MQuy / mos

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mOS in Ubuntu #5

Closed sxmxr closed 3 years ago

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Hi @MQuy, I and my teammates have successfully installed GCC Cross-complier using that Wikipedia page which was mentioned in one of the earlier issues. ( I have installed i686-elf-gcc successfully(Screenshot-1) Now while installing the whole project, using the mentioned shell scripts in the, I got error like, "./ line 6: hdiutil: command not found".(Screenshot 2). My host OS is Windows 10 and I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 within the virtual box. Screenshot from 2020-10-21 15-15-24 Screenshot from 2020-10-24 15-31-48

MQuy commented 3 years ago

@sxmxr if you check out master branch and run like this I think it will work

$ cd src
$ ./
$ ./build qemu iso
MQuy commented 3 years ago

you shouldn't need to change anything, I changed to support ubuntu if you pull master.

To build toolchain

$ cd src
$ cd toolchain && ./


$ cd src
$ ./
$ ./ qemu iso
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy Thank you for your response. ./ was compiled successfully but while running "./build qemu iso" command I'm getting this error. Screenshot from 2020-10-24 16-17-28

MQuy commented 3 years ago

can you send a screenshot if you run the command below

cd src/kernel && make clean && make
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy I compiled that command and here what I got : Screenshot from 2020-10-24 16-24-15

MQuy commented 3 years ago

hum, what is your ubuntu version? my guess is the latest gcc have breaking changes, could you try with gcc 9.x

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

hum, what is your ubuntu version? my guess is the latest gcc have breaking changes, could you try with gcc 9.x

@MQuy My ubuntu version is 20.04. So I have to make cross compiler again. Right?

MQuy commented 3 years ago

yes, try with gcc 9.x :)

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

yes, try with gcc 9.x :)

Thank you, for your response. I'll get back to you in case of any queries.

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-10-27 14-58-25 I have installed gcc 9.1 cross compiler and tried to build file in toolchain but I'm getting this error while running this command "cd toolchain && ./"

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy Ubuntu isn't working for me. So I am thinking to install Mac-OS on VirtualBox and will run it. Is it possible?

MQuy commented 3 years ago

can you give more details about the error above? I think Ubuntu is better in long term

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy Here are the steps I have followed, Please correct me if I'm wrong : 1) Followed steps of and installed GCC 9.1.0 and Binutils 2.32, so basically activated new cross-compiler. 2) Downloaded the source code of mOS and moved to src directory. 3) Then I entered this command "$ cd toolchain && ./" 4) After that I got the above error.

MQuy commented 3 years ago

could you try to open and modify these variables to fit in your case and run again?

# SYSROOT cannot locate inside PREFIX
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy Thank you for your response. Just to confirm, according to this ( my target variable will be TARGET=i686-elf. Right? or do I have to change target to i386-mos? P.S. I have changed the SYSROOT.

MQuy commented 3 years ago

No, only SYSROOT, make sure that folder exist

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy Thank you for your help. ToolChain is compiled successfully. Now while compiling the "./" I'm getting this error. Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-19-04

MQuy commented 3 years ago

you should umount like this first

sudo umount /mnt/mos
sudo rm -rf /mnt/mos
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

you should umount like this first

sudo umount /mnt/mos
sudo rm -rf /mnt/mos

Yess.. I have Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-31-01 done the same but lead to this error :/

MQuy commented 3 years ago

can you comment this line from ./ and run it again

# cd ports/figlet && ./ && cd ../..
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy Sorry for the inconvenience I have caused. But I'm totally new to these topics and my faculty has given a project to implement a new feature in existing features. I'm planning to implement SMP and 2 level paging.

MQuy commented 3 years ago

no np, feel free to ask, I will answer when I am online ;)

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-37-41 After compiling "cd ports/figlet && ./ && cd ../.."

MQuy commented 3 years ago

did you remove that line? you don't need that program to run

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Yes, I commented it. And here is the results. 1) After compiling "./" Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-44-01

2) After compiling "$ ./ qemu iso" Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-45-26

MQuy commented 3 years ago

you don't have logs folder

$ cd src && mkdir logs
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

@MQuy After creating it, I run that again and I got this screen. Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-48-33

MQuy commented 3 years ago

can you open another terminal

$ cd src && gdb isodir/boot/mos.bin
in that gdb, type c and enter
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-53-16 Here's the output

MQuy commented 3 years ago

ops, I forget it should be

target remote localhost:1234
sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-10-29 00-55-24 Finallyyyyy!

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

So whenever I make changes, I have to run "$ ./ qemu iso" , $ cd src && gdb isodir/boot/mos.bin, target remote localhost:1234, c" commands. Right?

MQuy commented 3 years ago

if you make changes to src/apps or src/libraries you have to run ./

sxmxr commented 3 years ago

Ohh, Okay. Thank you so much @MQuy for your quick responses. Now I'll analyze the whole project, and will try to implement the capstones for the project.