MSEndpointMgr / ConfigMgr

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Failed to retrieve available package items from AdminService endpoint. Error message: The remote name could not be resolved: 'b*******' #264

Open dylbrwn opened 3 years ago

dylbrwn commented 3 years ago

Trying to get precache over CMG to work in our environment. I believe I followed all the instructions correctly to allow impersonation to my SMS Provider over CMG...but running into issues when running from an internet based client. The logs show that it can't find the FQDN of my SMS Provider site server that's supposed to be impersonating the CMG address (from what I understand). We're an eHTTP environment. Not sure if anyone else has seen this.

EskimoRuler commented 3 years ago

Hey dylbrwn, just thought I'd add something here since I did experience the same thing, maybe the same thing is happening to you.

I have an issue opened on the ModernDriverManagement repository about it []

What I was experiencing is the script was determining that it was internal and not external. Therefore it tried to directly contact my SMS Provider and not the CMG.

When I would manually run the wmi query that the script uses to get active MPs I was getting both my Internal MP and CMG as active. The scripts appears to default to "Internal" if the "$ActiveMPInternalCandidatesCount" is not 0. $ActiveMPCandidates = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\ccm\LocationServices" -Class "SMS_ActiveMPCandidate"

I modified

Maybe check this out to see if this is causing your issue.

dylbrwn commented 3 years ago

Thanks man. Mine actually was doing the exact same thing. It was always defaulting to Internal even when on the internet. After making a seems to get a bit further but then the logs just die here and don't log anything else

[AdminService]: Starting AdminService endpoint phase ApplyDriverPackage 8/21/2020 2:02:02 PM 15264 (0x3BA0)

vbateman commented 3 years ago

dylbrwn, Having the same problem as you - just stops at trying to retrieve token, did you ever get any further?

dylbrwn commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately no :/

JackS369 commented 3 years ago

I'm stuck with the same problem. Anyone can help on this?