MRChemSoft / mrchem

MultiResolution Chemistry
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Tasks #318

Closed gitpeterwind closed 3 years ago

gitpeterwind commented 4 years ago

Complete reorganization of the parallelization of the loops over orbitals. The matrices computed to build the Fock matrix ( <Orb_a| O | Orb_b> ) are organized in blocks. The list of blocks is considered as a task list which is distributed among MPI workers. (there is no "ownership" of orbitals in this approach, but the ownership is still used indirectly). The main new parts are for: 1) rotation among orbitals 2) overlap, which is used for kinetic energy and other parts too 3) Exchange also, although less important.

Some other improvement too. The localization routine is now much faster.

The tasks are distributed by a "task" manager. One MPI process is reserved only to distribute tasks, and keep accounting of what has been done etc. (this process is taken among the "banks") The banks are now much more used, and a significant amount of the time is used to move orbitals to and from the bank. The number of banks must be much larger, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of all MPI processes. It is observed that it is more effective to have banks and workers on the same compute-nodes. (not clear why). This can be achieved with for example:

mpirun --rank-by node -map-by numa -bind-to numa mrchem.x gram.json

The size of the blocks are assigned dynamically. Large blocks are often beneficial because the orbitals can be reused, diminishing total communication time. If the blocks are too large, there may be a memory limitation. The total memory available is now estimated based on 2GB per thread.

MinazoBot commented 4 years ago
1 Error
:no_entry_sign: Code style violations detected.
1 Warning
:warning: There are code changes, but no corresponding tests. Please include tests if this PR introduces any modifications in behavior.

Code Style Check

Code style violations detected in the following files:

Execute one of the following actions and commit again:

  1. Run clang-format on the offending files
  2. Apply the suggested patches with git apply patch.


--- src/parallel.cpp
+++ src/parallel.cpp
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
  * <>

-#include <bits/stdc++.h>
 #include <MRCPP/Printer>
 #include <MRCPP/Timer>
+#include <bits/stdc++.h>

 #include "parallel.h"
 #include "qmfunctions/ComplexFunction.h"
@@ -135,23 +135,23 @@
     MPI_Comm_rank(mpi::comm_orb, &mpi::orb_rank);
     MPI_Comm_size(mpi::comm_orb, &mpi::orb_size);

-    //if bank_size is large enough, we reserve one as "task manager"
+    // if bank_size is large enough, we reserve one as "task manager"
     mpi::orb_bank_size = mpi::bank_size;
-    mpi::task_bank=-1;
-    if(mpi::bank_size == 1){
-        //use the bank as task manager
-        mpi::task_bank=mpi::bankmaster[0];
-    } else if(mpi::bank_size > 1){
+    mpi::task_bank = -1;
+    if (mpi::bank_size == 1) {
+        // use the bank as task manager
+        mpi::task_bank = mpi::bankmaster[0];
+    } else if (mpi::bank_size > 1) {
         // reserve one bank for task management only
-        mpi::orb_bank_size = mpi::bank_size-1;
-        mpi::task_bank=mpi::bankmaster[mpi::orb_bank_size];
+        mpi::orb_bank_size = mpi::bank_size - 1;
+        mpi::task_bank = mpi::bankmaster[mpi::orb_bank_size];

     void *val;
     int flag;
     MPI_Comm_get_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_TAG_UB, &val, &flag); // max value allowed by MPI for tags
-    id_shift = *(int*)val / 2; // half is reserved for non orbital. Maybe not necessary
-    if(mpi::world_rank==0) std::cout<<" max tag value "<<*(int*)val<<std::endl;
+    id_shift = *(int *)val / 2;                                 // half is reserved for non orbital. Maybe not necessary
+    if (mpi::world_rank == 0) std::cout << " max tag value " << *(int *)val << std::endl;
     if (mpi::is_bank) {
         // define rank among bankmasters
         mpi::bank_rank = mpi::world_rank % mpi::bank_size;
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@

 void mpi::finalize() {
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
-    if (mpi::bank_size > 0 and mpi::grand_master()){
+    if (mpi::bank_size > 0 and mpi::grand_master()) {
         auto plevel = Printer::getPrintLevel();
-        if (plevel > 1) std::cout<<" max data in bank "<<mpi::orb_bank.get_maxtotalsize()<<" MB "<<std::endl;
+        if (plevel > 1) std::cout << " max data in bank " << mpi::orb_bank.get_maxtotalsize() << " MB " << std::endl;
     MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); // to ensure everybody got here
@@ -424,13 +424,12 @@
 struct s_ix {
     long long ix, value;
-bool operator<(s_ix  a, s_ix  b) {
+bool operator<(s_ix a, s_ix b) {
     return a.value < b.value;
 std::set<s_ix> priority;
 std::map<int, s_ix> rank2q;

 // Sort banks in a linked list.
 // Can take the first, the last, or extract a specific bank and put it in first or last position
 // Very fast, O(1)
@@ -442,15 +441,16 @@
     std::vector<std::list<int>::iterator> br2pos;
     std::vector<long long> timestamp;
     long long first_timestamp, last_timestamp;
-    SimpleQueue(int nbanks) : nbanks(nbanks) {
+    SimpleQueue(int nbanks)
+            : nbanks(nbanks) {
         assert(nbanks > 0);
         for (int i = 0; i < nbanks; i++) {
-            br2pos.push_back( prev(order.end()) );
+            br2pos.push_back(prev(order.end()));
         first_timestamp = 0;
-        last_timestamp = nbanks-1;
+        last_timestamp = nbanks - 1;
     void moveToBack(int bank_rank) { // back is newest timestamp. Show banks which recently got a task
         auto pos = br2pos[bank_rank];
@@ -464,20 +464,11 @@
         timestamp[bank_rank] = first_timestamp;
-    int getFront() {
-        return order.front();
-    }
-    int getBack() {
-        return order.back();
-    }
-    long long getTimestamp(int bank_rank) {
-        return timestamp[bank_rank];
-    }
+    int getFront() { return order.front(); }
+    int getBack() { return order.back(); }
+    long long getTimestamp(int bank_rank) { return timestamp[bank_rank]; }

 void Bank::open() {
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     MPI_Status status;
@@ -506,28 +497,29 @@
         Timer t_timer;
         MPI_Recv(&message, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
         //        if (printinfo or (int)((float)t_timer.elapsed()* 1000)>150)
-        //  std::cout << mpi::world_rank << " got message " << message <<" from " << status.MPI_SOURCE <<" "<<(int)((float)t_timer.elapsed()* 1000)<<std::endl;
+        //  std::cout << mpi::world_rank << " got message " << message <<" from " << status.MPI_SOURCE <<"
+        //  "<<(int)((float)t_timer.elapsed()* 1000)<<std::endl;
         if (message == CLOSE_BANK) {
             if (mpi::is_bankmaster and printinfo) std::cout << "Bank is closing" << std::endl;
-       readytasks.clear();
+            readytasks.clear();
             break; // close bank, i.e stop listening for incoming messages
         if (message == CLEAR_BANK) {
-       readytasks.clear();
+            readytasks.clear();
             // send message that it is ready (value of message is not used)
             MPI_Ssend(&message, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 77, mpi::comm_bank);
         if (message == GETMAXTOTDATA) {
-            int maxsize_int = maxsize/1024; // convert into MB
+            int maxsize_int = maxsize / 1024; // convert into MB
             MPI_Send(&maxsize_int, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 1171, mpi::comm_bank);
-   }
+        }
         if (message == GETTOTDATA) {
-            int maxsize_int = currentsize/1024; // convert into MB
+            int maxsize_int = currentsize / 1024; // convert into MB
             MPI_Send(&maxsize_int, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 1172, mpi::comm_bank);
-   }
+        }
         if (message == GET_ORBITAL or message == GET_ORBITAL_AND_WAIT or message == GET_ORBITAL_AND_DELETE or
             message == GET_FUNCTION or message == GET_DATA) {
             // withdrawal
@@ -582,7 +574,8 @@
             // make a new deposit
             int exist_flag = 0;
             if (id2ix[status.MPI_TAG]) {
-         std::cout<<"WARNING: id "<<status.MPI_TAG<<" exists already"<<" "<<status.MPI_SOURCE<<std::endl;
+                std::cout << "WARNING: id " << status.MPI_TAG << " exists already"
+                          << " " << status.MPI_SOURCE << std::endl;
                 ix = id2ix[status.MPI_TAG]; // the deposit exist from before. Will be overwritten
                 exist_flag = 1;
                 if (message == SAVE_DATA and !deposits[ix].hasdata) {
@@ -593,9 +586,7 @@
             } else {
                 ix = deposits.size(); // NB: ix is now index of last element + 1
                 deposits.resize(ix + 1);
-                if (message == SAVE_ORBITAL or message == SAVE_FUNCTION) {
-                    deposits[ix].orb = new Orbital(0);
-                }
+                if (message == SAVE_ORBITAL or message == SAVE_FUNCTION) { deposits[ix].orb = new Orbital(0); }
                 if (message == SAVE_DATA) {
                     deposits[ix].data = new double[datasize];
                     deposits[ix].hasdata = true;
@@ -624,14 +615,15 @@
-                this->currentsize += datasize/128; // converted into kB
+                this->currentsize += datasize / 128; // converted into kB
                 this->maxsize = std::max(this->currentsize, this->maxsize);
             if (id2qu[deposits[ix].id] != 0) {
                 // someone is waiting for those data. Send to them
                 int iq = id2qu[deposits[ix].id];
                 if (deposits[ix].id != queue[iq].id)
-                    std::cout << ix << " Bank queue accounting ERROR " << deposits[ix].id<<" "<<queue[iq].id<<std::endl;
+                    std::cout << ix << " Bank queue accounting ERROR " << deposits[ix].id << " " << queue[iq].id
+                              << std::endl;
                 for (int iqq : queue[iq].clients) {
                     if (message == SAVE_ORBITAL) {
                         mpi::send_orbital(*deposits[ix].orb, iqq, queue[iq].id, mpi::comm_bank);
@@ -643,7 +635,8 @@
                         MPI_Send(deposits[ix].data, datasize, MPI_DOUBLE, iqq, queue[iq].id, mpi::comm_bank);
-                queue[iq].clients.clear(); // cannot erase entire queue[iq], because that would require to shift all the id2qu value larger than iq
+                queue[iq].clients.clear(); // cannot erase entire queue[iq], because that would require to shift all the
+                                           // id2qu value larger than iq
                 queue[iq].id = -1;
@@ -665,89 +658,91 @@

