MRtrix3 / mrtrix3

MRtrix3 provides a set of tools to perform various advanced diffusion MRI analyses, including constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD), probabilistic tractography, track-density imaging, and apparent fibre density
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progress bar shown despite log level 0 #1700

Open maxpietsch opened 5 years ago

maxpietsch commented 5 years ago

In nonlinear registration code, I now get lots of progress messages somewhere introduced between e14c89cfc8 (current dev) and 326f11edd2fbcf3d5d827f991196380a89b46a4a (dev 22 August). Could be related to #1586 but haven't looked into it.

example to reproduce (note LogLevelLatch level (0)):

#include "command.h" // key header for building an executable command against MRtrix3
#include "image.h" // defines class for accessing image data
#include "algo/threaded_loop.h" // tools for multi-threaded looping over images
using namespace MR;
using namespace App;

// this function sets up the command-line interface for the command
void usage()
  // details that must be defined for all commands
  AUTHOR = "W. Heath Robinson (";
  SYNOPSIS = "Compute voxel-wise geometric mean across volumes";

  // these are compulsory command-line inputs that must always be provided by the user
    + Argument ("input", "an input image").type_image_in()
    + Argument ("output", "the output image").type_image_out();

  // these optional inputs can be either provided or omitted by the user
    + Option ("invalid", "value if any intensity is non-positive (default = NaN)")
      // this option requires that a value be specified alongside it when used
      + Argument ("value").type_float();

  // example citation for the command docs
    + "Robinson, W.H. A treatise on geometric averaging. Contrived Science Weekly, 2019.";

  // manually set the copyright notice if the default is inappropriate
  COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2019 Heath Robinson Labs.";

// this is the functor class defining the operation to be applied
class GeometricMean
    GeometricMean (const float value) : invalid (value) { }
    // the operation to be performed independently for each voxel
    void operator() (Image<float>& in, Image<float>& out) {
      // grab voxel intensities across volumes as a vector:
      values = in.row(3);
      if (values.minCoeff() > 0.0)
        out.value() = std::exp (values.array().log().mean());
        out.value() = invalid;
    Eigen::VectorXd values;
    const float invalid;

// this function contains the primary operation of the command
void run ()
  // access the input image and check validity
  auto in = Image<float>::open (argument[0]);
  if (in.ndim() != 4)
    throw Exception ("expected 4D input image");

  // copy the input image's header, and modify to suit
  Header header = in;
  header.ndim() = 3; // <= remove 4th dimension
  header.datatype() = DataType::Float32; // <= use floating-point output

  // create the output image, using the modified header as a template
  auto out = Image<float>::create (argument[1], header);

  // create an instance of the functor with the value optionally provided by the user
  GeometricMean functor (get_option_value ("invalid", NaN));
  // performs the operation using multiple threads while displaying a progress bar
    LogLevelLatch level (0);
    ThreadedLoop ("computing geometric mean", in, 0, 3).run (functor, in, out);
  // output image write to disk is finalised automatically when it goes out of scope
$ progress in.mif out.mif

progress: [100%] computing geometric mean
thijsdhollander commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I've been starting to notice some weirdness as well with progress reporting of some commands.

maxpietsch commented 5 years ago

Let's add -quiet does not silence progress bars to the weirdness.