MRPT / GSoC2018-discussions

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Web Frameworks Library for MRPT (Rachit Tibrewal) #6

Open jolting opened 6 years ago

jolting commented 6 years ago

Initial Description

Robots are slowly becoming a part of the internet of things, and easy control and universal access will be a step in future of robotics. MRPT’s Web Framework Library should address this problem.A lightweight publisher/subscriber mechanism needs to be created for MRPT. The C++ server library and the javascript library will then leverage this to create further applications. There will be two libraries, a C++ server library for RPC on the robot. Another will be a javascript library which provides modules for such procedure calls.This task involve serialization of existing mrpt objects for JSON transfer, RPC protocol, websocket setup, 3D rendering of objects in js, reusable js components for sending and receiving data from user created app where the user is largely benefitted from easy to use library methods and objects.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago


  1. Pushing code related to rawlog-web-ui backend (C++ server) in mrpt-web.
  2. Pushing code related to frontend of rawlog-web-ui to rawlog-web-ui. The frontend node package depends on mrpt-web-js package and thus one needs to link those using npm link. Instructions can be found in the repo's README. I think this will be required until the mrpt-web-js is published to npm. @jolting is there a simpler method for this. Should I continue with creating separate repos for the apps? Also, I was not clear on what type of components should be created? Could you give some examples. Currently, I am creating components in the app for use there. I was thinking of creating this app before starting component development, so that I can get a better idea about what kind of components are useful in apps.

P.S. I have done some major restructuring to mrpt-web dev-rpc-pubsub is now master.

jolting commented 6 years ago

npm link the right thing to use for development. Eventually we'll publish something under @mrpt/<some lib name>. Feel free to come up with a better name.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago
    if (classID == CLASS_ID(CActionRobotMovement2D))
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      //              CActionRobotMovement2D
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      CActionRobotMovement2D::Ptr act =

      CPose2D Ap;
      CMatrixDouble33 mat;
      act->poseChange->getCovarianceAndMean(mat, Ap);

      ss << "Robot Movement (as a gaussian pose change):\n";
      ss << " Mean = " << Ap << endl;

      ss << format(" Covariance:     DET=%e\n", mat.det());

      ss << format(
        "      %e %e %e\n", mat(0, 0), mat(0, 1), mat(0, 2));
      ss << format(
        "      %e %e %e\n", mat(1, 0), mat(1, 1), mat(1, 2));
      ss << format(
        "      %e %e %e\n", mat(2, 0), mat(2, 1), mat(2, 2));

      ss << endl;

      ss << " Actual reading from the odometry increment = "
          << act->rawOdometryIncrementReading << endl;

      ss << format(
        "Actual PDF class is: '%s'\n",

      if (act->poseChange->GetRuntimeClass() ==
        CPosePDFParticles::Ptr aux =
        ss << format(
          " (Particle count = %u)\n",
      ss << endl;

      ss << "Estimation method: ";
      switch (act->estimationMethod)
        case CActionRobotMovement2D::emOdometry:
          ss << "emOdometry\n";
        case CActionRobotMovement2D::emScan2DMatching:
          ss << "emScan2DMatching\n";
          ss << "(Unknown ID!)\n";

      // Additional data:
      if (act->hasEncodersInfo)
        ss << format(
          " Encoder info: deltaL=%i deltaR=%i\n",
          act->encoderLeftTicks, act->encoderRightTicks);
        ss << "Encoder info: Not available!\n";

      if (act->hasVelocities)
        ss << format(
          " Velocity info: v=%s\n",
        ss << "Velocity info: Not available!\n";

      // Plot the 2D pose samples:
      unsigned int N = 1000;
      vector<CVectorDouble> samples;
      vector<float> xs(N), ys(N), ps(N), dumm(N, 0.1f);

      // // Draw a set of random (x,y,phi) samples:
      // act->poseChange->drawManySamples(N, samples);

      // // Pass to vectors and draw them:
      // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      // {
      //   xs[i] = samples[i][0];
      //   ys[i] = samples[i][1];
      //   ps[i] = RAD2DEG(samples[i][2]);
      // }

      // lyAction2D_XY->SetData(xs, ys);
      // lyAction2D_PHI->SetData(ps, dumm);

      // plotAct2D_XY->Fit();
      // plotAct2D_PHI->Fit();
      /** Serialize xs, ys, ps, dumm data
       * Code Here

this line of code is causing an error

     act->poseChange->drawManySamples(N, samples);
double free or corruption (out)

I checked the type of poseChange and it is mrpt::containers::deepcopy_poly_ptr

@jolting @jlblancoc Is this error due to the deepcopy_poly_ptr type? I had copied the code from RawlogViewer app, and made certain changes to it.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

I have added project boards, for more efficient completion of app and library, please tell in case any improvements to project. board1 board2

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

Is this error due to the deepcopy_poly_ptr type?