         if (message == INIT_TASKS) {
             MPI_Recv(&tot_ntasksij, 2, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
-       tot_ntasks = tot_ntasksij[0]*tot_ntasksij[1];
-       tot_ntasks_2D.resize(tot_ntasksij[1]);
-       for (int i = 0; i < tot_ntasksij[1]; i++) tot_ntasks_2D[i] = tot_ntasksij[0]; // each j has  tot_ntasksij[0] i blocks
+            tot_ntasks = tot_ntasksij[0] * tot_ntasksij[1];
+            tot_ntasks_2D.resize(tot_ntasksij[1]);
+            for (int i = 0; i < tot_ntasksij[1]; i++)
+                tot_ntasks_2D[i] = tot_ntasksij[0]; // each j has  tot_ntasksij[0] i blocks
             next_task = 0;
         if (message == GET_NEXTTASK) {
             int task = next_task;
-            if(next_task >= tot_ntasks) task = -1; // flag to show all tasks are assigned
+            if (next_task >= tot_ntasks) task = -1; // flag to show all tasks are assigned
             MPI_Send(&task, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 843, mpi::comm_bank);
         if (message == GET_NEXTTASK_2D) {
             int task = next_task;
             int task_2D[2];
-            if(next_task >= tot_ntasks) {
+            if (next_task >= tot_ntasks) {
                 task = -1; // flag to show all tasks are assigned
                 task_2D[0] = -1;
                 task_2D[1] = -1;
-       } else {
-         //if possible, give a task with same j (=status.MPI_TAG)
-         if(tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG]>0){
-                  tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG]--; // next i for that j
-                  task = status.MPI_TAG * tot_ntasksij[0] + tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG];
-                  task_2D[0] = tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG];
-                  task_2D[1] = status.MPI_TAG; // same j as asked
-         } else {
-                  //find any available task
-                  int err=1;
-                  for (int j = 0; j<tot_ntasks_2D.size(); j++) {
-                      int jj = (j+status.MPI_TAG)%tot_ntasks_2D.size();// we want to spread among i
-                      if(tot_ntasks_2D[jj]>0){
-                          tot_ntasks_2D[jj]--;
-                          task_2D[0] = tot_ntasks_2D[jj];
-                          task_2D[1] = jj;
-                          err = 0;
-                          break;
-                      }
-                  }
-                  if (err) std::cout<<"ERROR find 2Dtask"<<std::endl;
-         }
-       }
+            } else {
+                // if possible, give a task with same j (=status.MPI_TAG)
+                if (tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG] > 0) {
+                    tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG]--; // next i for that j
+                    task = status.MPI_TAG * tot_ntasksij[0] + tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG];
+                    task_2D[0] = tot_ntasks_2D[status.MPI_TAG];
+                    task_2D[1] = status.MPI_TAG; // same j as asked
+                } else {
+                    // find any available task
+                    int err = 1;
+                    for (int j = 0; j < tot_ntasks_2D.size(); j++) {
+                        int jj = (j + status.MPI_TAG) % tot_ntasks_2D.size(); // we want to spread among i
+                        if (tot_ntasks_2D[jj] > 0) {
+                            tot_ntasks_2D[jj]--;
+                            task_2D[0] = tot_ntasks_2D[jj];
+                            task_2D[1] = jj;
+                            err = 0;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (err) std::cout << "ERROR find 2Dtask" << std::endl;
+                }
+            }
             MPI_Send(task_2D, 2, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 853, mpi::comm_bank);
         if (message == PUT_READYTASK) {
-       int iready;
+            int iready;
             MPI_Recv(&iready, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
-       readytasks[iready].push_back(status.MPI_TAG); // status.MPI_TAG gives the id
-            if(readytasks[iready][0]==0)std::cout<<"ERROR putreadytask"<<std::endl;
-   }
+            readytasks[iready].push_back(status.MPI_TAG); // status.MPI_TAG gives the id
+            if (readytasks[iready][0] == 0) std::cout << "ERROR putreadytask" << std::endl;
+        }
         if (message == DEL_READYTASK) {
-       int iready; // corresponding orbital index given by client
+            int iready; // corresponding orbital index given by client
             MPI_Recv(&iready, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
-            for (int i=0; i< readytasks[iready].size(); i++) {
-                if(readytasks[iready][i] == status.MPI_TAG){
+            for (int i = 0; i < readytasks[iready].size(); i++) {
+                if (readytasks[iready][i] == status.MPI_TAG) {
                     readytasks[iready].erase(readytasks[iready].begin() + i); // status.MPI_TAG gives the id
-   }
+        }
         if (message == GET_READYTASK) {
-       int iready = status.MPI_TAG; // the value of the index is sent through the tag
-       int nready = readytasks[iready].size();
-            if(nready>0 and readytasks[iready][0]==0)std::cout<<"ERROR getreadytask"<<std::endl;
+            int iready = status.MPI_TAG; // the value of the index is sent through the tag
+            int nready = readytasks[iready].size();
+            if (nready > 0 and readytasks[iready][0] == 0) std::cout << "ERROR getreadytask" << std::endl;
             MPI_Send(&nready, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 844, mpi::comm_bank);
             MPI_Send(readytasks[iready].data(), nready, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 845, mpi::comm_bank);
-   }
+        }
         if (message == GET_READYTASK_DEL) {
-       int iready = status.MPI_TAG; // the value of the index is sent through the tag
-       int nready = readytasks[iready].size();
+            int iready = status.MPI_TAG; // the value of the index is sent through the tag
+            int nready = readytasks[iready].size();
             MPI_Send(&nready, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 844, mpi::comm_bank);
-            if(nready>0 and readytasks[iready][0]==0)std::cout<<"ERROR del getreadytask"<<std::endl;
+            if (nready > 0 and readytasks[iready][0] == 0) std::cout << "ERROR del getreadytask" << std::endl;
             MPI_Send(readytasks[iready].data(), nready, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 845, mpi::comm_bank);
-   }
+        }
         if (message == PUT_ORB_N) {
             int nbanks;
-            int id=status.MPI_TAG;
+            int id = status.MPI_TAG;
             MPI_Recv(&nbanks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, id, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
             // make a list of n banks that will store the orbital id.
             std::vector<int> banks(nbanks); // the ranks of the banks to whom to send the orbital
-            if(banks_fromid[id].size()>0){
-         std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"WARNING: bank id "<<id<<" is already defined "<<banks_fromid[id].size()<<" "<<status.MPI_SOURCE<<std::endl;
+            if (banks_fromid[id].size() > 0) {
+                std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << "WARNING: bank id " << id << " is already defined "
+                          << banks_fromid[id].size() << " " << status.MPI_SOURCE << std::endl;
             for (int i = 0; i < nbanks; i++) {
@@ -755,35 +750,42 @@
                 banks[i] = bank_queue.getFront();
                 // also banks which are on the same node are marked as "busy"
                 //                std::cout<<" put "<<(banks[i])<<std::endl;
-                //                for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++) if(banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii==mpi::orb_bank_size)std::cout<<" error "<<banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii<<" "<<mpi::orb_bank_size<<" tbank"<<mpi::task_bank <<std::endl;
-                //      for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++) if(banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii!=0) bank_queue.moveToBack(banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii-1); // asummes 8 mpi per node, ranks starting from a multiple of 8
-               bank_queue.moveToBack(banks[i]);// mark last-> busiest
-               //banks[i] = rand()% mpi::orb_bank_size;
-               //if(i>0)banks[i] = (banks[0]+ 1 + rand()% (mpi::orb_bank_size-1))% mpi::orb_bank_size;
+                //                for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++) if(banks[i]-banks[i]%8 +
+                //                ii==mpi::orb_bank_size)std::cout<<" error "<<banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii<<"
+                //                "<<mpi::orb_bank_size<<" tbank"<<mpi::task_bank <<std::endl;
+                //      for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++) if(banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii!=0)
+                //      bank_queue.moveToBack(banks[i]-banks[i]%8 + ii-1); // asummes 8 mpi per node, ranks starting
+                //      from a multiple of 8
+                bank_queue.moveToBack(banks[i]); // mark last-> busiest
+                                                 // banks[i] = rand()% mpi::orb_bank_size;
+                // if(i>0)banks[i] = (banks[0]+ 1 + rand()% (mpi::orb_bank_size-1))% mpi::orb_bank_size;
                 banks_fromid[id].push_back(banks[i]); // list of banks that hold the orbital id
-          }
+            }
             MPI_Send(, nbanks, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 846, mpi::comm_bank);
         if (message == GET_ORB_N) {
             // find an available bank
-            int id=status.MPI_TAG;
+            int id = status.MPI_TAG;
             int b_rank = (id) % mpi::orb_bank_size;
-            long long mn=1e18;
+            long long mn = 1e18;
             for (int rank : banks_fromid[id]) {
-                if(bank_queue.getTimestamp(rank)<mn) {
+                if (bank_queue.getTimestamp(rank) < mn) {
                     //                if(queue_n[rank]<mn) {
                     //                    mn = queue_n[rank];
                     mn = bank_queue.getTimestamp(rank);
                     b_rank = rank;
-            //            std::cout<<" giving bank "<<b_rank<<" score "<<queue_n[b_rank]<<" Timestamp "<<bank_queue.getTimestamp(b_rank) <<" "<<queue_n[b_rank]<<std::endl;
+            //            std::cout<<" giving bank "<<b_rank<<" score "<<queue_n[b_rank]<<" Timestamp
+            //            "<<bank_queue.getTimestamp(b_rank) <<" "<<queue_n[b_rank]<<std::endl;
             queue_n[b_rank] = request_counter++;
             // also banks which are on the same node are marked as "busy"
-            //            for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)  if(b_rank-b_rank%8+ii!=0) bank_queue.moveToBack(b_rank-b_rank%8+ii-1); // asummes 8 mpi per node, ranks starting from a multiple of 8
+            //            for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)  if(b_rank-b_rank%8+ii!=0)
+            //            bank_queue.moveToBack(b_rank-b_rank%8+ii-1); // asummes 8 mpi per node, ranks starting from a
+            //            multiple of 8
             bank_queue.moveToBack(b_rank); // mark last-> busiest
             MPI_Send(&b_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, status.MPI_SOURCE, 847, mpi::comm_bank);
-       }
+        }
@@ -792,7 +794,8 @@
 int Bank::put_orb(int id, Orbital &orb) {
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     // for now we distribute according to id
-  if (id > id_shift) std::cout<<"WARNING: Bank id should be less than id_shift ("<<id_shift<<"), found id="<<id<<std::endl;
+    if (id > id_shift)
+        std::cout << "WARNING: Bank id should be less than id_shift (" << id_shift << "), found id=" << id << std::endl;
     if (id > id_shift) MSG_WARN("Bank id should be less than id_shift");
     MPI_Send(&SAVE_ORBITAL, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::bankmaster[id % mpi::orb_bank_size], id, mpi::comm_bank);
     mpi::send_orbital(orb, mpi::bankmaster[id % mpi::orb_bank_size], id, mpi::comm_bank);
@@ -920,7 +923,7 @@
     return maxtot;

-std::vector<int>  Bank::get_totalsize() {
+std::vector<int> Bank::get_totalsize() {
     std::vector<int> tot;
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     MPI_Status status;
@@ -934,8 +937,6 @@
     return tot;

 // remove all deposits
 // NB:: collective call. All clients must call this
 void Bank::clear_all(int iclient, MPI_Comm comm) {
@@ -943,7 +944,7 @@
     comm = mpi::comm_orb;
     // 1) wait until all clients are ready
-   // master send signal to bank
+    // master send signal to bank
     if (iclient == 0) {
         for (int i = 0; i < mpi::bank_size; i++) {
             MPI_Send(&CLEAR_BANK, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::bankmaster[i], 0, mpi::comm_bank);
@@ -955,7 +956,7 @@
             MPI_Recv(&message, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::bankmaster[i], 77, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
-    mpi::barrier(comm); //NB: MUST wait until cleared finished before starting other things
+    mpi::barrier(comm); // NB: MUST wait until cleared finished before starting other things

@@ -983,16 +984,16 @@
     mpi::barrier(comm); // NB: everybody must be done before init
     int dest = mpi::task_bank;
     int ntasks[2];
-    ntasks[0]=ntasksi;
-    ntasks[1]=ntasksj;
+    ntasks[0] = ntasksi;
+    ntasks[1] = ntasksj;
     // NB: Must be Synchronous send (SSend), because others must not
     // be able to start
-    if(rank == 0) {
+    if (rank == 0) {
         MPI_Ssend(&INIT_TASKS, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dest, 0, mpi::comm_bank);
         MPI_Ssend(ntasks, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dest, 0, mpi::comm_bank);
     mpi::barrier(comm); // NB: nobody must start before init is ready
- #endif

 void Bank::init_tasks(int ntaskstot, int rank, MPI_Comm comm) {
@@ -1004,12 +1005,12 @@
     ntasks[1] = 1;
     // NB: Must be Synchronous send (SSend), because others must not
     // be able to start
-    if(rank == 0) {
+    if (rank == 0) {
         MPI_Ssend(&INIT_TASKS, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dest, 0, mpi::comm_bank);
         MPI_Ssend(ntasks, 2, MPI_INTEGER, dest, 0, mpi::comm_bank);
     mpi::barrier(comm); // NB: nobody must start before init is ready
- #endif

 void Bank::get_task(int *task_2D, int i) {
@@ -1021,7 +1022,6 @@

 void Bank::get_task(int *task) {
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     MPI_Status status;
@@ -1055,14 +1055,14 @@
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     MPI_Status status;
     int task = GET_READYTASK;
-    if(del == 1) task = GET_READYTASK_DEL;
+    if (del == 1) task = GET_READYTASK_DEL;

     MPI_Send(&task, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::task_bank, i, mpi::comm_bank);
     int nready;
     MPI_Recv(&nready, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::task_bank, 844, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
     MPI_Recv(, nready, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::task_bank, 845, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
-    if(nready>0 and readytasks[0]==0)std::cout<<"ERROR get_readytask "<<nready<<std::endl;
+    if (nready > 0 and readytasks[0] == 0) std::cout << "ERROR get_readytask " << nready << std::endl;

     return readytasks;
@@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@
 int Bank::put_orb_n(int id, Orbital &orb, int n) {
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     MPI_Status status;
-    //the task manager assigns n bank to whom the orbital is sent
+    // the task manager assigns n bank to whom the orbital is sent
     int dest = mpi::task_bank;
     MPI_Send(&PUT_ORB_N, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dest, id, mpi::comm_bank);
     MPI_Send(&n, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dest, id, mpi::comm_bank);
@@ -1089,14 +1089,14 @@
 int Bank::get_orb_n(int id, Orbital &orb, int del) {
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     MPI_Status status;
-    //the task manager tells from whom the orbital is to be fetched
+    // the task manager tells from whom the orbital is to be fetched
     int dest = mpi::task_bank;
     MPI_Send(&GET_ORB_N, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dest, id, mpi::comm_bank);
     int b_rank;
     MPI_Recv(&b_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dest, 847, mpi::comm_bank, &status);
     /*MPI_Send(&GET_ORBITAL, 1, MPI_INTEGER, bank_rank, id, mpi::comm_bank);
     mpi::recv_orbital(orb, bank_rank, id, mpi::comm_bank);*/
-     if(del == 1){
+    if (del == 1) {
         MPI_Status status;
         MPI_Send(&GET_ORBITAL_AND_DELETE, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::bankmaster[b_rank], id, mpi::comm_bank);
         int found;
@@ -1107,11 +1107,12 @@
         } else {
             return 0;
-     } else {
-         Timer tt;
-         MPI_Send(&GET_ORBITAL_AND_WAIT, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::bankmaster[b_rank], id, mpi::comm_bank);
-         mpi::recv_orbital(orb, mpi::bankmaster[b_rank], id, mpi::comm_bank);
-         //         if(mpi::world_rank==0)std::cout << mpi::world_rank << "waited " << (int)((float)tt.elapsed()* 1000)<<" for "<<orb.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)/1000<<" MB from bank:"<<b_rank<<std::endl;
+    } else {
+        Timer tt;
+        MPI_Send(&GET_ORBITAL_AND_WAIT, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi::bankmaster[b_rank], id, mpi::comm_bank);
+        mpi::recv_orbital(orb, mpi::bankmaster[b_rank], id, mpi::comm_bank);
+        //         if(mpi::world_rank==0)std::cout << mpi::world_rank << "waited " << (int)((float)tt.elapsed()*
+        //         1000)<<" for "<<orb.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)/1000<<" MB from bank:"<<b_rank<<std::endl;
     return 1;


--- src/parallel.h
+++ src/parallel.h
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
     std::map<int, int> id2qu;
     std::vector<bank::queue_struct> queue;
     long long currentsize = 0; // total deposited data size (without containers)
-    long long maxsize = 0; // max total deposited data size (without containers)
+    long long maxsize = 0;     // max total deposited data size (without containers)

     void clear_bank();


--- src/qmfunctions/QMFunction.cpp
+++ src/qmfunctions/QMFunction.cpp
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
         if (hasImag()) delete this->func_ptr->im;
         this->func_ptr->im = nullptr;
-    if(isShared() and !hasImag() and !hasReal()) this->func_ptr->shared_mem->clear();
+    if (isShared() and !hasImag() and !hasReal()) this->func_ptr->shared_mem->clear();

