MPEGGroup / FileFormat

MPEG file format discussions
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ISOBMFF Multiple transforms and sample auxiliary information #5

Closed dwsinger closed 3 years ago

dwsinger commented 4 years ago

CENC allows inheriting the aux_info_type of saiz/saio from the ProtectionSchemeInfoBox, rather than explicitly defining it. For compatibility with existing practices, we think this inheritance should be extended to ScrambleSchemeInfoBox.

dwsinger commented 4 years ago

suggest to Replace in “then the implied value of aux_info_type is either (a) in the case of transformed content, such as protected content, the scheme_type included in the ProtectionSchemeInfoBox or otherwise (b) the sample entry type.” With “then the implied value of aux_info_type is either (a) in the case of transformed content, such as protected content, the scheme_type included in the ProtectionSchemeInfoBox or ScrambleSchemeInfoBox or otherwise (b) the sample entry type.”

We note that this inheritance might be problematic with multiple transformation. If a protected track is transformed into a restricted track, what is the implied value ? Perhaps we should say that aux_info_type and _parameter shall be explicitly signaled in the case of multiple transformations (and the same sentence attaches to scrambling spec., if a scrambling scheme needs aux_info, then the type is always explicitly signaled).

jeanlf commented 4 years ago

Agree with both

dwsinger commented 3 years ago

alrrady covered in the 7th edition, closing