound of 1