I just tested the equivalent code inside RawLogViewer and it works without crashing. Please, could you put together a small .cpp file + its CMakeLists.txt that reproduces the crash? If yes, open an issue on the main MRPT/mrpt repo with that test code.

jolting commented 6 years ago

Minor critique of the code so far. I find mapMutation and mapAction cleans up the code quite a bit.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

I was not aware of the better style, I will make the change straight away.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

I have added the basic ideas about the library in the google slides presentation, it will be updated as the work progresses further. The slide aims to explain the role of each of the libraries. slides

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

Hunter will probably take a deeper look to your recent changes, but here comes a quick overview to the slides. Minor typos (I think) and change requests:

The RawLogViewer app looks impressive! Again... it would be great to provide detailed instructions on how to launch it (perhaps a link to a wiki page?).

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jlblancoc The changes requested seem necessary, I will work on them.

@jolting how should the documentation of mrpt-web-js proceed, should I do in GitHub pages, wiki or what is the popular practice?

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

The changes requested seem necessary, I will work on them.

Good, thanks!

For the C++ documentation, I would like to use doxygen but am unaware of it, can you provide some pointers about it( or some links).

You can start installing doxygen (apt-get), and using its -g parameter to create a brand new config file. Browse it and the Doxygen docs to see the meaning of the most important parameters. Mostly, the INPUT key which instruct doxygen where to search for source code.

The Doxyfile file could be created just on the root directory.

Then, just invoking doxygen will generate an HTML report of all C++ classes. You can disable all other non-HTML generators (LaTeX, RTF, etc.). As you browse the generated HTML you'll discover plenty of ways of improving it ;-)

Take a look at MRPT's Doxyfile template file (although it's overcomplicated for your project needs)

However, I prefer to push that a little towards the end.

OK, no rush for this second evaluation.

jolting commented 6 years ago

I forked your repo I added a circleci config.

Looks like the unit tests hangs there after it finishes.

I also changed the package name so that it begin with @mrpt. I previously registered that for the MRPT org.

jolting commented 6 years ago

@jolting how should the documentation of mrpt-web-js proceed, should I do in GitHub pages, wiki or what is the popular practice?

For documenting javascript libraries, the conventional way is a fancy webpage that shows off your web dev skills. A wiki is a good place to start though. I'd rather see finished well documented code rather than a fancy webpage. You can always add that later.

If you do plan on throwing up a webpage quickly for either documentation or demo give a shot.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Since you have created MRPT/mrpt-web-js,rawlog-web-ui, should I now fork them or can I continue using my existing repos and create pull requests. I had setup project boards there so, it would be useful, if I could continue to develop on those repos :-)

jolting commented 6 years ago

Keep working on your board. I was just trying to get a build pipeline for

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the evaluation. I had added plotly.js, since two.js did not provide direct graphing and plotting. I was planning on completing the rawlog-web-ui and improving the mrpt-web-js library by adding modules, tests and documentation. This would be the plan for next week. After that what should be my focus, another app, or examples? I plan to keep the last week for documentation and unit tests, so, I will have 10 days for either an app or examples.

jolting commented 6 years ago

If you can produce a youtube video + documentation on how to set everything up from scratch it would be great. The target audience is C++ programmers who don't know how to setup node or javascript.

After that more apps or keep adding capabilities to the raw log viewer.

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

The target audience is C++ programmers who don't know how to setup node or javascript.

I'll be an archetypal example of those guys, so will provide you valuable feedback on your tutorial ;-)

jolting commented 6 years ago

Here's an example of what I consider a good video tutorial format:

jolting commented 6 years ago

If you get done with the rawlog viewer, the documentation and video tutorials. Then you can work on the Reactive Navigation demo.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

I will start documentation, build configuration of everything.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Started with something basic: ESDoc for automated build of source documentation and published it on thinking of adding tutorials and further examples here itself added CI for docs on branch dev-docs Improved docs, added examples (code snippets) to many of the classes.

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

ESDoc for automated build of source documentation and published it on

👍 looks great!

Shouldn't that also include:

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I am going to add tutorials to the manual section

jolting commented 6 years ago

Looks like the mrpt-web-js unit tests are still broken.

jolting commented 6 years ago

What do you think about specifying a directory on the server in which rawlogs will be served up from?

It is a bit awkward to have to know the name of the file on the file system.

jolting commented 6 years ago

I think there needs to be a method for connecting to a server other than localhost:5000.

jolting commented 6 years ago

For the 3d animation is there any way to move the pivot point?

jolting commented 6 years ago

One thing to note about the 3d scan visualization is that it is capable of rendering multiple sensors. Each sensor will have its own sensor label and have a different sensor height.

jolting commented 6 years ago

Let me know if the 2D plots work. I'm excited to try them out.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

I have added address bar for specifying the websocket address and port, 2d plots works in map and path generation component and will soon work for individual rawlog (debugging it).

