MPH-Bali / green-village-project

Powering MPH recycling and composting facilities in Bali
MIT License
9 stars 8 forks source link

Update all the things to the latest versions #237

Open nicksarafa opened 6 years ago

nicksarafa commented 6 years ago

npm-check-updates reveals the following packages need updating...

# /public directory
autoprefixer                         ^7.1.2  →   ^8.2.0
babel-eslint                         ^7.1.1  →   ^8.2.2
babel-jest                          ^21.0.2  →  ^22.4.3
eslint                              ^3.19.0  →  ^4.19.1
eslint-config-standard              ^10.2.1  →  ^11.0.0
eslint-friendly-formatter            ^3.0.0  →   ^4.0.0
eslint-loader                        ^1.7.1  →   ^2.0.0
eslint-plugin-html                   ^3.0.0  →   ^4.0.2
eslint-plugin-node                   ^5.2.0  →   ^6.0.1
html-webpack-plugin                 ^2.30.1  →   ^3.1.0
jest                                ^21.2.0  →  ^22.4.3
jest-serializer-vue                  ^0.3.0  →   ^1.0.0
optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin   ^3.2.0  →   ^4.0.0
ora                                  ^1.2.0  →   ^2.0.0
shelljs                              ^0.7.6  →   ^0.8.1
url-loader                           ^0.5.8  →   ^1.0.1
vue-jest                             ^1.0.2  →   ^2.3.0
vue-loader                          ^13.3.0  →  ^14.2.2
vue-style-loader                     ^3.0.1  →   ^4.1.0
webpack                              ^3.6.0  →   ^4.4.1
webpack-dev-server                   ^2.9.1  →   ^3.1.1


firebase              ^4.11.0  →  ^4.12.1
vue-chartjs            ^3.2.1  →   ^3.3.1
vuetify                ^1.0.0  →  ^1.0.11
eslint-plugin-import   ^2.7.0  →  ^2.10.0
# /functions directory
firebase-admin      ~5.8.1  →  ~5.11.0
firebase-functions  ^0.8.1  →   ^0.9.1


moment  ^2.21.0  →  ^2.22.0