 /** @brief Returns the orbital meta data


--- src/qmfunctions/orbital_utils.cpp
+++ src/qmfunctions/orbital_utils.cpp
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
 OrbitalVector orbital::rotate(OrbitalVector &Phi, const ComplexMatrix &U, double prec) {

     //    if(mpi::bank_size > 0 and Phi.size() >= sqrt(8*mpi::orb_size)) {
-        return orbital::rotate_bank(Phi, U, prec);
-        //
+    return orbital::rotate_bank(Phi, U, prec);
+    //

     // Get all out orbitals belonging to this MPI
     auto inter_prec = (mpi::numerically_exact) ? -1.0 : prec;
@@ -260,7 +260,6 @@
     return out;

 /** @brief Orbital transformation out_j = sum_i inp_i*U_ij
  * NOTE: OrbitalVector is considered a ROW vector, so rotation
@@ -270,13 +269,11 @@

 OrbitalVector orbital::rotate_bank(OrbitalVector &Phi, const ComplexMatrix &U, double prec) {

     mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); // for testing

-    Timer t_tot,t_bankr,t_bankrx,t_bankw,t_add,t_task,t_last;
+    Timer t_tot, t_bankr, t_bankrx, t_bankw, t_add, t_task, t_last;
@@ -287,10 +284,10 @@
     auto out = orbital::param_copy(Phi);

     mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb); // needed!
-    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); // for testing
-    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N); // store the size of the orbitals
-    std::set<std::pair<int, int>> orb_sizes; // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
+    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb);                           // for testing
+    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N);                             // store the size of the orbitals
+    std::set<std::pair<int, int>> orb_sizes;               // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
     // save all orbitals in bank
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
@@ -302,63 +299,71 @@
     mpi::allreduce_vector(orb_sizesvec, mpi::comm_orb);
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[i], i});
     int totorbsize = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i]/1024; // NB: use MB to avoid overflow
-    int avorbsize = totorbsize/N;
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024; // NB: use MB to avoid overflow
+    int avorbsize = totorbsize / N;

     // we do not want to store temporarily more than 1/2 of the total memory for orbitals.
-    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000 / 2 / avorbsize; //assumes 2GB available per thread
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time bank write all orb " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" av size:"<<avorbsize<<"MB. Maxblocksize:"<<maxBlockSize<<std::endl;
+    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000 / 2 / avorbsize; // assumes 2GB available per thread
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " Time bank write all orb " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000)
+                  << " av size:" << avorbsize << "MB. Maxblocksize:" << maxBlockSize << std::endl;

     // first divide into a fixed number of tasks
     int block_size; // U is partitioned in blocks with size block_size x block_size
-    block_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(N/sqrt(2*mpi::orb_size) + 0.5)); // each MPI process will have about 2 tasks
+    block_size = std::min(
+        maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(N / sqrt(2 * mpi::orb_size) + 0.5)); // each MPI process will have about 2 tasks
     block_size = std::max(block_size, 1);
-    //int iblocks =  (N + block_size -1)/block_size;
+    // int iblocks =  (N + block_size -1)/block_size;

-    // we assume that jorbitals are 5 times more memory demanding than an average input orbital (because they are the linear combinations of many i orbitals.)
-    //and we demand that  iblock_size+jblock_size < maxBlockSize
-    int jblock_size = std::max(1,(maxBlockSize-3)/5);
-    int iblock_size = ((maxBlockSize-3)/5)*4;
-    int iblocks = (N + iblock_size -1)/iblock_size;
-    int jblocks = (N + jblock_size -1)/jblock_size;
+    // we assume that jorbitals are 5 times more memory demanding than an average input orbital (because they are the
+    // linear combinations of many i orbitals.)
+    // and we demand that  iblock_size+jblock_size < maxBlockSize
+    int jblock_size = std::max(1, (maxBlockSize - 3) / 5);
+    int iblock_size = ((maxBlockSize - 3) / 5) * 4;
+    int iblocks = (N + iblock_size - 1) / iblock_size;
+    int jblocks = (N + jblock_size - 1) / jblock_size;
     int ntasks = iblocks * jblocks;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" block sizes " <<iblock_size<<" x "<<jblock_size<<" iblocks="<<iblocks<<" jblocks="<<jblocks<<" maxBlockSize="<<maxBlockSize<<std::endl;
-    if( ntasks <  3*mpi::orb_size){ // at least 3 tasks per mpi process
-      //too few tasks
-      // reduce jblock_size until satisfactory
-      while(ntasks <  3*mpi::orb_size and jblock_size > 4 and iblock_size > 15){
-   jblock_size--;
-   iblock_size-=4;
-        //iblock_size = std::max(1,jblock_size*5);
-        iblocks = (N + iblock_size -1)/iblock_size;
-   jblocks = (N + jblock_size -1)/jblock_size;
-   ntasks = iblocks * jblocks;
-      }
-      if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<"new block sizes " <<iblock_size<<" x "<<jblock_size<<" iblocks="<<iblocks<<" jblocks="<<jblocks<<" maxBlockSize="<<maxBlockSize<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << " block sizes " << iblock_size << " x " << jblock_size << " iblocks=" << iblocks
+                  << " jblocks=" << jblocks << " maxBlockSize=" << maxBlockSize << std::endl;
+    if (ntasks < 3 * mpi::orb_size) { // at least 3 tasks per mpi process
+        // too few tasks
+        // reduce jblock_size until satisfactory
+        while (ntasks < 3 * mpi::orb_size and jblock_size > 4 and iblock_size > 15) {
+            jblock_size--;
+            iblock_size -= 4;
+            // iblock_size = std::max(1,jblock_size*5);
+            iblocks = (N + iblock_size - 1) / iblock_size;
+            jblocks = (N + jblock_size - 1) / jblock_size;
+            ntasks = iblocks * jblocks;
+        }
+        if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+            std::cout << "new block sizes " << iblock_size << " x " << jblock_size << " iblocks=" << iblocks
+                      << " jblocks=" << jblocks << " maxBlockSize=" << maxBlockSize << std::endl;

     // fill blocks with orbitals, so that they become roughly evenly distributed
-    std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> orb_map[iblocks]; // orbitals that belong to each block
-    int b = 0; // block index
-    for (auto i: orb_sizes) { // orb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
-   b %= iblocks;
-   orb_map[b].push_back(i);
-   b++;
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> orb_map[iblocks]; // orbitals that belong to each block
+    int b = 0;                                         // block index
+    for (auto i : orb_sizes) {                         // orb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
+        b %= iblocks;
+        orb_map[b].push_back(i);
+        b++;

-    int task = 0; // task rank
+    int task = 0;                                  // task rank
     std::vector<std::vector<int>> itasks(iblocks); // the i values (orbitals) of each block
     std::vector<std::vector<int>> jtasks(jblocks); // the j values (orbitals) of each block

-     for (int ib = 0; ib < iblocks; ib++) {
-       int isize = orb_map[ib].size();
-      // we fetch orbitals within the same iblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
-       for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[ib].push_back(orb_map[ib][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
-     }
-     for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
-      // we simply take the orbitals in the original order
-         for (int j = jb*jblock_size; j < (jb+1)*jblock_size and j<N; j++) jtasks[jb].push_back(j);
+    for (int ib = 0; ib < iblocks; ib++) {
+        int isize = orb_map[ib].size();
+        // we fetch orbitals within the same iblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
+        for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[ib].push_back(orb_map[ib][(i + mpi::orb_rank) % isize].second);
+    }
+    for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
+        // we simply take the orbitals in the original order
+        for (int j = jb * jblock_size; j < (jb + 1) * jblock_size and j < N; j++) jtasks[jb].push_back(j);

     // make sum_i inp_i*U_ij within each block, and store result in bank
@@ -374,20 +379,22 @@
     int nodesize = 0;
     int maxjsize = 0;
     OrbitalVector jorb_vec;
-    while(true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
-   int task_2D[2];
-   t_task.resume();
-   //        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(&it);
-        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(task_2D, mpi::orb_rank%jblocks);
-   int jb = task_2D[1];
-   int ib = (task_2D[0]+jb)%iblocks; // NB: the blocks are shifted diagonally, so that not all processes start with the first iblock
-   t_task.stop();
-        if(jb<0){
-            if(previous_ib >= 0){
-              // we are done but still need to store the results form previous block
-               for (int j = 0; j<jorb_vec.size(); j++){
+    while (true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
+        int task_2D[2];
+        t_task.resume();
+        //        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(&it);
+        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(task_2D, mpi::orb_rank % jblocks);
+        int jb = task_2D[1];
+        int ib =
+            (task_2D[0] + jb) %
+            iblocks; // NB: the blocks are shifted diagonally, so that not all processes start with the first iblock
+        t_task.stop();
+        if (jb < 0) {
+            if (previous_ib >= 0) {
+                // we are done but still need to store the results form previous block
+                for (int j = 0; j < jorb_vec.size(); j++) {
                     int jorb = jtasks[previous_jb][j];
-                    int id = N+itasks[previous_ib][0]*N+jorb;
+                    int id = N + itasks[previous_ib][0] * N + jorb;
                     mpi::orb_bank.put_orb(id, jorb_vec[j]);
@@ -399,27 +406,30 @@
-   count++;
+        count++;
         QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
-        nodesize=0;
-   t_bankr.resume();
+        nodesize = 0;
+        t_bankr.resume();
         for (int i = 0; i < itasks[ib].size(); i++) {
             int iorb = itasks[ib][i];
             Orbital phi_i;
             mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, phi_i, 0);
-            nodesize+=phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+            nodesize += phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-        if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" "<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for "<<itasks[ib].size()<<" orbitals "<<" time read "<<(int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<std::endl;
-   t_bankr.stop();
+        if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+            std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " " << ib << " " << jb << " fetched total " << nodesize / 1024 << " MB for "
+                      << itasks[ib].size() << " orbitals "
+                      << " time read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << std::endl;
+        t_bankr.stop();

-   if(previous_jb != jb and previous_jb >= 0){
+        if (previous_jb != jb and previous_jb >= 0) {
             // we have got a new j and need to store the results form previous block
-            for (int j = 0; j<jorb_vec.size(); j++){
-         if(previous_jb<0 or j>jtasks[previous_jb].size())std::cout<<ib<<" ERROR jtasks"<<std::endl;
+            for (int j = 0; j < jorb_vec.size(); j++) {
+                if (previous_jb < 0 or j > jtasks[previous_jb].size()) std::cout << ib << " ERROR jtasks" << std::endl;
                 int jorb = jtasks[previous_jb][j];
-                int id = N+itasks[previous_ib][0]*N+jorb;
+                int id = N + itasks[previous_ib][0] * N + jorb;
                 mpi::orb_bank.put_orb(id, jorb_vec[j]);
@@ -428,13 +438,13 @@
-   } else {
+        } else {
             // same jblock as before. We include results from previous block
-            if(mpi::orb_rank==0 and previous_jb >= 0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" reusing j" <<std::endl;
-   }
+            if (mpi::orb_rank == 0 and previous_jb >= 0) std::cout << ib << " " << jb << " reusing j" << std::endl;
+        }

         for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
-            ComplexVector coef_vec(itasks[ib].size()+iblocks);
+            ComplexVector coef_vec(itasks[ib].size() + iblocks);
             int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
             for (int i = 0; i < itasks[ib].size(); i++) {
                 int iorb = itasks[ib][i];
@@ -443,41 +453,47 @@
             // include also block results which may be ready
             std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1);
-            if(iblock_size + jblock_size + jvec.size() >  maxBlockSize ){
+            if (iblock_size + jblock_size + jvec.size() > maxBlockSize) {
                 // Security mechanism to avoid the possibility of ifunc_vec getting too large
-                for (int ix = maxBlockSize-iblock_size-jblock_size; ix < jvec.size(); ix++ ) {
-                    //define as ready again (i.e. "undelete")
-                    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<jvec[ix]<<" undelete "<<jvec.size()<<" "<<ix<<jorb<<std::endl;
+                for (int ix = maxBlockSize - iblock_size - jblock_size; ix < jvec.size(); ix++) {
+                    // define as ready again (i.e. "undelete")
+                    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+                        std::cout << jvec[ix] << " undelete " << jvec.size() << " " << ix << jorb << std::endl;
                     mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(jvec[ix], jorb);
-                jvec.resize(maxBlockSize-iblock_size-jblock_size);
+                jvec.resize(maxBlockSize - iblock_size - jblock_size);
-            if(jvec.size() > 0) {
+            if (jvec.size() > 0) {
                 for (int id : jvec) {
-         Orbital phi_i;
+                    Orbital phi_i;
-                    if(id==0){
-                        std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" got id=0 for"<<jorb<<std::endl;
-                        for (int ix = 0; ix < jvec.size(); ix++ ) std::cout<<ix<<" id= "<<id<<std::endl;
-                   }
+                    if (id == 0) {
+                        std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " got id=0 for" << jorb << std::endl;
+                        for (int ix = 0; ix < jvec.size(); ix++) std::cout << ix << " id= " << id << std::endl;
+                    }
                     int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_i, 1);
                     if (ok) {
-           if(ifunc_vec.size()>itasks[ib].size()+iblocks)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" ERROR too large "<<ifunc_vec.size()<<" "<<ib<<" "<<itasks[ib].size()<<" "<<iblocks<<" "<<jvec.size()<<std::endl;
+                        if (ifunc_vec.size() > itasks[ib].size() + iblocks)
+                            std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " ERROR too large " << ifunc_vec.size() << " " << ib << " "
+                                      << itasks[ib].size() << " " << iblocks << " " << jvec.size() << std::endl;
                         coef_vec(ifunc_vec.size()) = 1.0;
                     } else {
-                        std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find contribution for  " << jorb<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<" id "<<id<<std::endl;
+                        std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << "did not find contribution for  " << jorb << " expected "
+                                  << jvec.size() << " id " << id << std::endl;
                         MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my orbitals");
-               }
+                }
-            if(previous_jb == jb) {
+            if (previous_jb == jb) {
                 // include result from previous block
-         if(ifunc_vec.size()>itasks[ib].size()+iblocks)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" BERROR too large "<<ifunc_vec.size()<<" "<<ib<<" "<<itasks[ib].size()<<" "<<iblocks<<" "<<jvec.size()<<std::endl;
+                if (ifunc_vec.size() > itasks[ib].size() + iblocks)
+                    std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " BERROR too large " << ifunc_vec.size() << " " << ib << " "
+                              << itasks[ib].size() << " " << iblocks << " " << jvec.size() << std::endl;
                 coef_vec(ifunc_vec.size()) = 1.0;
@@ -485,29 +501,38 @@
             qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_j, coef_vec, ifunc_vec, priv_prec);
-       maxjsize = std::max(maxjsize, tmp_j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)/1024);
-            if(previous_jb == jb){
+            maxjsize = std::max(maxjsize, tmp_j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total) / 1024);
+            if (previous_jb == jb) {
                 // results are stored in jorb_vec, replacing the old entries
-           //jorb_vec[j].free(NUMBER::Total);
+                // jorb_vec[j].free(NUMBER::Total);
                 jorb_vec[j] = tmp_j;
-                //tmp_j.release(); ?
-            }else{
+                // tmp_j.release(); ?
+            } else {
                 // old jorb_vec not in use, build new
-       // remove block the additional results from the i vector
-       ifunc_vec.resize(itasks[ib].size());
+            // remove block the additional results from the i vector
+            ifunc_vec.resize(itasks[ib].size());
-   ifunc_vec.resize(itasks[ib].size());
-       previous_ib = ib;
-   previous_jb = jb;
+        ifunc_vec.resize(itasks[ib].size());
+        previous_ib = ib;
+        previous_jb = jb;


