MSEndpointMgr / ConfigMgr

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager scripts and tools
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Retrieved a total of '0' driver packages from () matching operational mode: Production #280

Open SAlex007 opened 3 years ago

SAlex007 commented 3 years ago

I installed and configured Driver automation tool, it can download drivers and create sccm packages. AdminService seems to be up and running. I believe I setup the task sequence correctly too but this is what I'm getting in the log when run the TS

Really appreciate any advice

[ApplyDriverPackage]: Apply Driver Package process initiated ApplyDriverPackage 16/10/2020 3:00:15 PM 7360 (0x1CC0)

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

@SAlex007 Im seeing the same error, did you ever get this one solved?

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

Did you assign the Read Only Analyst role to the user you created for the Admin Service?

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

I did indeed.

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

What happens when you take the. Invoke-CMApplyDriverPackage.ps1 and manually run commands in debugging mode?
The commands you need are at the bottom. You can test this from any machine.

The ApplyDriverPackage.log will be in the "c:\windows\Temp" folder.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

When I run the debug command nothing happens. I checked c:\Windows\temp and I don't see a driver package. mddeploy

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

It's in your screenshot. Open the ApplyDriverPackage.log in the temp folder.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

Wow. I completely overlooked that. Here's the log. ApplyDriverPackage.log

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago


chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

This really looks like account permissions. Can you verify the AD user you created has the correct roles etc in ConfigMGR?

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

I used my domain admin account and my new service account. Both are SCCM admins. accounts

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

What are the switches you are using in the task sequence? Be sure to coverup your password and server name when you provide them.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

mdm task sequence mdm variables apply drivers

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

That looks good. Do you have two sites or something? I noticed that your packages refer to two different site codes. Have you setup permissions for both sites?

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

I only have 1 site, We got a new server a year or two ago. When I set it up I did a site migration from the old site to the new one. P01 is the current site. All of the packages that I migrated came over with the original site code.

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

Ok, that makes sense. Are all of these packages were created with the new driver autmation tool 6.4.9? You are on what version of ConfigMgr?

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

The DAT tool says version 6.4.9

Configmanager is on version 2006

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

I checked to make sure The SMS_REST_Provider service is running and I am able to browse to the url in chrome.

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

Can you browse to these without issues? If you can browse to the second link, perform a manual search for one of the devices failing in your applydriverpackage.log file.

https://server.fqdn/AdminService/wmi/ https://server.fqdn/AdminService/wmi/SMS_Package?$filter=contains(Name,%27Drivers%27)

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can get to both URL's and when I do a page find for "Optiplex 7010" I am able to locate several references and packages. I would send a screencap, but, my server name appears a lot on this page.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

Here is a small slice

admin service

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

Nah. You don't have to send a screenshot. I believe you. I had this exact same problem though. It ended up being I assigned the wrong role to the user. I had a read-only Analyst and a read-only Reporting analyst role I manually setup. I incorrectly assigned the one I manually created lol.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

Here is the package referenced above. IT is distributed to all my DP's. I browsed to the source folder as well to make sure the drivers were present and they are.

package id

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

I am honestly out of ideas. Maybe someone smarter could join in lol.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the help, at least I'm not the only one stumped.

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

I know this sounds stupid, but could you assign the Read-Only Analyst role to your MDMUser? Then, just run that .\invoke with the debug commands.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

No difference.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

I think I may have fixed this. Check out this thread

Looks like I have an old version of the script, which is weird because I got it from

I was able to use the script in debug mode. Im going to try an OSD and see what happens.

jbudd0649 commented 3 years ago

Success. Thanks for all the help @chaosisbliss

chaosisbliss commented 3 years ago

Fantasitc! Hope you at least learned something from everything I threw at you lol.