For some files, the MIME type recognition differs between different upload methods (browser vs UpVerse vs DVUploader). This can lead to inconsistencies within one dataset.
Another behaviour which may be misleading:
The MIME type influences which Download Options are shown when clicking on "Access File". For files of unknown type, "Original File Format" is shown - which is correct, because the user will download the original file.
But for files of known format, other options like "Comma Separated Values" are shown, indicating that a csv export of the original file would be created - which is not the case, also there, the Original File will be downloaded.
For some files, the MIME type recognition differs between different upload methods (browser vs UpVerse vs DVUploader). This can lead to inconsistencies within one dataset.
Another behaviour which may be misleading: The MIME type influences which Download Options are shown when clicking on "Access File". For files of unknown type, "Original File Format" is shown - which is correct, because the user will download the original file. But for files of known format, other options like "Comma Separated Values" are shown, indicating that a csv export of the original file would be created - which is not the case, also there, the Original File will be downloaded.