-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time rotate1 " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bank read xtra " << (int)((float)t_bankrx.elapsed() * 1000) <<" xorb="<<countx<<" xundeleted="<<countxok<<" Time bank write " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time add " << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time last task " << (int)((float)t_last.elapsed() * 1000) <<" block size "<<iblock_size<<"x"<<jblock_size<<" ntasks executed: "<<count<<" max j size "<<maxjsize<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " Time rotate1 " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "
+                  << " Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time bank read xtra "
+                  << (int)((float)t_bankrx.elapsed() * 1000) << " xorb=" << countx << " xundeleted=" << countxok
+                  << " Time bank write " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time add "
+                  << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time task manager "
+                  << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time last task "
+                  << (int)((float)t_last.elapsed() * 1000) << " block size " << iblock_size << "x" << jblock_size
+                  << " ntasks executed: " << count << " max j size " << maxjsize << std::endl;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time rotate1 all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << " Time rotate1 all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms " << std::endl;

     // by now most of the operations are finished. We add only contributions to own orbitals.
     count = 0;
@@ -515,12 +540,13 @@
         if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi[jorb])) continue;
         QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
-        std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1); // Only jorb will use those contributions: delete when done.
+        std::vector<int> jvec =
+            mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1); // Only jorb will use those contributions: delete when done.

         ComplexVector coef_vec(jvec.size());
         int i = 0;
-        int idsave=-1;
+        int idsave = -1;
         for (int id : jvec) {
             Orbital phi_i;
@@ -529,25 +555,31 @@

             if (ok) {
-           if(ifunc_vec.size()>jvec.size())std::cout<<" ERRORifunc "<<std::endl;
+                if (ifunc_vec.size() > jvec.size()) std::cout << " ERRORifunc " << std::endl;
                 coef_vec(ifunc_vec.size()) = 1.0;
             } else {
-                std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find contribution for  " << jorb<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<" id "<<id<<std::endl;
+                std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << "did not find contribution for  " << jorb << " expected " << jvec.size()
+                          << " id " << id << std::endl;
                 MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my orbitals");
-            //if (ifunc_vec.size() >= 2 * block_size ) break; // we do not want too long vectors
+            // if (ifunc_vec.size() >= 2 * block_size ) break; // we do not want too long vectors
         // write result in out
         qmfunction::linear_combination(out[jorb], coef_vec, ifunc_vec, priv_prec);
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time total " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bankr2 " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bankw2 " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time add " << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) <<" added "<<count<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << " Time total " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "
+                  << " Time bankr2 " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time bankw2 "
+                  << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time add " << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000)
+                  << " Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) << " added " << count << std::endl;

-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time total all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << " Time total all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms " << std::endl;

     if (mpi::numerically_exact) {
         for (auto &phi : out) {
@@ -559,233 +591,238 @@

     return out;
-  /*
 OrbitalVector orbital::rotate_bank(OrbitalVector &Phi, const ComplexMatrix &U, double prec) {

-    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); // for testing
-    Timer t_tot,t_bankr,t_bankrx,t_bankw,t_add,t_task,t_last;
-    t_bankw.stop();
-    t_bankr.stop();
-    t_bankrx.stop();
-    t_add.stop();
-    t_task.stop();
-    int N = Phi.size();
-    auto priv_prec = (mpi::numerically_exact) ? -1.0 : prec;
-    auto out = orbital::param_copy(Phi);
-    mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb); // needed!
-    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); // for testing
-    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N); // store the size of the orbitals, for future fine tuning
-    std::set<std::pair<int, int>> orb_sizes; // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
-    t_bankw.resume();
-    // save all orbitals in bank
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-        if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi[i])) continue;
-        mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(i, Phi[i], 3);
-        orb_sizesvec[i] = Phi[i].getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-    }
-    t_bankw.stop();
-    mpi::allreduce_vector(orb_sizesvec, mpi::comm_orb);
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[i], i});
-    int totorbsize = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i];
-    int avorbsize = totorbsize/N;
-    // we do not want to store temporarily more than 1/2 of the total memory for orbitals. (Note this is in an unlikely scenario where all orbitals on one node have maxsize)
-    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000000 / 3 / avorbsize; //assumes 2GB available per thread
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time bank write all orb " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" av size:"<<avorbsize/1024<<"MB. Maxblocksize:"<<maxBlockSize<<std::endl;
-    // first divide into a fixed number of tasks
-    int block_size; // U is partitioned in blocks with size block_size x block_size
-    block_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(N/sqrt(2*mpi::orb_size) + 0.5)); // each MPI process will have about 2 tasks
-    int iblocks =  (N + block_size -1)/block_size;
-    // fill blocks with orbitals, so that they become roughly evenly distributed
-    std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> orb_map[iblocks]; // orbitals that belong to each block
-    int b = 0; // block index
-    for (auto i: orb_sizes) {
-   b %= iblocks;
-   orb_map[b].push_back(i);
-   b++;
-    }
-    int task = 0; // task rank
-    int ntasks = iblocks * iblocks;
-    std::vector<std::vector<int>> itasks(ntasks); // the i values (orbitals) of each block
-    std::vector<std::vector<int>> jtasks(ntasks); // the j values (orbitals) of each block
-    // Task order are organised so that block along a diagonal are computed before starting next diagonal
-    // Taking blocks from same column would mean that the same orbitals are fetched from bank, taking
-    // blocks from same row would mean that all row results would be finished approximately together and
-    // all would be written out as partial results, meaning too partial results saved in bank.
-    //
-    // Results from previous blocks on the same row are ready they are also summed into current block
-    // This is because we do not want to store in bank too many block results at a time (~0(N^2))
-    //
-    int diag_shift = 0;
-    int ib = 0;
-    while (task < ntasks) {
-      // blocks move along diagonals, so as not to fetch identical orbitals, and not store too many orbitals from the same row simultaneously.
-      ib = ib%iblocks;
-      int jb = (ib + diag_shift) % iblocks;
-      int isize = orb_map[ib].size();
-      int jsize = orb_map[jb].size();
-      // we also fetch orbitals within the same i or j blocks in different orders
-      for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[task].push_back(orb_map[ib][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
-      for (int j = 0; j < jsize; j++) jtasks[task].push_back(orb_map[jb][(j+mpi::orb_rank)%jsize].second);
-      task++;
-      ib++;
-      if (ib == iblocks) diag_shift++;
-    }
-    // make sum_i inp_i*U_ij within each block, and store result in bank
+  mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); // for testing

