MRtrix3 / mrtrix3

MRtrix3 provides a set of tools to perform various advanced diffusion MRI analyses, including constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD), probabilistic tractography, track-density imaging, and apparent fibre density
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External projects for 3.1 #2901

Open Lestropie opened 1 month ago

Lestropie commented 1 month ago

Given that the software is openly broadcast as being capable of supporting compilation of external projects making use of the API, ideally prior to tagging 3.1 we should have a template demonstrating how such external projects could work following 3.1 release.

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

I think it'd be really helpful to spell the exact requirements of "external projects", since there are countless ways to implement an extension system. Previously, I made a small test example that shows how can one use Git submodules to write their own commands in a separate repo. This works for C++ commands only. A similar approach could work for Python executables too I guess, at least looking at something like tracfinder. @MRtrix3/mrtrix3-devs anyone has any further inputs on this?

Lestropie commented 1 month ago has both C++ and Python commands.

I wonder if the first port of call is whether external projects should be entirely self-contained, or should make use of an already built version of MRtrix3. On 3.0.x, we make a softlink to build, which self-detects that it's being executed for an external project, and links against the shared library / finds #included files in either the linked core or the local project code. That doesn't translate trivially to cmake. But there's nevertheless possibly two prospects that don't involve major changes to the core:

  1. Building of an external project entirely encapsulates the MRtrix3 version it depends upon.

    • +ve: Provides strong version matching guarantees
    • +ve: Existing cmake ecosystem to handle it
    • -ve: Redundant compilation for items from the API used by the external project
    • -ve: Possible path conflicts. To my knowledge, a user couldn't have within PATH both a shared DLL for an MRtrix3 core installation, and another shared DLL generated for compilation of an external project, and those two DLLs could have the same filename but be of different versions. Could insert the name of the external project into the DLL(s) it generates to disambiguate? Or external project builds never use shared DLLs? Other solutions?
  2. Building of an external project takes as inputs the locations of MRtrix3 API code and installed shared binaries.

    • -ve: Slightly clumsy; the old build softlink technique intrinsically captures both code and shared DLLs, whereas with cmake they'd need to be separate paths provided separately.
    • -ve: User could attempt to build external project against any version of MRtrix3, potentially incompatible, outside of control of the external project maintainer.
    • -ve: Guessing it's not conventional in a cmake environment.
    • +ve: More familiar to MRtrix3 precedent.
    • +ve: Reduced redundancy of compilation.

I've a feeling that we'd discussed and were drawn to 1., but don't recall if it was definitive.

Our code might be unusual in that an external C++ command might make use of both a precompiled core DLL and templated source code from the core. Altering for explicit instantiation of plausible templates and possibly a different resolution of shared library generation might modify this, but those might be much larger proposed changes. Plus there's situations where an external project may have some unforeseen template utilisation, which explicit instantiation into a shared DLL wouldn't cover.

(Can edit in light of suggested modifications or complete alternatives)

Does anyone know of any other neuroimaging analysis packages that support any form of "extensions" where we might see precedent / success or horror stories?

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

-ve: Possible path conflicts. To my knowledge, a user couldn't have within PATH both a shared DLL for an MRtrix3 core installation, and another shared DLL generated for compilation of an external project, and those two DLLs could have the same filename but be of different versions. Could insert the name of the external project into the DLL(s) it generates to disambiguate? Or external project builds never use shared DLLs? Other solutions?

Hmm, I can't fully grasp whether this would be an issue. Do we expect users to install external commands in the same location as a standard MRtrix3 installation (considering also that our new packaging strategy would be to provide an extractable tarball as the standard way of distributing the project)? Our commands are installed with a relative rpath set to ../lib so if two different mrtrix3 installations are in PATH (but in separate directories) then things should still work as expected, right?

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

Does anyone know of any other neuroimaging analysis packages that support any form of "extensions" where we might see precedent / success or horror stories?

Looking around, I found that Slicer and MIRTK support extensions (although their project structure is quite different from ours).

Lestropie commented 1 month ago

If shared libraries are found via relative paths, then that would I think alleviate path conflicts; unless someone installs both core and extensions directly to eg. /usr/bin. Would eg. Anaconda installations potentially have issues like this?

I'm being somewhat speculative here, I'm not across every possible use case. Mostly cognizant that if we propose something that prevents what people are already doing with 3.0.x, there may be unhappiness.

