MRPT / mvsim

Vehicle and mobile robotics simulator. C++ & Python API. Use it as a standalone application or via ROS 1 or ROS 2
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Miscellaneus to-do list #12

Open jlblancoc opened 2 years ago

jlblancoc commented 2 years ago
adthoms commented 10 months ago

@jlblancoc in mvsim/definitions/imu.sensor.xml, including noise on the random walk of the imu (similar to how hector_gazebo_plugins does via params accelDrift and rateDrift) would be a good feature to add for a future release. The revised params in imu.sensor.xml could be revised to:

<angular_velocity_white_noise_std_noise> ... </angular_velocity_white_noise_std_noise>
<linear_acceleration_white_noise_std_noise> ... </linear_acceleration_white_noise_std_noise>
<angular_velocity_random_walk_std_noise> ... </angular_velocity_random_walk_std_noise>
<linear_acceleration_random_walk__std_noise> ... </linear_acceleration_random_walk__std_noise>

Simulations can then represent the IMU model presented in:

@article{forster2016manifold, title={On-manifold preintegration for real-time visual--inertial odometry}, author={Forster, Christian and Carlone, Luca and Dellaert, Frank and Scaramuzza, Davide}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics}, volume={33}, number={1}, pages={1--21}, year={2016}, publisher={IEEE} }

jlblancoc commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the pointer @adthoms .

Sure, the current IMU is just a very basic type without realistic noise. I had the seminar paper in the radar for another project but didn't have at hand a reference plugin implementation, so it's welcome!

It will be even more useful when adding drones (future wish list...) ;-) (cc: @FranciscoJManasAlvarez )