For the rawlog address, how do you feel about sending file from client to server using websocket (we can then use file dialog box). If we wish to go with directory, then should I create a specific directory from which the server will give the list of files available for visualisation from the directory?

3d animation currently uses trackballcontrols, for changing the pivot the press the right click and move the mouse. There are other controls out there,, but have their own pros and cons.

For 3d scan visualisation, are you aware of some rawlog with multiple sensor data. Then I would check how it functions with the RawLogViewer app and modify the app for multiple sources.

jolting commented 6 years ago

For the rawlog address, how do you feel about sending file from client to server using websocket (we can then use file dialog box). If we wish to go with directory, then should I create a specific directory from which the server will give the list of files available for visualisation from the directory?

Just specify a directory with a list of rawlog files. That should be sufficient.

3d animation currently uses trackballcontrols, for changing the pivot the press the right click and move the mouse. There are other controls out there,, but have their own pros and cons.

Cool thanks for clarifying.

For 3d scan visualisation, are you aware of some rawlog with multiple sensor data. Then I would check how it functions with the RawLogViewer app and modify the app for multiple sources.

It's incredibly useful for a 2.5 D representation from depth cameras or the uncommon case of using multiple lidar scanners at different heights.

Sometimes the map looks different at various heights.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

For building mrpt-web, serialization file CSchemeArchiveBase is required from mrpt library. How should I prepare it for merging with MRPT ? This would be required for the video demonstration, or for now I could make the video using mrpt build from my own fork. These are the works I remember are pending :

I wanted to finish off work by August 6. I have interviews on campus from 7 - 12 August, it would be very generous if you could help me in doing so. I would like to continue adding more features and working on the project in general after GSoC.

Also GSoC, requires a final submission, in the form of a link. Since this project spans across repositories, can you give an idea of how I should submit the link showing the details of work done. Should I setup a github page?

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

Hi, On this:

Instructions to launch the RawlogViewer demo app & a link to the most relevant parts of the code?

Did you write some instructions on the ESdoc manual pages? Something really short would be enough... thanks!

On the RawLogViewer issue, I'll check my Eigen version just in case it's newer than yours (now I'm on Windows)...

y73isc00l commented 6 years ago

Yes will push it by today for launching rawalog app I am making a video.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018, 13:10 Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco <> wrote:

Hi, On this:

Instructions to launch the RawlogViewer demo app & a link to the most relevant parts of the code?

Did you write some instructions on the ESdoc manual pages? Something really short would be enough... thanks!

On the RawLogViewer issue, I'll check my Eigen version just in case it's newer than yours (now I'm on Windows)...

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rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Yes will push it by today (manual pages) , for launching rawalog app I am making a video.

jolting commented 6 years ago

I've recently opened a few of the sample RawLogs in 18.04. You do have to be careful to compile against GTK3 and there are a few tricks you need to get OpenGL to work with wayland(if you use that by default), but besides that no issues.

AFAIK, RawLogViewer doesn't have an issue with the version of Eigen that ships with 18.04.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago


Any pointers regarding final submission link, like what more verticals should be added, best practices would be great :)

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

Great video!! :+1:

So, apparently you finally solved the crash problem in your rawlog-viewer app, right? It doesn't seem to crash on our tests...

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

I havent been able to, will try on ubuntu 16.04

jolting commented 6 years ago

Good Job! I'm wondering if there is someplace we can host this as a demo. The javascript part can go on surge.

The websocket server could be containerized.

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

Good Job! I'm wondering if there is someplace we can host this as a demo. The javascript part can go on surge.

The websocket server could be containerized.

Sure, we could host it on in a new subdomain. Just let me know what do you need exactly, and as far as it's safe we'll do it.

Consider doing it with a front-page which may be the entrypoint to a number of web demos, even if for now we only have the rawlog-viewer app...


jolting commented 6 years ago

I've cloned all the wiki pages for the following repos.

Furthermore, I fixed the unit test for mrpt-web-js. This now uses jest. That was fairly easy to setup. Also CircleCI now auto deploys to @mrpt/mrpt-web package on That should make using the package a little easier.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jolting, I will make the report today and then can continue to work on bugs and issues, after submitting report today.

jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

@rachit173 : I just gave you write permissions to all related @MRPT repositories, so you can directly contribute there more easily. You may (if you want) use those final URLs in your final report; your contributions are clearly identified there even if that's not your fork, as you know.

A proposal @jolting , @rachit173 : would it make sense to add TravisCI / CircleCI to as well?

jolting commented 6 years ago


jlblancoc commented 6 years ago

I just enabled travis on that repo.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am back, thanks for your patience and support. I have submitted report, please have a look at it.

rachit173 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the evaluation and opportunity to work with the organization. I wish to work on the existing project as well as MRPT in general.