-    t_task.resume();
-    mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(ntasks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
-    t_task.stop();
-    int count = 0;
-    int countx = 0;
-    int countxok = 0;
-    while(true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
-        int it;
-   t_task.resume();
-        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(&it);
-   t_task.stop();
-        if(it<0)break;
-   count++;
-        t_last.start();
-        QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
-   t_bankr.resume();
-        int nodesize=0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < itasks[it].size(); i++) {
-            int iorb = itasks[it][i];
-            Orbital phi_i;
-            mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, phi_i, 0);
-            ifunc_vec.push_back(phi_i);
-            nodesize+=phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-        }
-        if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<it<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for "<<itasks[it].size()<<" orbitals "<<" time read "<<(int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<std::endl;
-   t_bankr.stop();
-        for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[it].size(); j++) {
-            if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<it<<" fetching " <<j <<" of "<<jtasks[it].size()-1<<std::endl;
-            ComplexVector coef_vec(itasks[it].size()+iblocks);
-            int jorb = jtasks[it][j];
-            for (int i = 0; i < itasks[it].size(); i++) {
-                int iorb = itasks[it][i];
-                coef_vec(i) = U(iorb, jorb);
-            }
-            // include also block results which may be ready
-            t_task.resume();
-            std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1);
-            if(block_size + jvec.size() >  2*maxBlockSize ){
-                // Security mechanism to avoid the possibility of ifunc_vec getting too large
-                for (int ix = 2*maxBlockSize-block_size; ix < jvec.size(); ix++ ) {
-                    //define as ready again (i.e. "undelete")
-                    std::cout<<jvec[ix]<<" undelete "<<jvec.size()<<" "<<ix<<jorb<<std::endl;
-                    mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(jvec[ix], jorb);
-                    countxok++;
-                }
-                jvec.resize(2*maxBlockSize-block_size);
-            }
-            t_task.stop();
-            if(jvec.size() > 0) {
-                int i = itasks[it].size();
-                for (int id : jvec) {
-                    Orbital phi_i;
-                    t_bankrx.resume();
-                    if(id==0){
-                        std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" got id=0 for"<<jorb<<std::endl;
-                        for (int ix = 0; ix < jvec.size(); ix++ ) std::cout<<ix<<" id= "<<id<<std::endl;
-                   }
-                    //                        int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_del(id, phi_i);
-                    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<it<<" fetching xtra" <<id <<" of "<<jvec.size()<<std::endl;
-                    int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_i, 1);
-                    countx++;
-                    t_bankrx.stop();
-                    if (ok) {
-                        ifunc_vec.push_back(phi_i);
-                        coef_vec(i++) = 1.0;
-                    } else {
-                        std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find contribution for  " << jorb<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<" id "<<id<<std::endl;
-                        MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my orbitals");
-                    }
-               }
-            }
-            auto tmp_j = out[jorb].paramCopy();
-            t_add.resume();
-            qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_j, coef_vec, ifunc_vec, priv_prec);
-            t_add.stop();
-            ifunc_vec.resize(itasks[it].size());
-            // save block result in bank
-            int id = N+it*N+jorb; // N first indices are reserved for original orbitals
-            id = N+itasks[it][0]*N+jorb;
-            t_bankw.resume();
-            //            mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(id, tmp_j, 1);
-            mpi::orb_bank.put_orb(id, tmp_j);
-            t_bankw.stop();
-            t_task.resume();
-            mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(id, jorb);
-            t_task.stop();
-        }
-        t_last.stop();
-    }
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time rotate1 " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bank read xtra " << (int)((float)t_bankrx.elapsed() * 1000) <<" xorb="<<countx<<" xundeleted="<<countxok<<" Time bank write " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time add " << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time last task " << (int)((float)t_last.elapsed() * 1000) <<" block size "<<block_size<<" ntasks executed: "<<count<<std::endl;
-    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb);
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time rotate1 all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<std::endl;
-    // by now most of the operations are finished. We add only contributions to own orbitals.
-    count = 0;
-    for (int jorb = 0; jorb < N; jorb++) {
-        if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi[jorb])) continue;
-        QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
-        t_task.resume();
-        std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1); // Only jorb will use those contributions: delete when done.
-        t_task.stop();
-        ComplexVector coef_vec(jvec.size());
-        int i = 0;
-        int idsave=-1;
-        for (int id : jvec) {
-            Orbital phi_i;
-            t_bankr.resume();
-            //            int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_i, 1);
-            int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_del(id, phi_i);
-            t_bankr.stop();
-            if (ok) {
-                coef_vec(ifunc_vec.size()) = 1.0;
-                ifunc_vec.push_back(phi_i);
-                count++;
-            } else {
-                std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find contribution for  " << jorb<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<" id "<<id<<std::endl;
-                MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my orbitals");
-            }
-            //if (ifunc_vec.size() >= 2 * block_size ) break; // we do not want too long vectors
-        }
-        // if ifunc_vec.size()==1, we must still resave the orbital, because we have deleted it
-        int id = idsave; // index guaranteed not to collide with previously defined indices
-        // write result in out
-        t_add.resume();
-        qmfunction::linear_combination(out[jorb], coef_vec, ifunc_vec, priv_prec);
-        t_add.stop();
-    }
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time total " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bankr2 " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bankw2 " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time add " << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) <<" added "<<count<<" block size "<<block_size<<std::endl;
-    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb);
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time total all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<std::endl;
+  Timer t_tot,t_bankr,t_bankrx,t_bankw,t_add,t_task,t_last;
+  t_bankw.stop();
+  t_bankr.stop();
+  t_bankrx.stop();
+  t_add.stop();
+  t_task.stop();
+  int N = Phi.size();
+  auto priv_prec = (mpi::numerically_exact) ? -1.0 : prec;
+  auto out = orbital::param_copy(Phi);
+  mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb); // needed!
+  mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); // for testing
+  IntVector orb_sizesvec(N); // store the size of the orbitals, for future fine tuning
+  std::set<std::pair<int, int>> orb_sizes; // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
+  t_bankw.resume();
+  // save all orbitals in bank
+  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+      if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi[i])) continue;
+      mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(i, Phi[i], 3);
+      orb_sizesvec[i] = Phi[i].getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+  }
+  t_bankw.stop();
+  mpi::allreduce_vector(orb_sizesvec, mpi::comm_orb);
+  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[i], i});
+  int totorbsize = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i];
+  int avorbsize = totorbsize/N;
+  // we do not want to store temporarily more than 1/2 of the total memory for orbitals. (Note this is in an unlikely
+scenario where all orbitals on one node have maxsize) int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000000 / 3 / avorbsize;
+//assumes 2GB available per thread if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time bank write all orb " <<
+(int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" av size:"<<avorbsize/1024<<"MB. Maxblocksize:"<<maxBlockSize<<std::endl;
+  // first divide into a fixed number of tasks
+  int block_size; // U is partitioned in blocks with size block_size x block_size
+  block_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(N/sqrt(2*mpi::orb_size) + 0.5)); // each MPI process will have
+about 2 tasks int iblocks =  (N + block_size -1)/block_size;
+  // fill blocks with orbitals, so that they become roughly evenly distributed
+  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> orb_map[iblocks]; // orbitals that belong to each block
+  int b = 0; // block index
+  for (auto i: orb_sizes) {
+      b %= iblocks;
+      orb_map[b].push_back(i);
+      b++;
+  }
+  int task = 0; // task rank
+  int ntasks = iblocks * iblocks;
+  std::vector<std::vector<int>> itasks(ntasks); // the i values (orbitals) of each block
+  std::vector<std::vector<int>> jtasks(ntasks); // the j values (orbitals) of each block
+  // Task order are organised so that block along a diagonal are computed before starting next diagonal
+  // Taking blocks from same column would mean that the same orbitals are fetched from bank, taking
+  // blocks from same row would mean that all row results would be finished approximately together and
+  // all would be written out as partial results, meaning too partial results saved in bank.
+  //
+  // Results from previous blocks on the same row are ready they are also summed into current block
+  // This is because we do not want to store in bank too many block results at a time (~0(N^2))
+  //
+  int diag_shift = 0;
+  int ib = 0;
+  while (task < ntasks) {
+    // blocks move along diagonals, so as not to fetch identical orbitals, and not store too many orbitals from the same
+row simultaneously. ib = ib%iblocks; int jb = (ib + diag_shift) % iblocks; int isize = orb_map[ib].size(); int jsize =
+    // we also fetch orbitals within the same i or j blocks in different orders
+    for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[task].push_back(orb_map[ib][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
+    for (int j = 0; j < jsize; j++) jtasks[task].push_back(orb_map[jb][(j+mpi::orb_rank)%jsize].second);
+    task++;
+    ib++;
+    if (ib == iblocks) diag_shift++;
+  }
+  // make sum_i inp_i*U_ij within each block, and store result in bank
+  t_task.resume();
+  mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(ntasks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
+  t_task.stop();
+  int count = 0;
+  int countx = 0;
+  int countxok = 0;
+  while(true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
+      int it;
+      t_task.resume();
+      mpi::orb_bank.get_task(&it);
+      t_task.stop();
+      if(it<0)break;
+      count++;
+      t_last.start();
+      QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
+      t_bankr.resume();
+      int nodesize=0;
+      for (int i = 0; i < itasks[it].size(); i++) {
+          int iorb = itasks[it][i];
+          Orbital phi_i;
+          mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, phi_i, 0);
+          ifunc_vec.push_back(phi_i);
+          nodesize+=phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+      }
+      if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<it<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for "<<itasks[it].size()<<" orbitals
+"<<" time read "<<(int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<std::endl; t_bankr.stop(); for (int j = 0; j <
+jtasks[it].size(); j++) { if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<it<<" fetching " <<j <<" of "<<jtasks[it].size()-1<<std::endl;
+          ComplexVector coef_vec(itasks[it].size()+iblocks);
+          int jorb = jtasks[it][j];
+          for (int i = 0; i < itasks[it].size(); i++) {
+              int iorb = itasks[it][i];
+              coef_vec(i) = U(iorb, jorb);
+          }
+          // include also block results which may be ready
+          t_task.resume();
+          std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1);
+          if(block_size + jvec.size() >  2*maxBlockSize ){
+              // Security mechanism to avoid the possibility of ifunc_vec getting too large
+              for (int ix = 2*maxBlockSize-block_size; ix < jvec.size(); ix++ ) {
+                  //define as ready again (i.e. "undelete")
+                  std::cout<<jvec[ix]<<" undelete "<<jvec.size()<<" "<<ix<<jorb<<std::endl;
+                  mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(jvec[ix], jorb);
+                  countxok++;
+              }
+              jvec.resize(2*maxBlockSize-block_size);
+          }
+          t_task.stop();
+          if(jvec.size() > 0) {
+              int i = itasks[it].size();
+              for (int id : jvec) {
+                  Orbital phi_i;
+                  t_bankrx.resume();
+                  if(id==0){
+                      std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" got id=0 for"<<jorb<<std::endl;
+                      for (int ix = 0; ix < jvec.size(); ix++ ) std::cout<<ix<<" id= "<<id<<std::endl;
+                 }
+                  //                        int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_del(id, phi_i);
+                  if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<it<<" fetching xtra" <<id <<" of "<<jvec.size()<<std::endl;
+                  int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_i, 1);
+                  countx++;
+                  t_bankrx.stop();
+                  if (ok) {
+                      ifunc_vec.push_back(phi_i);
+                      coef_vec(i++) = 1.0;
+                  } else {
+                      std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find contribution for  " << jorb<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<"
+id "<<id<<std::endl; MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my orbitals");
+                  }
+             }
+          }
+          auto tmp_j = out[jorb].paramCopy();
+          t_add.resume();
+          qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_j, coef_vec, ifunc_vec, priv_prec);
+          t_add.stop();
+          ifunc_vec.resize(itasks[it].size());
+          // save block result in bank
+          int id = N+it*N+jorb; // N first indices are reserved for original orbitals
+          id = N+itasks[it][0]*N+jorb;
+          t_bankw.resume();
+          //            mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(id, tmp_j, 1);
+          mpi::orb_bank.put_orb(id, tmp_j);
+          t_bankw.stop();
+          t_task.resume();
+          mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(id, jorb);
+          t_task.stop();
+      }
+      t_last.stop();
+  }

-    if (mpi::numerically_exact) {
-        for (auto &phi : out) {
-            if (mpi::my_orb(phi)) phi.crop(prec);
-        }
-    }
-    mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
-    mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb);
+  if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time rotate1 " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<"
+Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bank read xtra " << (int)((float)t_bankrx.elapsed()
+* 1000) <<" xorb="<<countx<<" xundeleted="<<countxok<<" Time bank write " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<"
+Time add " << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) <<"
+Time last task " << (int)((float)t_last.elapsed() * 1000) <<" block size "<<block_size<<" ntasks executed:
+"<<count<<std::endl; mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb); if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time rotate1 all " <<
+(int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<std::endl;
+  // by now most of the operations are finished. We add only contributions to own orbitals.
+  count = 0;
+  for (int jorb = 0; jorb < N; jorb++) {
+      if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi[jorb])) continue;
+      QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
+      t_task.resume();
+      std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 1); // Only jorb will use those contributions: delete
+when done. t_task.stop();
+      ComplexVector coef_vec(jvec.size());
+      int i = 0;
+      int idsave=-1;
+      for (int id : jvec) {
+          Orbital phi_i;
+          t_bankr.resume();
+          //            int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_i, 1);
+          int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_del(id, phi_i);
+          t_bankr.stop();
+          if (ok) {
+              coef_vec(ifunc_vec.size()) = 1.0;
+              ifunc_vec.push_back(phi_i);
+              count++;
+          } else {
+              std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find contribution for  " << jorb<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<" id
+"<<id<<std::endl; MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my orbitals");
+          }
+          //if (ifunc_vec.size() >= 2 * block_size ) break; // we do not want too long vectors
+      }
+      // if ifunc_vec.size()==1, we must still resave the orbital, because we have deleted it
+      int id = idsave; // index guaranteed not to collide with previously defined indices
+      // write result in out
+      t_add.resume();
+      qmfunction::linear_combination(out[jorb], coef_vec, ifunc_vec, priv_prec);
+      t_add.stop();
+  }
+  if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time total " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bankr2 " <<
+(int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bankw2 " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time add " <<
+(int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time task manager " << (int)((float)t_task.elapsed() * 1000) <<" added
+"<<count<<" block size "<<block_size<<std::endl;
+  mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb);
+  if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" Time total all " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<std::endl;
+  if (mpi::numerically_exact) {
+      for (auto &phi : out) {
+          if (mpi::my_orb(phi)) phi.crop(prec);
+      }
+  }
+  mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
+  mpi::barrier(mpi::comm_orb);

-    return out;
+  return out;
 /** @brief Deep copy
@@ -1082,14 +1119,14 @@
     int N = NB + NK;
     if (sym and NB != NK) MSG_ERROR("Overlap: cannot use symmetry if matrix is not square");
     mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
-    Timer t_bankr,t_bankw,timer,t_dot,t_red;
+    Timer t_bankr, t_bankw, timer, t_dot, t_red;
-    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N); // store the size of the orbitals, for fine tuning
+    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N);                // store the size of the orbitals, for fine tuning
     std::set<std::pair<int, int>> iorb_sizes; // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
     std::set<std::pair<int, int>> jorb_sizes; // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < NB; i++) {
         Orbital &Phi_B = Bra[i];
         if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi_B)) continue;
@@ -1099,152 +1136,156 @@
     for (int j = 0; j < NK; j++) {
         Orbital &Phi_K = Ket[j];
         if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi_K)) continue;
-        mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(j+NB, Phi_K, 3);
-        orb_sizesvec[j+NB] = Phi_K.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+        mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(j + NB, Phi_K, 3);
+        orb_sizesvec[j + NB] = Phi_K.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
     mpi::allreduce_vector(orb_sizesvec, mpi::comm_orb);
     for (int i = 0; i < NB; i++) iorb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[i], i});
-    for (int j = 0; j < NK; j++) jorb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[j+NB], j});
+    for (int j = 0; j < NK; j++) jorb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[j + NB], j});
     int totorbsize = 0;
     int maxorbsize = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i]/1024; // NB: use MB to avoid overflow
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) maxorbsize = std::max(maxorbsize, orb_sizesvec[i]/1024);
-    int avorbsize = totorbsize/N;
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024; // NB: use MB to avoid overflow
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) maxorbsize = std::max(maxorbsize, orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024);
+    int avorbsize = totorbsize / N;

-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) maxorbsize = std::max(maxorbsize, orb_sizesvec[i]/1024);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) maxorbsize = std::max(maxorbsize, orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024);
     // we do not want to store temporarily more than 1/2 of the total memory for orbitals.
-    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000 / 2 / avorbsize; //assumes 2GB available per thread
-    int ilargest=-1;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0){
-        for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) {
-            if(maxorbsize == orb_sizesvec[i]/1024)ilargest=i;
+    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000 / 2 / avorbsize; // assumes 2GB available per thread
+    int ilargest = -1;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+            if (maxorbsize == orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024) ilargest = i;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" bra, ket:maxBlockSize "<<maxBlockSize<<" avorb size "<<avorbsize<<" MB "<<" max "<<maxorbsize<<" MB "<<"(orb "<<ilargest<<")"<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << " bra, ket:maxBlockSize " << maxBlockSize << " avorb size " << avorbsize << " MB "
+                  << " max " << maxorbsize << " MB "
+                  << "(orb " << ilargest << ")" << std::endl;

     // divide into a fixed number of tasks
     int iblock_size, jblock_size; // S is partitioned in blocks with sizes iblock_size x jblock_size
-    iblock_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(NB/sqrt(3*mpi::orb_size) + 0.5 ));
-    jblock_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(NK/sqrt(3*mpi::orb_size) + 0.5 ));
+    iblock_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(NB / sqrt(3 * mpi::orb_size) + 0.5));
+    jblock_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(NK / sqrt(3 * mpi::orb_size) + 0.5));
     iblock_size = std::max(iblock_size, 1);
     jblock_size = std::max(jblock_size, 1);

     int task = 0; // task rank
-    int iblocks =  (NB + iblock_size -1)/iblock_size;
-    int jblocks =  (NK + jblock_size -1)/jblock_size;
+    int iblocks = (NB + iblock_size - 1) / iblock_size;
+    int jblocks = (NK + jblock_size - 1) / jblock_size;
     int ntasks = iblocks * jblocks; // NB: overwritten; will get less if sym

     // fill blocks with orbitals, so that they become roughly evenly distributed
-    std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> iorb_map[iblocks]; // i orbitals that belong to each block
-    int b = 0; // block index
-    for (auto i: iorb_sizes) { // iorb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
-   b %= iblocks;
-   iorb_map[b].push_back(i);
-   b++;
-    }
-    std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> jorb_map[jblocks]; // j orbitals that belong to each block
-    b = 0; // block index
-    for (auto j: jorb_sizes) { // jorb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
-   b %= jblocks;
-   jorb_map[b].push_back(j);
-   b++;
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> iorb_map[iblocks]; // i orbitals that belong to each block
+    int b = 0;                                          // block index
+    for (auto i : iorb_sizes) {                         // iorb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
+        b %= iblocks;
+        iorb_map[b].push_back(i);
+        b++;
+    }
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> jorb_map[jblocks]; // j orbitals that belong to each block
+    b = 0;                                              // block index
+    for (auto j : jorb_sizes) {                         // jorb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
+        b %= jblocks;
+        jorb_map[b].push_back(j);
+        b++;

     std::vector<std::vector<int>> itasks(iblocks); // the i values (orbitals) of each block
     std::vector<std::vector<int>> jtasks(jblocks); // the j values (orbitals) of each block