I'm trying to crunch out #2678 so that I can then do (possibly redo) #2741 dealing with conflicts. The outcome there will colour how to deal with Python commands for external projects here.

Lestropie commented 1 month ago

For external projects with Python scripts, run.command() may be employed to execute MRtrix3 commands, and there may be an expectation that the versions of MRtrix3 commands being invoked are version-matched to what the project maintainer expects the MRtrix3 version to be. To guarantee expected execution, then however the external project mechanism works, it would need to be compiling whatever set of MRtrix3 commands may be invoked by commands within that external project, and installing them to whatever location the external project is installed.

Lestropie commented 1 month ago

MRtrix3 C++ binaries that are built version-matched for the external project need to be available for Python scripts to execute via run.command(), but should not be in PATH.

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

MRtrix3 C++ binaries that are built version-matched for the external project need to be available for Python scripts to execute via run.command(), but should not be in PATH.

Why not? My thinking is along the following. When MRtrix3 is built as a part of an external project, the installation directory would contain two folders: bin and mrtrix3 (and potentially a lib folder but let's ignore that). The mrtrix3 folder will contain all the content of a standard mrtrix3 installation directory except for C++ and Python binaries. The bin folder will contain all C++ executables (default + custom) with an RPATH set to ../mrtrix3/lib and all Python binaries (again default + custom). Then to use the commands built by the project the developer of the extension will add installation/bin to PATH and run their commands as usual. The only change that would be needed here would be to allow the Python executables to locate the mrtrix3 package.

Is there a reason why the above wouldn't work?

jdtournier commented 1 month ago

Is there a reason why the above wouldn't work?

The issue isn't whether it would work - it would, as far as the external project is concerned. It's about ensuring that the user's environment doesn't suddenly start using a different version of MRtrix simply because they've added some external project to their PATH.

External projects are bound to be relying on outdated versions of MRtrix. If these are listed first in the PATH, they'll take precedence over the user's main install, and cause no end of confusion. The external projects should only expose the commands that are specific to them, nothing else.

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

External projects are bound to be relying on outdated versions of MRtrix. If these are listed first in the PATH, they'll take precedence over the user's main install, and cause no end of confusion. The external projects should only expose the commands that are specific to them, nothing else.

Ok, but I think there is a problem (at least in the way I envisage a user of an extension using MRtrix3) with this approach then. If the user expects their commands to work a specific version of MRtrix3 then surely they also expect the C++ executables in their Python scripts to be built against that specific version. The strategy I just outlined above ensures that this is the case, but, unless I'm misunderstanding something, not if PATH contains C++ binaries not built by the developer of the extension system.

jdtournier commented 1 month ago

We've long had mechanisms in place to ensure that the python scripts always use the specific executables that match their install - even if that isn't in the PATH. If you look at the machinery in the python run.command() function, you'll see that it always searches first in the expected bin folder that matches the script's own location, only reverting back to PATH if nothing matches in there. We've ourselves been caught out by trying to run our (development) scripts (which are rarely in the PATH) and wondering why things don't work as expected, which is why there are these additional checks in place.

What we'd need to do here is simply extend that machinery to look in the extension's main bin/ folder (same place as the script itself), then in the ../mrtrix3/bin/ folder, and only rely on the PATH if nothing matches.

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

Ok yes that makes sense. For some reason, I was under the impression that executables in PATH would take precedence over those found relatively, when it's actually the other way around.

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

A question that came to my mind is: how would this all work on Windows? RPATH isn't available, but you could theoretically use SetDllDirectoryA to achieve something similar.

daljit46 commented 1 month ago

Here is how I thought an extension developer could write their CMakeLists.txt to create an extension that both has C++ and Python code:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16 FATAL_ERROR)

project(TestExtension VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES CXX)



add_executable(extension_cmd1 extension_cmd1.cpp)

add_library(extension_lib STATIC

target_link_libraries(extension_cmd1 PRIVATE

target_link_libraries(extension_lib PRIVATE


    CPP_COMMANDS extension_cmd1
    PYTHON_LIB_SOURCES PythonLibSources

One question to ponder on is whether the developer should have full freedom to define their directory structure (perhaps limiting ourselves to giving guidelines on how an extension should be structured) or being more stringent and enforcing a fixed way of doing things.