MSEndpointMgr / ConfigMgr

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager scripts and tools
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URL for MS Product XML no longer working #244

Open Ickis99 opened 4 years ago

Ickis99 commented 4 years ago and both lead to a 404 Error on the MSEndpointMgr Page.

To work around this issue, i searched for the xml manually and changed the url in the PS1 to a UNC Path.

agrooms commented 4 years ago

I too am experiencing this issue. I see that lckis99 has a work around but I am not sure where to the get the required XML file, where to place it, and how to modify the PS1 script to point to new (assuming local( location. Sorry, I am obviously not the best at modifying the tool. Examples would be wonderful. Thanks Capture

vartaxe commented 4 years ago

I think you should try on

Ickis99 commented 4 years ago

I downloaded it from Then i put the file on a share and replaced the URL to the xml file in the PS1 with the Share URL

agrooms commented 4 years ago

Ok - copied the file to a local share on the SCCM server and edited the URL in the PS1 file (see below). It still looks to be going to the HTTP site. I apologize, as I am sure I am overlooking something simple. Thanks for the assistance.

Capture Capture

agrooms commented 4 years ago

Never mind - My shortcut was to the EXE and not the PS1, so I was never actually running the PS1. I will have to update my shortcut back to the old way of running the PS1 script.

See I knew it was something simple that I was overlooking.