-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ntasks<<" tasks = "<<iblocks<<" x "<<jblocks<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << ntasks << " tasks = " << iblocks << " x " << jblocks << std::endl;

     for (int ib = 0; ib < iblocks; ib++) {
-   int isize = iorb_map[ib].size();
-   // we fetch orbitals within the same iblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
-   for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[ib].push_back(iorb_map[ib][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
+        int isize = iorb_map[ib].size();
+        // we fetch orbitals within the same iblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
+        for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[ib].push_back(iorb_map[ib][(i + mpi::orb_rank) % isize].second);

-    if(sym) {
-      // we must have same mapping for i and j
-      for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
-   int isize = iorb_map[jb].size(); // NB: iorb
-   for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) jtasks[jb].push_back(iorb_map[jb][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
-      }
-   } else {
-    for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
-   int jsize = jorb_map[jb].size();
-   // we fetch orbitals within the same jblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
-   for (int j = 0; j < jsize; j++) jtasks[jb].push_back(jorb_map[jb][(j+mpi::orb_rank)%jsize].second);
-    }
+    if (sym) {
+        // we must have same mapping for i and j
+        for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
+            int isize = iorb_map[jb].size(); // NB: iorb
+            for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) jtasks[jb].push_back(iorb_map[jb][(i + mpi::orb_rank) % isize].second);
+        }
+    } else {

+        for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
+            int jsize = jorb_map[jb].size();
+            // we fetch orbitals within the same jblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
+            for (int j = 0; j < jsize; j++) jtasks[jb].push_back(jorb_map[jb][(j + mpi::orb_rank) % jsize].second);
+        }
-    mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(iblocks, jblocks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);// note that the bank does not know about the symmetri. Symmetri must be taken care of in the loop
+    mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(
+        iblocks, jblocks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb); // note that the bank does not know about the symmetri.
+                                                         // Symmetri must be taken care of in the loop

     int previous_ib = -1;
     int previous_jb = -1;
     int count = 0;
     OrbitalVector iorb_vec;
     OrbitalVector jorb_vec;
-    while(true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
-   int task_2D[2];
-        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(task_2D, mpi::orb_rank%jblocks);
-   int jb = task_2D[1];
-   int ib = (task_2D[0]+jb)%iblocks; // NB: the blocks are shifted diagonally, so that not all processes start with the first iblock
-   if(jb<0) break; // no more tasks in queue
-   if(sym) {
-     // block symmetry: we only take every second block. (Almost a checker board but one white diagonal is missing!)
-     // X0X0X0X
-     // XX0X0X0
-     // 0XX0X0X
-     // X0XX0X0
-     // 0X0XX0X
-     // X0X0XX0
-     // 0X0X0XX
-     if((ib<jb and (ib+jb)%2) or (ib>jb and (ib+jb+1)%2)) continue; //take exactly half of the off diagonal blocks and all diagonal blocks
-   }
-   count++;
-   if(previous_jb != jb){
+    while (true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
+        int task_2D[2];
+        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(task_2D, mpi::orb_rank % jblocks);
+        int jb = task_2D[1];
+        int ib =
+            (task_2D[0] + jb) %
+            iblocks; // NB: the blocks are shifted diagonally, so that not all processes start with the first iblock
+        if (jb < 0) break; // no more tasks in queue
+        if (sym) {
+            // block symmetry: we only take every second block. (Almost a checker board but one white diagonal is
+            // missing!) X0X0X0X XX0X0X0 0XX0X0X X0XX0X0 0X0XX0X X0X0XX0 0X0X0XX
+            if ((ib < jb and (ib + jb) % 2) or (ib > jb and (ib + jb + 1) % 2))
+                continue; // take exactly half of the off diagonal blocks and all diagonal blocks
+        }
+        count++;
+        if (previous_jb != jb) {
             // we have got a new jb and need to fetch new jb orbitals
-       jorb_vec.clear();
-       t_bankr.resume();
-       int nodesize=0;
-       for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
-         int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
-         Orbital phi_j;
-         mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(jorb + NB,  phi_j, 0);
-         jorb_vec.push_back(phi_j);
-         nodesize+=phi_j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-       }
-       if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for "<<jtasks[jb].size()<<" orbitals "<<" time read "<<(int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<std::endl;
-       t_bankr.stop();
-   }else{
-     if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" reusing j orbitals " <<std::endl;
-   }
-   for (int i = 0; i < itasks[ib].size(); i++) {
-       int iorb = itasks[ib][i];
-       Orbital ket_i;
-       t_bankr.resume();
-       mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, ket_i, 0);
-       t_bankr.stop();
-       for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
+            jorb_vec.clear();
+            t_bankr.resume();
+            int nodesize = 0;
+            for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
+                int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
+                Orbital phi_j;
+                mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(jorb + NB, phi_j, 0);
+                jorb_vec.push_back(phi_j);
+                nodesize += phi_j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+            }
+            if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+                std::cout << ib << " " << jb << " fetched total " << nodesize / 1024 << " MB for " << jtasks[jb].size()
+                          << " orbitals "
+                          << " time read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << std::endl;
+            t_bankr.stop();
+        } else {
+            if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << ib << " " << jb << " reusing j orbitals " << std::endl;
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < itasks[ib].size(); i++) {
+            int iorb = itasks[ib][i];
+            Orbital ket_i;
+            t_bankr.resume();
+            mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, ket_i, 0);
+            t_bankr.stop();
+            for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
                 int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
-                if( sym and ib==jb and i < j) continue; //only j<=i is computed in diagonal blocks
+                if (sym and ib == jb and i < j) continue; // only j<=i is computed in diagonal blocks
-                //std::cout<<iorb<<" dot "<<jorb<<std::endl;
+                // std::cout<<iorb<<" dot "<<jorb<<std::endl;
                 S(jorb, iorb) = orbital::dot(jorb_vec[j], ket_i);
-                if(sym) S(iorb, jorb) = std::conj(S(jorb, iorb));
+                if (sym) S(iorb, jorb) = std::conj(S(jorb, iorb));
-       //if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" dot " <<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<iorb<<" "<<jorb<<" "<<S(jorb, iorb)<<std::endl;
+                // if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" dot " <<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<iorb<<" "<<jorb<<" "<<S(jorb,
+                // iorb)<<std::endl;
-   previous_jb = jb;
-   previous_ib = ib;
+        previous_jb = jb;
+        previous_ib = ib;

-   /*
-   for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[it].size(); j++) {
+        /*
+        for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[it].size(); j++) {
             int jorb = jtasks[it][j];
             Orbital ket_j;
@@ -1259,17 +1300,20 @@
                 if(sym) S(jorb, iorb) = std::conj(S(iorb, jorb));
-       }*/
+            }*/

     // Assumes each tasks has only defined its block

     mpi::allreduce_matrix(S, mpi::comm_orb);
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time overlap " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bank write " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time dot " << (int)((float)t_dot.elapsed() * 1000) <<" block size "<<iblock_size<<"x"<<jblock_size<<" ntasks executed: "<<count<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " Time overlap " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "
+                  << " Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time bank write "
+                  << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time dot " << (int)((float)t_dot.elapsed() * 1000)
+                  << " block size " << iblock_size << "x" << jblock_size << " ntasks executed: " << count << std::endl;
     return S;

 /** @brief Compute the overlap matrix S_ij = <bra_i|ket_j>
  * The matrix is divided into blocks and the dot products within blocks
@@ -1284,84 +1328,87 @@
     ComplexMatrix S = ComplexMatrix::Zero(BraKet.size(), BraKet.size());
     int N = BraKet.size();
     mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
-    Timer t_bankr,t_bankw,timer,t_dot;
+    Timer t_bankr, t_bankw, timer, t_dot;
-    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N); // store the size of the orbitals
+    IntVector orb_sizesvec(N);               // store the size of the orbitals
     std::set<std::pair<int, int>> orb_sizes; // store the size of the orbitals, and their indices
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizesvec[i] = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
         Orbital &Phi_i = BraKet[i];
         if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi_i)) continue;
         mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(i, Phi_i, 3);
         orb_sizesvec[i] = Phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-     t_bankw.stop();
+    t_bankw.stop();
     mpi::allreduce_vector(orb_sizesvec, mpi::comm_orb);
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) orb_sizes.insert({orb_sizesvec[i], i});
     int totorbsize = 0;
     int maxorbsize = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i]/1024; // NB: use MB to avoid overflow
-    int avorbsize = totorbsize/N;
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) totorbsize += orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024; // NB: use MB to avoid overflow
+    int avorbsize = totorbsize / N;

-    for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) maxorbsize = std::max(maxorbsize, orb_sizesvec[i]/1024);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) maxorbsize = std::max(maxorbsize, orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024);
     // we do not want to store temporarily more than 1/2 of the total memory for orbitals.
-    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000 / 2 / avorbsize; //assumes 2GB available per thread
-    int ilargest=-1;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0){
-        for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i++) {
-            if(maxorbsize == orb_sizesvec[i]/1024)ilargest=i;
+    int maxBlockSize = omp::n_threads * 2000 / 2 / avorbsize; // assumes 2GB available per thread
+    int ilargest = -1;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+            if (maxorbsize == orb_sizesvec[i] / 1024) ilargest = i;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" maxBlockSize "<<maxBlockSize<<" avorb size "<<avorbsize<<" MB "<<" max "<<maxorbsize<<" MB "<<"(orb "<<ilargest<<")"<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << " maxBlockSize " << maxBlockSize << " avorb size " << avorbsize << " MB "
+                  << " max " << maxorbsize << " MB "
+                  << "(orb " << ilargest << ")" << std::endl;
     // make a set of tasks
     // We use symmetry: each pair (i,j) must be used once only. Only j<i
     // Divide into square blocks, with the diagonal blocks taken at the end (because they are faster to compute)
-    int block_size = std::min(maxBlockSize, static_cast<int>(N/sqrt(3*mpi::orb_size) + 0.5 )); // each MPI process will have about 3(/2) tasks
+    int block_size =
+        std::min(maxBlockSize,
+                 static_cast<int>(N / sqrt(3 * mpi::orb_size) + 0.5)); // each MPI process will have about 3(/2) tasks
     int iblock_size = std::max(block_size, 1);
     int jblock_size = iblock_size; // we must have square blocks
-    int iblocks =  (N + block_size - 1) / block_size;
+    int iblocks = (N + block_size - 1) / block_size;
     int jblocks = iblocks;
-    int ntasks = ((iblocks+1) * iblocks) / 2;
+    int ntasks = ((iblocks + 1) * iblocks) / 2;

     // fill blocks with orbitals, so that they become roughly evenly distributed
-    std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> orb_map[iblocks]; // orbitals that belong to each block
-    int b = 0; // block index
-    for (auto i: orb_sizes) { // orb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
-   b %= iblocks;
-   orb_map[b].push_back(i);
-   b++;
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> orb_map[iblocks]; // orbitals that belong to each block
+    int b = 0;                                         // block index
+    for (auto i : orb_sizes) {                         // orb_sizes is ordered in increasing orbital sizes
+        b %= iblocks;
+        orb_map[b].push_back(i);
+        b++;

     std::vector<std::vector<int>> itasks(iblocks); // the i values (orbitals) of each block
     std::vector<std::vector<int>> jtasks(jblocks); // the j values (orbitals) of each block

     for (int ib = 0; ib < iblocks; ib++) {
-      int isize = orb_map[ib].size();
-      // we fetch orbitals within the same iblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
-      for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[ib].push_back(orb_map[ib][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
+        int isize = orb_map[ib].size();
+        // we fetch orbitals within the same iblocks in different orders in order to avoid overloading the bank
+        for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) itasks[ib].push_back(orb_map[ib][(i + mpi::orb_rank) % isize].second);

     for (int jb = 0; jb < jblocks; jb++) {
-      // we must have square blocks, i.e. jsize=isize. Use the same as i
-      int isize = orb_map[jb].size();
-      for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) jtasks[jb].push_back(orb_map[jb][(i+mpi::orb_rank)%isize].second);
+        // we must have square blocks, i.e. jsize=isize. Use the same as i
+        int isize = orb_map[jb].size();
+        for (int i = 0; i < isize; i++) jtasks[jb].push_back(orb_map[jb][(i + mpi::orb_rank) % isize].second);

     /*int task = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < N; i+=block_size) {
         for (int j = 0; j < i; j+=block_size) {
-       // save all i,j related to one block
+            // save all i,j related to one block
             for (int jj = 0; jj < block_size and j+jj < N; jj++) {
                 int jjj = jj + j;
-                if (j + block_size <= N) jjj = j + (jj+mpi::orb_rank)%block_size; // only for blocks with size block_size
-                jtasks[task].push_back(jjj);
+                if (j + block_size <= N) jjj = j + (jj+mpi::orb_rank)%block_size; // only for blocks with size
+    block_size jtasks[task].push_back(jjj);
-       int ishift = (i+j)/block_size; // we want the tasks to be distributed among all i, so that we do not fetch the same orbitals
-            for (int ii = 0; ii < block_size; ii++) {
-                int iii = ii + i;
-                if(iii >= N) continue;
-                if (i + block_size < N) iii = i + (ii+ishift)%block_size; // only for blocks with size block_size
+            int ishift = (i+j)/block_size; // we want the tasks to be distributed among all i, so that we do not fetch
+    the same orbitals for (int ii = 0; ii < block_size; ii++) { int iii = ii + i; if(iii >= N) continue; if (i +
+    block_size < N) iii = i + (ii+ishift)%block_size; // only for blocks with size block_size
@@ -1381,78 +1428,91 @@
     ntasks = task;
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ntasks<<" tasks = "<<iblocks<<" x ("<<jblocks<<"+1)/2"<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << ntasks << " tasks = " << iblocks << " x (" << jblocks << "+1)/2" << std::endl;

