MRoth1910 / Vesperale-Romanum

Main repository for the Vesperale Romanum. The Vesperale Romanum is an excerpt of the Antiphonale Romanum, the chant book of the Roman Rite for chanting Vespers and Compline, the evening hours of the Divine Office.
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Psalm formatting: verse numbers and spacing #2

Open MRoth1910 opened 8 months ago

MRoth1910 commented 8 months ago

Ben Bloomfield's default format for psalm verses downloaded as a .tex file is a list with \item. Currently we have as follows this command which formats the list with the psalm contained in another folder of the same directory.

\NewDocumentCommand{\pstexte}{ m }{%
            label=\null, %
            leftmargin=0pt, %
            itemindent=0mm, %
            labelsep=0pt, %
            labelwidth=0pt, %
            rightmargin=0pt, %
            parsep=0pt, %
            topsep=0pt, %

The first screenshot shows the formatting. Note that there is no indentation, unlike in the Liber Usualis (second screenshot) which has slight indentation of the first line of a verse. Further, the psalm numbers are added manually (gulp). This is probably a bad idea. As this project was originally conceived, keeping them seems helpful for choir directors, particularly as the received biblical verse numbers don't correspond to the psalms as ordered for chanting in the office. (Removing numbers, regardless of how they are applied, requires reformatting the whole text in order to make the verses distinct…so if that's a better route, suggest a fix.)

Sometimes, the period is not correctly treated, so a large sentence space is applied (the LU follows French convention, but in any case, there is no real reason why the space after N. should be so variable… letting LaTeX do its thing results in the Sicut erat spacing being consistently larger than those of most other verses)

This is related to the issue of ~ having (too much) stretch noted in This is made worse when the sentence spacing is incorrectly applied.

Switching to frenchspacing makes everything too tight and does not fix the stretch of v. 4 in ps. 110.

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MRoth1910 commented 3 months ago

This is far from being perfect as I have now also introduced code for the canticles which begin on verse 3.

This uses enumerate rather than inserting numbers in .tex file while using itemize (a horrible, horrible idea which wasted a lot of time and caused problems). The start value is controlled via enumitem package.

These values reflect Liber Usualis but do not appear as if typed on a typewriter. Single words (particularly monosyllables) may need adjustment.

leftmargin=* and itemindent=* appear to be the way to a hanging indent like the modern antiphonal (but that isn't very pleasing, so we avoid it.

%           align=left,%
            leftmargin=10pt, %
            itemindent=15pt, %
            labelsep=3pt, %
            rightmargin=0pt, %
            parsep=0pt, %
            topsep=0pt, %

The text is all within the text area as provided by the showframe package. hspace* is sometimes needed after the mediant in order to kern infelicitous pairings; either the hyphen is simply not printed, or the hspace is ignored, so the entire word moves to the next line but the letter before the italicized syllable has the usual, bad default kerning applied. hspace* ensures a break in a normal place, that the hyphen is printed, and that the letters are kerned.

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