MR-X-junior / fbthon

Simple Facebook Scraper
MIT License
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Gives Error #1

Closed asif-ca closed 1 year ago

asif-ca commented 1 year ago


Even email and password is correct it is always giving this error

fbthon.exceptions.LoginFailed: Gagal Login Ke akun, pastikan email atau password anda 
sudah benar!

Is there any reason of this?

asif-ca commented 1 year ago

Code i am trying to run is:

from fbthon import Facebook
from fbthon.login import Web_Login
user_agent = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'}
email = "My_login_email" 
password = 'My_fb_password' 
login = Web_Login(email,password, headers = user_agent)
cookie = login.get_cookie_str() 

fb = Facebook(cookie)

post = fb.post_parser("")

MR-X-junior commented 1 year ago

Make sure your email and password are correct