-    //mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(ntasks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);
+    // mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(ntasks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);

-    mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(iblocks, jblocks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);// note that the bank does not know about the symmetri. Symmetri must be taken care of in the loop
+    mpi::orb_bank.init_tasks(
+        iblocks, jblocks, mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb); // note that the bank does not know about the symmetri.
+                                                         // Symmetri must be taken care of in the loop

     int previous_ib = -1;
     int previous_jb = -1;
     int count = 0;
     OrbitalVector iorb_vec;
     OrbitalVector jorb_vec;
-    while(true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
-   int task_2D[2];
-        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(task_2D, mpi::orb_rank%jblocks);
-   int jb = task_2D[1];
-   int ib = (task_2D[0]+jb)%iblocks; // NB: the blocks are shifted diagonally, so that not all processes start with the first iblock
-   if(jb<0) break; // no more tasks in queue
-   // block symmetry: we only take every second block. (Almost a checker board but one white diagonal is missing!)
-   // X0X0X0X
-   // XX0X0X0
-   // 0XX0X0X
-   // X0XX0X0
-   // 0X0XX0X
-   // X0X0XX0
-   // 0X0X0XX
-   if((ib<jb and (ib+jb)%2) or (ib>jb and (ib+jb+1)%2)) continue; //take exactly half of the off diagonal blocks and all diagonal blocks
-   count++;
-   if(previous_jb != jb){
+    while (true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
+        int task_2D[2];
+        mpi::orb_bank.get_task(task_2D, mpi::orb_rank % jblocks);
+        int jb = task_2D[1];
+        int ib =
+            (task_2D[0] + jb) %
+            iblocks; // NB: the blocks are shifted diagonally, so that not all processes start with the first iblock
+        if (jb < 0) break; // no more tasks in queue
+        // block symmetry: we only take every second block. (Almost a checker board but one white diagonal is missing!)
+        // X0X0X0X
+        // XX0X0X0
+        // 0XX0X0X
+        // X0XX0X0
+        // 0X0XX0X
+        // X0X0XX0
+        // 0X0X0XX
+        if ((ib < jb and (ib + jb) % 2) or (ib > jb and (ib + jb + 1) % 2))
+            continue; // take exactly half of the off diagonal blocks and all diagonal blocks
+        count++;
+        if (previous_jb != jb) {
             // we have got a new jb and need to fetch new jb orbitals
-       jorb_vec.clear();
-       t_bankr.resume();
-       int nodesize=0;
-       for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
-         int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
-         Orbital phi_j;
-         mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(jorb, phi_j, 0);
-         jorb_vec.push_back(phi_j);
-         nodesize+=phi_j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-       }
-       if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for "<<jtasks[jb].size()<<" orbitals "<<" time read "<<(int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<std::endl;
-       t_bankr.stop();
-   }else{
-     if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" reusing j orbitals " <<std::endl;
-   }
-   for (int i = 0; i < itasks[ib].size(); i++) {
-       int iorb = itasks[ib][i];
-       Orbital ket_i;
-       t_bankr.resume();
-       mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, ket_i, 0);
-       t_bankr.stop();
-       for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
+            jorb_vec.clear();
+            t_bankr.resume();
+            int nodesize = 0;
+            for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
                 int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
-                if( ib==jb and i < j) continue; //only j<=i is computed in diagonal blocks
+                Orbital phi_j;
+                mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(jorb, phi_j, 0);
+                jorb_vec.push_back(phi_j);
+                nodesize += phi_j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+            }
+            if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+                std::cout << ib << " " << jb << " fetched total " << nodesize / 1024 << " MB for " << jtasks[jb].size()
+                          << " orbitals "
+                          << " time read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << std::endl;
+            t_bankr.stop();
+        } else {
+            if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << ib << " " << jb << " reusing j orbitals " << std::endl;
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < itasks[ib].size(); i++) {
+            int iorb = itasks[ib][i];
+            Orbital ket_i;
+            t_bankr.resume();
+            mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, ket_i, 0);
+            t_bankr.stop();
+            for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[jb].size(); j++) {
+                int jorb = jtasks[jb][j];
+                if (ib == jb and i < j) continue; // only j<=i is computed in diagonal blocks
-                //std::cout<<iorb<<" dot "<<jorb<<std::endl;
+                // std::cout<<iorb<<" dot "<<jorb<<std::endl;
                 S(jorb, iorb) = orbital::dot(jorb_vec[j], ket_i);
                 S(iorb, jorb) = std::conj(S(jorb, iorb));
-       //if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" dot " <<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<iorb<<" "<<jorb<<" "<<S(jorb, iorb)<<std::endl;
+                // if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<ib<<" "<<jb<<" dot " <<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<iorb<<" "<<jorb<<" "<<S(jorb,
+                // iorb)<<std::endl;
-   previous_jb = jb;
-   previous_ib = ib;
+        previous_jb = jb;
+        previous_ib = ib;

     // Assumes each tasks has only defined its block
     mpi::allreduce_matrix(S, mpi::comm_orb);
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" Time overlap " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time bank write " << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) <<" Time dot " << (int)((float)t_dot.elapsed() * 1000) <<" block size "<<block_size<<" ntasks executed: "<<count<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+        std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " Time overlap " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "
+                  << " Time bank read " << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time bank write "
+                  << (int)((float)t_bankw.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time dot " << (int)((float)t_dot.elapsed() * 1000)
+                  << " block size " << block_size << " ntasks executed: " << count << std::endl;
     return S;


--- src/qmoperators/two_electron/CoulombPotential.cpp
+++ src/qmoperators/two_electron/CoulombPotential.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 using mrcpp::Printer;
 using mrcpp::Timer;

 using PoissonOperator = mrcpp::PoissonOperator;
 using PoissonOperator_p = std::shared_ptr<mrcpp::PoissonOperator>;
 using OrbitalVector_p = std::shared_ptr<mrchem::OrbitalVector>;


--- src/qmoperators/two_electron/ExchangePotentialD1.cpp
+++ src/qmoperators/two_electron/ExchangePotentialD1.cpp
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@
     mrcpp::print::tree(2, "Hartree-Fock exchange", n, m, t);

 /** @brief precomputes the exchange potential
  *  @param[in] phi_p input orbital
@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@
     println(2, " Exchange time diagonal " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms ");

     // Save all orbitals in Bank, so that they can be accessed asynchronously
-    Timer timerS,t_bankr,t_add,t_task,t_wait,t_int;
+    Timer timerS, t_bankr, t_add, t_task, t_wait, t_int;
@@ -316,38 +315,34 @@
     // We use symmetry: each pair (i,j) must be used once only. Only j<i
     // Divide into square blocks, with the diagonal blocks taken at the end (because they are faster to compute)
     int block_size = 6; // NB: block_size*block_size intermediate exchange results are stored temporarily
-    int iblocks =  (N + block_size - 1) / block_size;
-    int ntasks = ((iblocks+1) * iblocks) / 2;
+    int iblocks = (N + block_size - 1) / block_size;
+    int ntasks = ((iblocks + 1) * iblocks) / 2;
     std::vector<std::vector<int>> itasks(ntasks); // the i values (orbitals) of each block
     std::vector<std::vector<int>> jtasks(ntasks); // the j values (orbitals) of each block

     int task = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i+=block_size) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j+=block_size) {
-       // save all i,j related to one block
-            for (int jj = 0; jj < block_size and j+jj < N; jj++) { // note that j+block_size is alway <N
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i += block_size) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < i; j += block_size) {
+            // save all i,j related to one block
+            for (int jj = 0; jj < block_size and j + jj < N; jj++) { // note that j+block_size is alway <N
                 int jjj = j + jj;
-                if (j+block_size <= N) jjj = j + (jj + mpi::orb_rank)%block_size;
+                if (j + block_size <= N) jjj = j + (jj + mpi::orb_rank) % block_size;
-             }
-            for (int ii = 0; ii < block_size and i+ii < N; ii++) {
+            }
+            for (int ii = 0; ii < block_size and i + ii < N; ii++) {
                 int iii = i + ii;
-                if (i+block_size <= N) iii = i + (ii + mpi::orb_rank)%block_size;
+                if (i + block_size <= N) iii = i + (ii + mpi::orb_rank) % block_size;
-       }
+        }
     // add diagonal blocks:
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i+=block_size) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i += block_size) {
         // note that not we store all ii and jj in the block, but must use only half of them
         int j = i;
-        for (int jj = j; jj < j+block_size and jj < N; jj++) {
-            jtasks[task].push_back(jj);
-        }
-        for (int ii = i; ii < i+block_size and ii < N; ii++) {
-            itasks[task].push_back(ii);
-        }
+        for (int jj = j; jj < j + block_size and jj < N; jj++) { jtasks[task].push_back(jj); }
+        for (int ii = i; ii < i + block_size and ii < N; ii++) { itasks[task].push_back(ii); }
     ntasks = task;
@@ -357,41 +352,42 @@
     int foundcount = 0;
     int count = 0;
     ComplexVector coef_vec(N);
-    for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) coef_vec(i) = 1.0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) coef_vec(i) = 1.0;
     // one task is for one block with block_size x block_size exchange integrals (except diagonal block which has less)
     // Each integral provides two exchange contributions: iij and jij
     // The contributions are summed up within block, and ready results from other blocks are added sometimes.
-    while(true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
+    while (true) { // fetch new tasks until all are completed
         int it;
-   t_task.resume();
+        t_task.resume();
-   t_task.stop();
-        if(it<0)break;
+        t_task.stop();
+        if (it < 0) break;
         QMFunctionVector ifunc_vec;
         OrbitalVector iorb_vec;
-        int nodesize=0;
-   // we fetch all required i (but only one j at a time)
+        int nodesize = 0;
+        // we fetch all required i (but only one j at a time)
         for (int i = 0; i < itasks[it].size(); i++) {
             int iorb = itasks[it][i];
             Orbital phi_i;
-       t_bankr.resume();
+            t_bankr.resume();
             mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(iorb, phi_i, 0);
-       t_bankr.stop();
+            t_bankr.stop();
-            nodesize+=phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
+            nodesize += phi_i.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total);
-        //        if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for "<<itasks[it].size()<<" orbitals "<<std::endl;
-   std::vector<QMFunctionVector> jijfunc_vec(N);
+        //        if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" fetched total " <<nodesize/1024  <<" MB for
+        //        "<<itasks[it].size()<<" orbitals "<<std::endl;
+        std::vector<QMFunctionVector> jijfunc_vec(N);
         for (int j = 0; j < jtasks[it].size(); j++) {
             int jorb = jtasks[it][j];
             Orbital phi_j;
-       t_bankr.resume();
+            t_bankr.resume();
             mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(jorb, phi_j, 0);
-       t_bankr.stop();
-       QMFunctionVector iijfunc_vec;
+            t_bankr.stop();
+            QMFunctionVector iijfunc_vec;
             for (int i = 0; i < iorb_vec.size(); i++) {
-                if(itasks[it][i] <= jorb) continue; //only j<i is computed
+                if (itasks[it][i] <= jorb) continue; // only j<i is computed
                 int iorb = itasks[it][i];
                 Orbital &phi_i = iorb_vec[i];
                 Orbital phi_jij;
@@ -402,16 +398,16 @@
                 calc_i_Int_jk_P(precf, phi_i, phi_j, phi_i, phi_iij, &phi_jij);
-                if(phi_iij.norm() > prec) iijfunc_vec.push_back(phi_iij);
-                if(phi_jij.norm() > prec) jijfunc_vec[iorb].push_back(phi_jij);
+                if (phi_iij.norm() > prec) iijfunc_vec.push_back(phi_iij);
+                if (phi_jij.norm() > prec) jijfunc_vec[iorb].push_back(phi_jij);

-                if((it/iblocks) % 4 == 3) { // every x column only
+                if ((it / iblocks) % 4 == 3) { // every x column only
                     // include also results which may be ready
                     // include all Ex[jorb] contributions already stored
                     std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(jorb, 0);
-                    if(jvec.size() > 3) {
+                    if (jvec.size() > 3) {
                         for (int id : jvec) {
                             Orbital phi_iij_extra;
@@ -419,119 +415,132 @@
                             if (ok) {
-                                mpi::orb_bank.del_readytask(id, jorb); // tell the task manager that this task should not be used anymore
+                                mpi::orb_bank.del_readytask(
+                                    id, jorb); // tell the task manager that this task should not be used anymore
-               iijfunc_vec.push_back(phi_iij_extra);
-               foundcount++;
+                                iijfunc_vec.push_back(phi_iij_extra);
+                                foundcount++;
-                            if(iijfunc_vec.size() > 1.5 * block_size ) break; // we do not want too long vectors
+                            if (iijfunc_vec.size() > 1.5 * block_size) break; // we do not want too long vectors
-       // sum all iij contributions: (fixed j sum over i)
-       auto tmp_iij = phi_j.paramCopy();
+            // sum all iij contributions: (fixed j sum over i)
+            auto tmp_iij = phi_j.paramCopy();
             qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_iij, coef_vec, iijfunc_vec, prec);
             if (tmp_iij.norm() > prec) {
-           timerS.resume();
-                int iorb = itasks[it][0]; // any iorb would do
-                int idiij = N+jorb+N*iorb; // N first indices are reserved for original orbitals;
+                timerS.resume();
+                int iorb = itasks[it][0];        // any iorb would do
+                int idiij = N + jorb + N * iorb; // N first indices are reserved for original orbitals;
                 mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(idiij, tmp_iij, 1);
-       timerS.stop();
-       t_task.resume();
-       mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(idiij, jorb);
-       t_task.stop();
+                timerS.stop();
+                t_task.resume();
+                mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(idiij, jorb);
+                t_task.stop();
-            for (int jj = 0; jj<iijfunc_vec.size(); jj++) iijfunc_vec[jj].free(NUMBER::Total);
+            for (int jj = 0; jj < iijfunc_vec.size(); jj++) iijfunc_vec[jj].free(NUMBER::Total);

