MPlus4Climate / MPlusToolKit

This repository contains the documentation to develop the tools for the operation of the M+ "climate positive" financial system..
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Programming the M+C Test Token Issuance Process #1

Open IngoPuhl opened 3 years ago

IngoPuhl commented 3 years ago

Prize Title

Programming the M+C Test Token Issuance Process

Prize Bounty

1000 DAI

Challenge Description

Why (are we doing this challenge)? Climate change is the mother of all market failures: it is the direct result of individual actions aggregating to a catastrophic outcome, because individual choices are trapped in an incentive system that rewards exploitation and environmental harm and penalizes responsible consumption. There is no path leading a bright, low-carbon future that doesn’t go through hacking the market. This is what we’re about.

M+C is an initiative to pilot and scale a community-based currency linked to climate-positive consumption choices. This currency - M+C - is backed by retired carbon credits [incl footnote], and aims to reward climate-positive consumption choices. The aim of this initiative is to prototype a platform that can support alternative currencies in cities around the world, ensuring the seamless interoperability of these different currency schemes.

Retired carbon credits (see M+ White Paper) represent a social good (= a net GHG emission reduction) that is benefitting society (and the planet). Entities (usually companies) retire a carbon credit to substantiate their own net zero climate claim. The retirement of the carbon credit occurs when an entity moves a carbon credit from an active / trading account to a “retirement” account which means they give up the access to use/trade of that carbon credit forever.

M+C White Paper:

M+ is a new token that rewards net GHG emission reductions (= a social good) through the issuance and transfer of an M+ token to a) the entity that retires a carbon credit (referred to as Net Reducers (or NR in short)), and b) the Global M+ Community Development Fund (M+ GCDF). NR and and M+GCDF then use their M+ token to incentivize climate positive action.

NR can transfer M+ tokens to employees, clients, suppliers, other stakeholders, relevant communities or use them to donate to / vote for M+ related projects in global or local M+ communities.

The M+GCDF uses their M+ to a) develop the M+ “toolbox” and governance system, and b) co-fund the launch of Local M+ Community Funds (M+LCDF).

M+ thus creates an alternative, climate positive economy and currency system that: a) rewards entities that make net zero pledges/commitments, b) allows them to engage their entire up- and downstream value chain & their communities using a circular, natural-capital asset backed alternative/loyalty currency, and c) provides for the funding of climate-positive, community driven actions to protect the global and local commons using a radically democractic governance process.

What is this challenge about? The purpose of this challenge is to create the process by which an eligible entity (that has retired a carbon credit in an eligible carbon registry) can claim the issuance of M+ tokens into a designated digital wallet using an ERC 20 coin token.

A carbon credit is represented by a serial number within a carbon credit registry account that is operated by or licensed by a carbon credit authority such as Verra, The Gold Standard or the Climate Action Registry. It resides inside the account of an entity that has registered this account, key customer information, including the ID of the authorized representatives with the registry operator.

Every M+ token represents 10 kg of avoided CO2, which means that the retirement of one carbon credit (denomination = 1 metric ton of avoided CO2), results in the issuance of 100 M+ tokens. When issued, 90 M+ tokens are issued to the entity that retired the carbon credit and 10 M+ token are issued to the M+ Global Community Fund. An M+ token is not redeemable from the issuer (not for cash, or any other claim). An M+ token is only redeemable for products and services from vendors or any other willing counterparty as a means of payment in local currency at the above mentioned rate.

A vendor who is signaling his willingness to accept payment in M+ can do so by quoting prices in local currency plus the “+” sign, i.e. EUR+ or stating “we accept payment in M+”.

Required Functions (to be implemented in the hackathon)

Submission Requirements

Deposit the code and documentation in our Github depository (code and presentation). Demonstrate the use of the created functionality step by step (starting with how an eligible entity would submit its M+ issuance request) and ending with the transfer of the M+C tokens into the designated user wallet. Transfer of the 51 private wallet keys to the M+ Team (github deposit).

Submission Deadline

All submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (ET) on November 1st, 2020 to be considered.

Judging Criteria

The M+ Team has formed a jury to judge submission based on a) ease of use/UX design, b) quality of documentation (which should allow non-techs to set up and manage their own private wallets and requests the issuance of M+C tokens against proof of retirement of eligible carbon credits), and c) integrated security (mainly to prevent unauthorized users to request the issuance of M+C tokens)

Winner Announcement Date

We will assess submissions from Nov 1st to Nov 5th 2020. Winners will be announced by 11:59 PM (ET) on Nov 5th 2020.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 1000.0 DAI (1000.0 USD @ $1.0/DAI) attached to it.

vporton commented 3 years ago

My is nearly finished. It remains:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1000.0 DAI (1000.00 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1000.0 DAI (1000.00 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

  1. @vporton

@ingopuhl please take a look at the submitted work:

aqoleg commented 3 years ago

vporton commented 3 years ago

@aqoleg I have no other choice than to confirm that you wrote a nonsense. Is carbon distributed in bottles each of them having exactly one credit inside? (If it is so, then your code makes some sense.) Moreover, unlike my submission your provides no means of fraud control. To be very honest, your project can't reasonably compete with mine, neither it is in any way useful. Note that I keep working on my project, making it a dependency of this app to make it economically effective and save the civilization.

Another thing: It looks like that @IngoPuhl is either a cheater or maybe died of COVID or something. He just does not respond. I did call South Pole (his employee) and they can't explain what happened. (I don't think that his employee themselves are cheaters, they just cannot find him just like as I can't find him.)

aurelvb commented 3 years ago

@vporton, we are handling Carbon Credits and not Carbon directly. Those comes as units indeed. There was no mention of the security concept in the challenge.

vporton commented 3 years ago

@vporton, we are handling Carbon Credits and not Carbon directly. Those comes as units indeed.

  1. Nevertheless it makes no sense to handle each carbon credit separately. If one redeems 100000 credits, consider every one separately? Among other reasons why this is wrong, this probably would spend more carbon on carbon counting than it saves!

There was no mention of the security concept in the challenge.

Hey, buddy, develop a money minting press for us. It's OK to mint money without security: There was no mention of the security concept in the challenge.

P.S. What's indeed with Ingo Puhl? Why so big delay in the reply?

vporton commented 3 years ago

I realized it was all wrong!

So, I did this bounty (which the hell I am not paid yet?! should I call the police today?)

Later this bounty expired me to do another work on my own: my system of science / free software donations and distribution of "salaries".

I created a dApp that combines together the carbon and science financing parts.

Today I realized that the component made by me for this bounty is superfluous: Carbon financing can be instead done in the same way as science financing, so I removed the "carbon" part from my dApp.

My solution is very good.

aqoleg commented 3 years ago

@vporton, thank you for testing and reviewing!

@aurelvb, how can we proceed?