the lambda function's implementation will be (instead of just logging the event) inserting the event into a timestream table. This lambda function will need permission to insert into timestream table or vice versa (timestream will need to allow for it to)
There is currently a script written using boto3 that converts an event into a timestream row (see parse_cloudtrail_event) and inserts it into the right upload/download table (see write_item_to_table): msdlive-rdm-app/scripts/
We want one stack for each deployment type (local, dev, stage, prod)
Need a CloudTrail trail for each deployment that specifies the event selector WRT the deployment. So, buckets named with the suffix of either 'local' 'dev' etc. see for example but we will also need to listen to upload events too (not in that example)
Need a rule and lamda function as defined in this tutorial:
the lambda function's implementation will be (instead of just logging the event) inserting the event into a timestream table. This lambda function will need permission to insert into timestream table or vice versa (timestream will need to allow for it to)
There is currently a script written using boto3 that converts an event into a timestream row (see parse_cloudtrail_event) and inserts it into the right upload/download table (see write_item_to_table): msdlive-rdm-app/scripts/