-   // sum all contributions jij (fixed i sum over j)
-   for (int i = 0; i < iorb_vec.size(); i++) {
+        // sum all contributions jij (fixed i sum over j)
+        for (int i = 0; i < iorb_vec.size(); i++) {
             // include all Ex[iorb] contributions already stored
-       t_task.resume();
+            t_task.resume();
             int iorb = itasks[it][i];
-       std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(iorb, 0);
-       t_task.stop();
-       if(jvec.size() > 3) {
-           for (int id : jvec) {
-           Orbital phi_jij_extra;
-           t_bankr.resume();
-           int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_jij_extra, 1);
-           t_bankr.stop();
-           if (ok) {
-               t_task.resume();
-           mpi::orb_bank.del_readytask(id, iorb); // tell the task manager that this task should not be used anymore
-           t_task.stop();
-           jijfunc_vec[iorb].push_back(phi_jij_extra);
-           foundcount++;
-           }
-           if(jijfunc_vec[iorb].size() > 1.5 * block_size ) break; // we do not want too long vectors
-       }
-       }
+            std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(iorb, 0);
+            t_task.stop();
+            if (jvec.size() > 3) {
+                for (int id : jvec) {
+                    Orbital phi_jij_extra;
+                    t_bankr.resume();
+                    int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_jij_extra, 1);
+                    t_bankr.stop();
+                    if (ok) {
+                        t_task.resume();
+                        mpi::orb_bank.del_readytask(
+                            id, iorb); // tell the task manager that this task should not be used anymore
+                        t_task.stop();
+                        jijfunc_vec[iorb].push_back(phi_jij_extra);
+                        foundcount++;
+                    }
+                    if (jijfunc_vec[iorb].size() > 1.5 * block_size) break; // we do not want too long vectors
+                }
+            }
             Orbital &phi_i = iorb_vec[i];
-       auto tmp_jij = phi_i.paramCopy();
-       t_add.resume();
-       qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_jij, coef_vec, jijfunc_vec[iorb], prec);
-       tmp_jij.crop(prec);
-       t_add.stop();
-       if (tmp_jij.norm() > prec) {
-           timerS.resume();
-                int jorb = jtasks[it][0];//any jorb from task would do
-                //The diagonal blocks can have (iorb,jtasks[it][0])=(itasks[it][0],jorb), therefore N*N to distinguish them
-                int idjij = N+iorb+N*jorb+N*N; // N first indices are reserved for original orbitals;
-       mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(idjij, tmp_jij, 1);
-       timerS.stop();
-       t_task.resume();
-       mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(idjij, iorb);
-       t_task.stop();
-       }
-       for (int jj = 0; jj<jijfunc_vec[iorb].size(); jj++) jijfunc_vec[iorb][jj].free(NUMBER::Total);
-   }
+            auto tmp_jij = phi_i.paramCopy();
+            t_add.resume();
+            qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_jij, coef_vec, jijfunc_vec[iorb], prec);
+            tmp_jij.crop(prec);
+            t_add.stop();
+            if (tmp_jij.norm() > prec) {
+                timerS.resume();
+                int jorb = jtasks[it][0]; // any jorb from task would do
+                // The diagonal blocks can have (iorb,jtasks[it][0])=(itasks[it][0],jorb), therefore N*N to distinguish
+                // them
+                int idjij = N + iorb + N * jorb + N * N; // N first indices are reserved for original orbitals;
+                mpi::orb_bank.put_orb_n(idjij, tmp_jij, 1);
+                timerS.stop();
+                t_task.resume();
+                mpi::orb_bank.put_readytask(idjij, iorb);
+                t_task.stop();
+            }
+  ;
+            for (int jj = 0; jj < jijfunc_vec[iorb].size(); jj++) jijfunc_vec[iorb][jj].free(NUMBER::Total);
+        }
-    println(2, " Time exchanges compute " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. "<<" Treated "<<count<<" tasks"<<" blocksize "<<block_size);
+    println(2,
+            " Time exchanges compute " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. "
+                                       << " Treated " << count << " tasks"
+                                       << " blocksize " << block_size);
     println(2, " Time exchanges compute all " << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms ");
     // sum all contributions that may not yet be summed, and put them into Ex[j]
-    for (int j = 0; j < N ; j++) {  //
+    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {              //
         if (not mpi::my_orb(Phi[j])) continue; // fetch only own j
-   t_task.resume();
-   // include all Ex[jorb] contributions already stored
-   std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(j, 0);
+        t_task.resume();
+        // include all Ex[jorb] contributions already stored
+        std::vector<int> jvec = mpi::orb_bank.get_readytasks(j, 0);
         QMFunctionVector iijfunc_vec;
-   t_task.stop();
-   for (int id : jvec) {
-       Orbital phi_iij;
-       t_bankr.resume();
-       int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_iij, 1);
-       t_bankr.stop();
-       if (ok) {
-           t_task.resume();
-       mpi::orb_bank.del_readytask(id, j); // tell the task manager that this task should not be used anymore
-       t_task.stop();
-           iijfunc_vec.push_back(phi_iij);
-       foundcount++;
-       } else {
-                std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<"did not find exchange contributions for  " << j<<" expected "<<jvec.size()<<" id "<<id<<std::endl;
+        t_task.stop();
+        for (int id : jvec) {
+            Orbital phi_iij;
+            t_bankr.resume();
+            int ok = mpi::orb_bank.get_orb_n(id, phi_iij, 1);
+            t_bankr.stop();
+            if (ok) {
+                t_task.resume();
+                mpi::orb_bank.del_readytask(id, j); // tell the task manager that this task should not be used anymore
+                t_task.stop();
+                iijfunc_vec.push_back(phi_iij);
+                foundcount++;
+            } else {
+                std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << "did not find exchange contributions for  " << j << " expected "
+                          << jvec.size() << " id " << id << std::endl;
                 MSG_ABORT("did not find contribution for my exchange");
-   }
-   // sum all found contributions:
-   t_add.resume();
+        }
+        // sum all found contributions:
+        t_add.resume();
         auto tmp_j = Ex[j].paramCopy();
-   qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_j, coef_vec, iijfunc_vec, prec);
+        qmfunction::linear_combination(tmp_j, coef_vec, iijfunc_vec, prec);
         Ex[j].add(1.0, tmp_j);
-   Ex[j].crop(prec);
-   t_add.stop();
-   for (int jj = 0; jj<iijfunc_vec.size(); jj++) iijfunc_vec[jj].free(NUMBER::Total);
-   }
-    println(2, " fetched in total " << foundcount << " Exchange contributions from bank.  Total time "<<(int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms ");
-    println(2, " Time integrate " << (int)((float)t_int.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. Time write " << (int)((float)timerS.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. Time read "<< (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. Time add "<<(int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000));
+        Ex[j].crop(prec);
+        t_add.stop();
+        for (int jj = 0; jj < iijfunc_vec.size(); jj++) iijfunc_vec[jj].free(NUMBER::Total);
+    }
+    println(2,
+            " fetched in total " << foundcount << " Exchange contributions from bank.  Total time "
+                                 << (int)((float)timer.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms ");
+    println(2,
+            " Time integrate " << (int)((float)t_int.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. Time write "
+                               << (int)((float)timerS.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. Time read "
+                               << (int)((float)t_bankr.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms. Time add "
+                               << (int)((float)t_add.elapsed() * 1000));

     mpi::orb_bank.clear_all(mpi::orb_rank, mpi::comm_orb);


--- src/scf_solver/GroundStateSolver.cpp
+++ src/scf_solver/GroundStateSolver.cpp
@@ -308,19 +308,22 @@
         // Rotate orbitals
         if (needLocalization(nIter, converged)) {
             // brutal "smoothing" of the orbitals
-     //            for (auto j :Phi_n) if(mpi::my_orb(j) and mpi::orb_rank<2)std::cout<<" size before crop "<<j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)<<std::endl;
-     // for (auto j :Phi_n) if(nIter<20 and mpi::my_orb(j))j.crop(orb_prec*100);
-     // for (auto j :Phi_n) if(mpi::my_orb(j) and mpi::orb_rank<2)std::cout<<" size after crop "<<j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)<<std::endl;
+            //            for (auto j :Phi_n) if(mpi::my_orb(j) and mpi::orb_rank<2)std::cout<<" size before crop
+            //            "<<j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)<<std::endl;
+            // for (auto j :Phi_n) if(nIter<20 and mpi::my_orb(j))j.crop(orb_prec*100);
+            // for (auto j :Phi_n) if(mpi::my_orb(j) and mpi::orb_rank<2)std::cout<<" size after crop
+            // "<<j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)<<std::endl;
             ComplexMatrix U_mat = orbital::localize(orb_prec, Phi_n, F_mat);
-            //            for (auto j :Phi_n) if(mpi::my_orb(j) and mpi::orb_rank<2)std::cout<<" size after localization "<<j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)<<std::endl;
+            //            for (auto j :Phi_n) if(mpi::my_orb(j) and mpi::orb_rank<2)std::cout<<" size after localization
+            //            "<<j.getSizeNodes(NUMBER::Total)<<std::endl;

-            //kain.rotate(U_mat, false);
+            // kain.rotate(U_mat, false);
         } else if (needDiagonalization(nIter, converged)) {
             ComplexMatrix U_mat = orbital::diagonalize(orb_prec, Phi_n, F_mat);
-            //kain.rotate(U_mat, false);
+            // kain.rotate(U_mat, false);


--- src/scf_solver/KAIN.cpp
+++ src/scf_solver/KAIN.cpp
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@

                 auto partStep = phi_m.paramCopy();
                 qmfunction::linear_combination(partStep, partCoefs, partOrbs, prec);
-                partStep.crop(prec*partStep.norm());
+                partStep.crop(prec * partStep.norm());
                 auto c_j = this->c[m](j);
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@

             dPhi[n] = Phi[n].paramCopy();
             qmfunction::linear_combination(dPhi[n], coefsVec, totOrbs, prec);
-            dPhi[n].crop(prec*dPhi[n].norm());
+            dPhi[n].crop(prec * dPhi[n].norm());


--- src/utils/NonlinearMaximizer.cpp
+++ src/utils/NonlinearMaximizer.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 // We consider only the diagonal of the Hessian, until we are close to the minimum
 int NonlinearMaximizer::maximize() {
-    Timer t_tot,t_hess,t_step;
+    Timer t_tot, t_hess, t_step;
     int i, j, k, l, iter, dcount;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@

     // Start of iterations
     for (iter = 1; iter < maxIter + 1 && !converged; iter++) {
-        int lastICG=0;
+        int lastICG = 0;
         if (print > 5 and mpi::orb_rank == 0) cout << " iteration  " << iter << endl;
         dcount = 0;
         for (i = 0; i < N2h; i++) { eiVal(i) = this->get_hessian(i, i); }
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
                         if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) cout << iCG << " error this iteration " << std::sqrt(ee) << endl;
-                    lastICG=iCG;
+                    lastICG = iCG;
                 step_norm2 = step.transpose() * step;
                 first_order = this->gradient.transpose() * step;
@@ -306,7 +306,13 @@
         if (print == 2 && !wrongstep) { cout << setw(10) << dcount; }
         if (print == 2) cout << endl;
-        if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<"iteration "<<iter<<" Newton "<<newton_step_exact<<" "<<lastICG<<" Time sofar " << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "<<" Time hessian " <<(int)((float)t_hess.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time dostep " <<(int)((float)t_step.elapsed() * 1000) << " gradient norm " << gradient_norm<< "trust radius set  to " << h << " test: " << relative_change << " mu: " << mu << " maxeival: " << maxEiVal <<std::endl;
+        if (mpi::orb_rank == 0)
+            std::cout << "iteration " << iter << " Newton " << newton_step_exact << " " << lastICG << " Time sofar "
+                      << (int)((float)t_tot.elapsed() * 1000) << " ms "
+                      << " Time hessian " << (int)((float)t_hess.elapsed() * 1000) << " Time dostep "
+                      << (int)((float)t_step.elapsed() * 1000) << " gradient norm " << gradient_norm
+                      << "trust radius set  to " << h << " test: " << relative_change << " mu: " << mu
+                      << " maxeival: " << maxEiVal << std::endl;
     } // iterations

     if (print > 15 and mpi::orb_rank == 0) {


--- src/utils/RRMaximizer.cpp
+++ src/utils/RRMaximizer.cpp
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
  * <>

-#include <unsupported/Eigen/MatrixFunctions> // faster exponential of matrices
 #include "MRCPP/Printer"
+#include <unsupported/Eigen/MatrixFunctions> // faster exponential of matrices

 #include "utils/RRMaximizer.h"
 #include "utils/math_utils.h"
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@

-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" start lowdin "<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << " start lowdin " << std::endl;
     // rotate R matrices into orthonormal basis
     ComplexMatrix S_m12 = orbital::calc_lowdin_matrix(Phi);

-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<" start U "<<std::endl;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << " start U " << std::endl;
     this->total_U = S_m12.real() * this->total_U;

     DoubleMatrix R(this->N, this->N);
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
-    if(mpi::orb_rank==0)std::cout<<mpi::orb_rank<<" rr finished "<<std::endl;;
+    if (mpi::orb_rank == 0) std::cout << mpi::orb_rank << " rr finished " << std::endl;
+    ;

 /** compute the value of
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@

     // calculate U=exp(-A) by diagonalization and U=Vexp(id)Vt with VdVt=iA
     // could also sum the term in the expansion
-    //this->total_U *= math_utils::skew_matrix_exp(A);
+    // this->total_U *= math_utils::skew_matrix_exp(A);
     this->total_U *= A.exp().transpose(); // transpose because we want exp(-A)

     // rotate the original r matrix with total U

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger

gitpeterwind commented 3 years ago

Most parts of this PR have been transferred to other PR