MSBilgin / SLD4raster

QGIS plugin to generate SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) for raster layers.
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An error has occurred while executing Python code (QGIS 3.4.3 #6

Open starbal opened 5 years ago

starbal commented 5 years ago

Getting this error every time I try to run the extension on a Paletted/Unique Value legend. (the extension works fine for rendertype Singleband pseudocolor)

I am using the latest version of QGIS, 3.4.3-Madeira

An error has occurred while executing Python code:

2019-01-09T12:01:17 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/stari002/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\SLD4raster\", line 444, in qml2Sld colorType = str(qmlString.getElementsByTagName('colorrampshader')[0].attributes['colorRampType'].value) IndexError: list index out of range


starbal commented 5 years ago

The legend of the layer, saved in qml format, looks like this:

<qgis version="3.4.3-Madeira" minScale="1e+08" styleCategories="AllStyleCategories" hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" maxScale="0">
    <property key="WMSBackgroundLayer" value="false"/>
    <property key="WMSPublishDataSourceUrl" value="false"/>
    <property key="embeddedWidgets/count" value="0"/>
    <property key="identify/format" value="Value"/>
    <rasterrenderer alphaBand="-1" type="paletted" opacity="1" band="1">
        <paletteEntry label="Nat grasland" alpha="255" color="#006100" value="1"/>
        <paletteEntry label="Vochtig grasland" alpha="255" color="#619900" value="2"/>
        <paletteEntry label="Matig vochtig grasland" alpha="255" color="#c5db00" value="3"/>
        <paletteEntry label="Droog grasland" alpha="255" color="#ffffbe" value="4"/>
        <paletteEntry label="Akker" alpha="255" color="#a87000" value="888"/>
        <paletteEntry label="Geen akker, geen grasland" alpha="255" color="#e1e1e1" value="999"/>
      <colorramp type="randomcolors" name="[source]"/>
    <brightnesscontrast contrast="0" brightness="0"/>
    <huesaturation grayscaleMode="0" colorizeGreen="128" colorizeBlue="128" colorizeRed="255" saturation="0" colorizeOn="0" colorizeStrength="100"/>
    <rasterresampler maxOversampling="2"/>