Naming the Android projects as Name.Android causes namespace violations when we want to use resources like Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1. In order to fix that, we either prepend all those resource calls with global::, or we change our namespaces and project names. I chose the latter.
All 12 projects compile.
Admin, Client, and Scorekeeper all deploy successfully.
None of the iOS projects were ever touched.
All Android projects also now have references to their Common.Common, Common.Droid, and .Common.
Made a new commit with the changes you requested. I'm fairly sure all of the changes came from Visual Studio, because I never manually touched any of those files
Naming the Android projects as Name.Android causes namespace violations when we want to use resources like Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1. In order to fix that, we either prepend all those resource calls with global::, or we change our namespaces and project names. I chose the latter.
All 12 projects compile. Admin, Client, and Scorekeeper all deploy successfully. None of the iOS projects were ever touched.
All Android projects also now have references to their Common.Common, Common.Droid, and.Common.